Dr.Tremen Hall's Statistics

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Torsten Metz -x- Tremen Hall

Personal Details

Circa: Early May 2003 C.E. (7 months since the events of Sleepy Hollow)
Alternate Identity: Torsten Metz, Brujah
Haven: Furmanville Avenue Farmhouse
Boltholes: A Warehouse, A room at Donalds House, Sleazy Hotel in the Bronx
Clan: Nagaraja.gif
Generation: Originally 10th, raised through diablerie of Son (Jason Newberry from Chicago) to 9th. Raised through diablerie of Balthazar (Sheriff) to 8th
Born: 1947
Embrace: 1985
Sire: Unknown.
Progeny: Calla Foster - Smart Girl from Sigourney, Iowa (Summer 2003)
Nature: Caretaker
Demeanor: Bravo
Apparent Age: Early 40s (Dr.Hall appears older due to a harsh life and was embraced at the age of 38 years.)


Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4 (Well Reasoned), Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4 (Knowledgeable), Wits 4 (Sharp)

  • - Dr.Hall paid Molly 8 one of the Tzimisce of Montreal to alter his physical appearance so he could travel incognito once more.


Alertness 3, Athletics 1, Brawl 3 [Tremen's spiritual struggle with Balthazar may well manifest an increase to 4. "The Magister 19:22, 6 March 2017 (MST)"], Dodge 2 [Tremen's spiritual struggle with Balthazar may well manifest an increase to 3. "The Magister 19:23, 6 March 2017 (MST)"], Empathy 3, Expression 2, Intimidation 4 (blackmail), Leadership 2 [Tremen's spiritual struggle with Balthazar may well manifest an increase to 3. "The Magister 19:25, 6 March 2017 (MST)"], Streetwise 4 (New York Gangs), Subterfuge 3


Crafts 2,Cooking 2, Disguise 3, Drive 2, Escapology 3, Etiquette 3 (praise & flattery), Fast-Talk 2 (What they want to hear), Firearms 4 (Semi-Automatic pistols, six-guns), Melee 3, Performance 5 (acting), Police Procedure 3, Research 2, Speed Reading 2, Security 3, Stealth 3, Survival 2, Torture 2


Academics 2, Area Knowledge: Chicago (West Side) 3, Area Knowledge: Gary - Indiana 3, Area Knowledge: Denver 3, Area Knowledge: Montreal 2, Area Knowledge: New York City 2, Bureaucracy [Tremen's spiritual struggle with Balthazar may well manifest an increase to 2. "The Magister 19:31, 6 March 2017 (MST)"], Camarilla Lore 2, Computer 1, Finance 2, Enigmas 2, Investigation 3, Kindred Lore 2, Law 1, Lore - Wraiths 2, Linguistics 3 (Spanish, English, French, Vietnamese), Lore: Brujah 2 (Chicago bloodlines) [Due to Tremen's diablerie of Balthazar this was updated from 0 to 2 -- "The Magister 18:35, 6 March 2017 (MST)"], Lore: Giovanni 1, Medicine 3 (forensic pathology), New York Lore 1, Occult 3, Politics 2, Psychology 4, lore: Sabbat 3, Science 2 (biology), Secrets(Chicago) 5


Auspex 3
Celerity 3
Dominate 3 [Tremen's spiritual struggle with Balthazar may well manifest an increase to 4. "The Magister 19:31, 6 March 2017 (MST)"]
Fortitude 2
Necromancy 3
Obfuscate 3
Potence 2
Presence 3
Vicissitude 1

Paths of Necromancy

  • -- Nigrimancy 3 (I switched this from Sepulchre Path to Nigrimancy because it is better written. "The Magister 00:18, 31 May 2015 (MDT)"
  • -- Vitreous Path v20 2

Necromantic Rituals

Here are your rituals, they are a hodge-podge lot learned from odd books and occasional tutors. "The Magister 00:19, 31 May 2015 (MDT)"

Level 1

Leve 2

Discipline Techniques

None at this time.


Allies 1 (Dr.Rodger Liverman in Denver), Alternate I.D. 1 (Torsten Metz: free-wheeling Brujah Entrepreneur), Art of Memory (Classical) 3 (Son’s memories),Contacts 3 (Detective Cal Richards - Head of Arson Dept. in Denver, Dr.Luther Simmons - Chief Coroner in Denver, Mitchel Jameson - book & mob flunky), Domain 5 (Middle Village - Queens), Fame 1 (F.B.I.), Generation 4 (through diablerie), Influence: 1 (Street people, gang bangers, lower middle class kids), Resources 3 (heavily strained from the purchase of 3 motorcycles), Retainers 2 (Jeanine & Carrie - blood bound - teen runaways), Sabbat Status 1 (nominal leader of a pack of three)
Camarilla status 3 , Stolen Memories 3 (Jason Newberry of Chicago, Balthazar (Sheriff) of Chicago),


Conscience 2, Self-Control 4, Courage 5
Road: Humanity 5
Willpower: 8 (8)


Dr.Hall's vinculum to Algar Leach the Brujah high-school dropout (8); Tremen would gladly offer his resources or influential assistance to Algar, as the boy has become the son he never had.
Dr.Hall's vinculum to MKMC-D the gangsta Nosferatu (4); Tremen feels close enough to MKMC-D to offer him aid, as long as it doesn't involve risk or anything out of the good doctor's way.

The Coven of the Forsaken in Chicago - circa 2003

Dr.Hall's vinculum to Cameron the Lasombra leader of the Forsaken pack of Chicago (7) = Tremen might put himself at moderate risk of harm for Cameron, and under certain desperate circumstances he just might kill to protect him.
Dr.Hall's vinculum to Samson the Ventrue antitribu enforcer of the Forsaken pack of Chicago (8) = Tremen might put himself at moderate risk of harm for Sampson, and under certain desperate circumstances he just might kill to protect him.
Dr.Hall's vinculum to Bill Butler the City Gangrel priest of the Forsaken pack of Chicago (6) = Tremen feels strongly for Bill and would help him even if it inconveniences him. Tremen would gladly fight for Bill.
Dr. Hall's vinculum to Kizzie Sands (9) = You will do practically anything for the individual, including putting yourself in great danger.
Dr. Hall's vinculum to Calla Foster the good doctor's first and only childe = (10) You will readily give your life – or take the life of another – for the individual.
Dr. Hall's vinculum to Erik Kirby (9) = You will do practically anything for the individual, including putting yourself in great danger.
Dr. Hall's vinculum to Thom Payton (3) = You are loyal to the individual as long as that loyalty doesn't interfere with your own designs.

Blood Pool

Maximum = 14
Expenditure = 2 per turn
Current = 14

Health Levels

Bruised (0)
Hurt (-1)
Injured (-1)
Wounded (-2)
Mauled (-2)
Crippled (-5)
Incapacitated (While in this state vampires are conscious 50% of the time.)
Final Death (Game over)


Code of Honor (2pts)
Eat Food
Natural Linguist
Wraith Companions: Ghost Platoon -- A Circle of Vietnam War era Wraiths that all hold Dr.Tremen Hall as a Fetter.


Hatred (3 Point Flaw) (oriental People)
Nightmares (1 Point Flaw)
Ward (3 Point Flaw)(Tremen’s daughter - Catherine Marie Hall, Assistant D.A. Denver)

Experience & Maturation

Maturation Points - Dr.Tremen Hall

  • --Spent two points on raising my conscience.
  • --Spent 6 points raising my firearms.
  • --Spent 4 points raising my Melee
  • --Spent 7 points raising my Celerity to 2.
  • --Spent 4 points raising my Subterfuge to 3
  • --Spent 10 points raising my Necromancy to 3.
  • --Spent 4 points raising my Occult to 3.
  • --Spent 10 points to buy Vicissitude 1.

Player Experience - Keith Distel

Tremen's Timeline

  • 1947 -- He was born in grandfather's house, within Morningside Historic District (Gary, Indiana).
  • 1952 to 1961 -- His lived most of his childhood in his parents first house located in Jefferson Street Historic District (Gary, Indiana).
  • 1952 to 1961 -- He attended a good Catholic parochial school the Blessed Sacrament Parish and Grade School for his elementary education (Gary, Indiana).
  • 1960 to 1964 -- After the death of his grandfather in 1960, his family moved into the old house, and Tremen lived there throughout his high school years.
  • 1961 to 1964 -- Tremen attended high school and graduated from Theodore Roosevelt High School (Gary, Indiana).
  • 1965 to 1967 -- Went to College Pre-Med at William and Mary's College (Williamsburg, Virginia).
  • 1967-1969 -- Served in Vietnam.
  • 1969 -- Discharged from the army (Fort Carson, Colorado Springs, Colorado).
  • 1970 -- Married Susan Marie Hall May 1970 (Chicago, Illinois).
  • 1970 to 1971 -- Returned to Med School September 1970 (Williamsburg, Virginia).
  • 1971 -- February -- Catherine Marie Hall Born (Williamsburg, Virginia).
  • 1972 to 1976 -- Attends medical school at the prestigious Harvard Medical School (Boston, Massachusetts).
  • 1976 to 1978 -- Serves his two years of residency at Rush University Medical Center (Chicago, Illinois).
  • 1980 -- Susan Dies in a car crash December (Denver, Colorado).
  • 1981 -- Marries Juanna Rodriguez in December (Key West, Florida).
  • 1983 -- June -- Tremen and Juanna's divorce finalized (Denver, Colorado).
  • 1983 -- Arrested for Cannibalism November (Denver, Colorado).
  • 1984 -- December -- Sentenced to Death Row at Centennial Correctional Facility (Canon City, Colorado).
  • 1985 -- December -- The Big Fire at Centennial Correctional Facility (Canon City, Colorado). While Tremen did die, he was Embraced in the prison morgue and escaped during the chaos of the fire.
