Som Kranst

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Som Kranst: Tremere apprentice of the 5th Circle.

Som has been brought to Istanbul for his skill with wards. He is in charge of securing important locations, and vetting new arrivals. He is sincere, but takes no chances with chantry security.

Appearance: Som is a slight man with sandy brown hair. He carries a assured presence that gives him a personal aura larger than his size. He often wears off-the-rack suits tailored to fit over body armor, and carries a small blade and large caliber pistols. His talisman, which he carries openly is sturdy titanium walking stick, with a sharpened tip. It is reasonably useful as a weapon, but hardly a sword. When asked, he claims to have created it in "another lifetime."

Roleplaying: Warding circles don't have to be re-done EVERY night, even in a city with as many of them as Istanbul. This should leave you free to continue your research, but the world continually interferes: You've been given the secondary job of meeting and greeting: Apparently in a city full of combat mages and street thugs, you're the closest thing to a diplomat the Tremere currently have. It's really ridiculous, but you have to make the best of it. So far, you've managed to parley a couple of boons out of it, and you try to make sure that everyone gets at least some of what they want. Unreasonable people make you angry, and if someone doesn't return the courtesy you show them, you'll make sure they understand their mistake. Eventually.

Som Kranst's Statistics