Vampires of Istanbul

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LogoClanAssamiteDA.png Assamites of Istanbul

Lord of Flowers - Location and true identity unknown.

Fuad Al'Zakari - Assamite Warrior, regularly on the front lines.

Nurgul - Assamite Vizier, controls a large portion of the Bosporus coastline in the Anadolu Kavağı Neighbourhood.

Jamal Abdul Haq - Notorious Assamite warrior known for atrocities against Asherah.

Selím Sadik Uzun - Master of Djinn.

Amravati - Assamite Sorcerer

Shunar al-Kadin - Assamite Vizier, power broker. Deceased?

Kateb Zeke - Ashipu Autarkis - Incarnate Nightmare. Disappeared?

Al-Jebel Quadir Seif - The Mountain. Elder Assamite Warrior of Istanbul.

Shabah - Assamite Methuselah. Status unknown.

Quasim al-Utt - Effendi of the Assamites. Vizier. Childe of Hezarfen al-Bashir

Bashir al-Amr - Guardian of the Gate. Childe of Al'Ashrad, Sorceror.

Tariq - The Silent

Hezarfen al - Bashir - Vizier Elder. Status unknown.

Yavuz Solak - Assamite Sorcerer & youngest childe of Kateb Zeke. According to Zeke, he is dead.

LogoClanGiovanni.png Giovanni of Istanbul

Marcus Musa - Anziani and ancient resident of Istanbul

Paulino Giovanni - Dockside enforcer. Controls territory east of the Bosporus from the district of Bakırköy to the Edge of ancient Istanbul.

Nikolita Giovanni - Smuggler, madame and Information Broker. Usually found somewhere near Paulino.

Bernabé Pisnab - Violent Necromancer.

Jacomo Giovanni - Banker.

Farredouni Giovanni Panoza - Husband of Lola. Married into the family for his demolitions genius.

Lola Giovanni - Wife of Farredouni. Necromancer.

Donal Dunscirn - Head of a small group of Dunscirn.

Gorgio Putanesca - Bodyguard and leg breaker.

Antonio Putanesca - Assassin

Sandre Putanesca - Psychotic maniac

LogoClanFollowersofSetDA.png Settites of Istanbul

Nuri Hayat Veren - Leader of the Temple of Set.

Eról - Settite warrior, street enforcer. Has several childer active in the struggle.

Hal'il Kucuk - Settite Assassin

Ben Khefer - Gang leader/enforcer from LA.

LogoClanTremereDA.png Tremere of Istanbul

Abetorius - Councillor of the Middle East.

Georges Redvine Pontifex.

Gerard Bonvenue - Regent of the 3rd Circle.

Doruk Solak - Apprentice of the 1st Circle. Regular Street enforcer.

Ekín Shad - Apprentice of the 4th Circle. Masquerade Police.

Fatma Uzun - Apprentice of the 7th Circle. Known for providing unique artifacts for combat.

Som Kranst - Apprentice of the 5th circle, ward specalist.

Vitorio Gulliane - Apprentice of the 2nd circle, physical warrior. From New York.

Miguel Santos - Apprentice of the 6th circle. Spirit specialist.

Goncha - Apprentice of the 5th circle. Investigator.

Eser - Gargoyle Bodyguard, skilled in Obfuscate. Often seen with Doruk Solak.

LogoSectCamarilla.png Camarilla of Istanbul

Blake - Lasombra Antitribu Bastard & Camarilla Mercenary (Undercover Archon)

Madame Mina (Мадаме Мина) - Ravnos & Gypsy Vadoma

Beyza of the Baths - Nosferatu contact

Nakshadil - Seneschal, status unknown.

Anna Comnena - Ventrue Methuselah, in torpor?

Grigorius Dimities - Malkavian elder, status unknown.

Justinius Theodric - Nosferatu Primogen, status unknown.

Baron Thomas Feroux - Gangrel Elder, status unknown.

Malachite - Nosferatu Methuselah, status unknown.

Natalya Svyatoslav - Brujah elder, status unknown.

Belisarius - Ventrue Methuselah

LogoSectSabbat.png Sabbat of Istanbul

John Tzimiskes - Tzimisce elder, and Bishop of the Sabbat in Istanbul. One time Byzantine Emperor.
Ierárchi̱s Basilius - Prici of the Sabbat. Chief adviser to Bishop John.

Inconnu of Istanbul

Those Fallen to Final Death

Time of the Trinity

Antonius the Gaul - The Ventrue Patriarch of the Trinity.
Michael the Patriarch - The Archangel & Toreador Patriarch of the Trinity.

Modern Nights

Mustafah - Fallen Prince of Istanbul
Darzaelus - Tremere Lord of Istanbul
Evreen - Cult leader with 100s of fanatical worshipers.
Gertrude Rauch - Apprentice of the 4th Circle.

Deniz Şehir