Germano Giovanni's Statistics

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Germano Giovanni

Germano Giovanni's Boons

Circa: 2028 C.E.
Plots: The destruction of the Vicissitude Discipline.
Secrets: An extraordinary number really.
Clan: Giovanni
Generation: 11th (7th)
Born: 1909
Embrace: 1969
Sire: Benjamin Rothstein
Nature: Bravo manifesting Rogue traits
Demeanor: Bravo manifesting Critic behavior
Apparent Age: Early 50s
Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 4
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
Talents: Alertness 4 (ambushes), Athletics 2, Brawl 3 (claws), Dodge 5 (Obstacles, multiple opponents), Dreaming 4, Empathy 3, Expression 1, Intimidation 3, Leadership 3, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 4
Skills: Animal Ken 3, Carousing 2, Crafts 2, Drive 3, Etiquette 3, Firearms 2, Gambling 3, Instruction 2, Interrogation 1, Meditation 3, Melee 4 (long sword), Memory 3 (past life), Performance 1, Ride 2, Ritualism 5, Security 3, Seduction, 1 Stealth 4, Survival 3, Torture 3
Knowledges: Academics 2, Ancient Languages 3 (Byzantine Greek, Roman Latin, Pictish, Slavonic), City Lore - Montreal 4, Clan Knowledge - Giovanni 3, Clan Lore - Tzimisce 4, Computers 2, Enigmas 1, Finance 2, Gabrovo Lore 2, Investigation 3 (physical searches), Law 2, Linguistics 3 (accents) (English, Bulgarian, Japanese, French, Italian), Mage Lore 1, Medicine 3, Mummy Lore 2, Occult 4 (Feng Shui, vampire lore), Politics 2, Science 2 (geology)
Disciplines: Animalism 2, Auspex 5, Celerity 3, Dominate 4, Fortitude 3, Mytherceria 1, Necromancy 3, Obtenebration 2, Potence 4, Protean 2, Visceratika 4
Discipline Techniques: Measure the Will - Auspex 2, Dominate 2
Advanced Disciplines: None currently -- should he succeed, then generation and advanced disciplines might...just...might be made available to him.
Necromanctic Paths: Nigrimancy 2, Path of Haunting 2, The Cenotaph Path 1, Path of Spectral Fire 3, Path of the Corpse 3

Necromancy Rituals

Level 1
  • -- Bride of Hades: A ritual reenactment of myth to ease the use of necromancy.
  • -- Call of the Hungry Dead: A Giovanni ritual that allows the target to hear across the Shroud, mortals tend to go insane from it.(Origin: 1st Iteration - After diablerizing Lazarus, I began murdering the Giovanni & stealing their lore.(BZ) Brian:ST)
  • -- Casting of Bones:
  • -- Cephalomancy: A divination used to gain information from the head of a corpse. (Origin: 1st Iteration - I came up with it after reading about the ancient Greeks and Egyptians performing this miracle.- BZ)(Brian:ST)
  • -- Ceremonial Circle: A ritual abjuration meant to prevent catastrophic failure when working necromancy. Origin: I originally gained the necromantic ritual - Circle of Cerebus, a level one Giovanni rite after attacking and killing a household of Australian Giovanni in Sidney - circa 2037 - 1st Iteration. But, after playing with it for a while, Jamie and I deemed it too powerful and I researched this variant which is very basic.{BZ} (Brian:ST)
  • -- Final Sight
  • -- Knell of Doom
  • -- Minestradi Morte
Level 2
Level 3
  • -- Ashen Eye -- A necromantic ward versus Wraiths for individual items.
  • -- Chthonian Holocaust -- A burnt offering meant to mystically enhance a sorcerer's ritual performance.
  • -- Eleusinian Gate -- A ritual that opens a gate-way into and out of the Underworld.
Allies 5

La Cosa Nostra: Yes Germano's allies are mafiosi or rather the grandchildren of mafiosi he fought alongside during his breathing days. Germano's primary mob allies are among the 5 families of New York city, but he knows made-men from several lesser crime families. Considering Germano's age and change of appearance, he is likely a descendant of the original Germano and a made-man in his own right, but as such he will likely have to prove himself to every new generation.

  • -- Contacts 5 -- La Cosa Nostra (same as above)
  • -- Generation 2 (6) -- Officially, Germano was Embraced 11th generation, but having been 'blessed' by the Urge Wyrm of Power, his effective generation has increased to 7th, but there are likely to be side-effects.
  • -- Mentor 1 -- (Terzo Giovanni) -- Technically, Terzo is only ancilla, but he is a permanent resident of Venice which makes him all the more valuable to Germano when the time comes for returning home.
  • -- Resources 6 -- Germano was promised a sizable reward for the recovery of those funds embezzled by Enzo Giovanni (several hundred billion dollars) and his reward was a stock settlement that makes him a garden-variety billionaire.
  • -- Retainers 4 -- One driver: Eleuterio Marchetti (blood-bound) and a bodyguard: Giambattista Alesio (also blood-bound). Plus 2 x ghoul - Rottweilers: Basilio & Palmiro).
  • -- Status -- Clan (Giovanni) 2 -- The clan's latest darling for killing the traitor Enzo Giovanni and recovering a staggering fraction of the clan's collective funds.
  • -- Status -- Sect (League of the Night) 1 -- Potential sect member who risked his life to protect Quebec City, but who has yet to declare his fealty and take an oath to the League.

Flaws: Unlucky (3pt - supernatural)
Merits: Additional Discipline - Thaumaturgy (5pts - supernatural), Nine Lives (6pt Supernatural = 3 were used in the First Iteration, 1 in the Second Iteration, 1 in the Third Iteration, 1 in Ottawa, and one in 2023 in Gabrovo, 1 in Houston - that leaves 1 life left) misplaced heart (6 inches to the right), Spirit Mentor - (Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr.) - 3pt supernatural
Virtues: Conviction 2, Self-Control 4, Courage 4
Morality: Humanity 2 manifesting the traits of someone following the path of (Power & Inner Voice - Revised) 7
Willpower: 9
Player Experience: 18 + 2 + 2 =22 xp (12/19/14, 1/5/2015)
Maturation Points: 1pt (gained for downtime 2017 - 2022)

Proposed Discipline Combinations

This discipline combination eliminates the penalty from (skin of the chameleon) for moving faster than walking speed.

System: the vampire activates skin of the chameleon as normal and another blood point to activate this ability. When active, the movement penalty is negated for a scene, however, when the vampire moves at greater than walking speed, observers may make a perception + alertness role, difficulty = to 10 - the number of actions the cloaked vampire takes in the round. This perception role may only be made if there observer takes a full round! If successful, the observer sees the outlined form of the cloaked vampire but gains no further information about that individual unless he/she successfully sees past the hidden figure's dex + stealth.

Downtime Plans

Short Term: 1-12 months Track down and identify who got 'Germano' declared legally dead.

Establish havens and boltholes in Quebec City, Boston and Las Vegas.

Thoroughly familiarize myself with Germanos' memories and associates.

Mid range goals: 10 - 50 years

Re-establish my relationship with Kamiko as Germano.

Create contacts within Texas, the NATF and FAS, both mortal and supernatural.

Continue investigating the Giovanni, their soul caches, power structures, allies, enemies and weaknesses.

Make a play for an industry to raise my resources to a 6.

Set up an information network so I have a better idea of what's going on in the wider world.

Discus possible benefits/deficits with the upcoming destruction of Mexico City.

Living Ghouls