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'''Talents:''' [[Alertness]] 4, Athletics 2 (running) [3 - modified through temporal assimilation - Berlin 1933], Brawl 2 (boxing) [3 - modified through temporal assimilation - Berlin 1933], Dodge 5 (Obstacles), [[Lucid Dreaming]] 6, Empathy 3, Expression 2, Haggling 2, Intimidation 4, Leadership 3, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 4<br>
'''Talents:''' [[Alertness]] 4, Athletics 2 (running) [3 - modified through temporal assimilation - Berlin 1933], Brawl 2 (boxing) [3 - modified through temporal assimilation - Berlin 1933], Dodge 5 (Obstacles), [[Lucid Dreaming]] 6, Empathy 3, Expression 2, Haggling 2, Intimidation 4, Leadership 3, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 4<br>

'''Skills:''' Animal Ken 3, Awareness, Carousing 4, Crafts 3, Drive 3, Etiquette 3, Firearms 2 (pistols) [3 - modified through temporal assimilation - Berlin 1933], Gambling 3, Instruction 2, Interrogation 1 (isolation, redundant questioning) [3 - modified through temporal assimilation - Berlin 1933], Meditation 3, Melee 4 (long sword), Memory 3 (past life), Performance 2, Ride 2, Ritualism 5, Security 3 (duplicating keys) [1 specialization - modified through temporal assimilation - Berlin 1933], Seduction, 4 Stealth 3, Survival 3, Torture 3 (water-boarding, salt water ingestion) [2 specialization - modified through temporal assimilation - Berlin 1933]<br>
'''Skills:''' Animal Ken 3, Awareness 2, Carousing 4, Crafts 3, Drive 3, Etiquette 3, Firearms 2 (pistols) [3 - modified through temporal assimilation - Berlin 1933], Gambling 3, Instruction 2, Interrogation 1 (isolation, redundant questioning) [3 - modified through temporal assimilation - Berlin 1933], Meditation 3, Melee 4 (long sword), Memory 3 (past life), Performance 2, Ride 2, Ritualism 5, Security 3 (duplicating keys) [1 specialization - modified through temporal assimilation - Berlin 1933], Seduction, 4 Stealth 3, Survival 3, Torture 3 (water-boarding, salt water ingestion) [2 specialization - modified through temporal assimilation - Berlin 1933]<br>

'''Knowledges:''' Academics 3, Ancient Languages 3 (Ancient Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek, Roman Latin) , City Lore - Montreal 4, Clan Lore - Followers of Set 4, Computers 2, Enigmas 2, Fae Lore 2, Finance 1, Denver 3, Investigation 3 (physical searches), Law 2, Linguistics 4 (accents) (English, Arabic, French, German, Japanese), Medicine 3, Occult 5 (Feng Shui, vampire lore), Politics 2, Science 2 (geology)<br>
'''Knowledges:''' Academics 3, Ancient Languages 3 (Ancient Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek, Roman Latin) , City Lore - Montreal 4, Clan Lore - Followers of Set 4, Computers 2, Enigmas 2, Fae Lore 2, Finance 1, Denver 3, Investigation 3 (physical searches), Law 2, Linguistics 4 (accents) (English, Arabic, French, German, Japanese), Medicine 3, Occult 5 (Feng Shui, vampire lore), Politics 2, Science 2 (geology)<br>
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'''Willpower:''' 9 (9)<br>
'''Willpower:''' 9 (9)<br>
'''Destiny:''' <br>
'''Destiny:''' <br>
'''Experience: ''' 18<br>
'''Experience: ''' 20<br>
'''Notes:''' <br>
'''Notes:''' <br>

Revision as of 11:29, 26 February 2019

Rambert x Morgan Eberhardt & Korbinian Kistner {In all of history, you alone remember who they were and what happened to them.}

Circa: 1096 C.E.
Last Modified:
Born: 1974
Nature: Rogue
Demeanor: Critic
Apparent Age: Early 20s

Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 5, Appearance 4
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 5, Wits 5

Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 2 (running) [3 - modified through temporal assimilation - Berlin 1933], Brawl 2 (boxing) [3 - modified through temporal assimilation - Berlin 1933], Dodge 5 (Obstacles), Lucid Dreaming 6, Empathy 3, Expression 2, Haggling 2, Intimidation 4, Leadership 3, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 4

Skills: Animal Ken 3, Awareness 2, Carousing 4, Crafts 3, Drive 3, Etiquette 3, Firearms 2 (pistols) [3 - modified through temporal assimilation - Berlin 1933], Gambling 3, Instruction 2, Interrogation 1 (isolation, redundant questioning) [3 - modified through temporal assimilation - Berlin 1933], Meditation 3, Melee 4 (long sword), Memory 3 (past life), Performance 2, Ride 2, Ritualism 5, Security 3 (duplicating keys) [1 specialization - modified through temporal assimilation - Berlin 1933], Seduction, 4 Stealth 3, Survival 3, Torture 3 (water-boarding, salt water ingestion) [2 specialization - modified through temporal assimilation - Berlin 1933]

Knowledges: Academics 3, Ancient Languages 3 (Ancient Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek, Roman Latin) , City Lore - Montreal 4, Clan Lore - Followers of Set 4, Computers 2, Enigmas 2, Fae Lore 2, Finance 1, Denver 3, Investigation 3 (physical searches), Law 2, Linguistics 4 (accents) (English, Arabic, French, German, Japanese), Medicine 3, Occult 5 (Feng Shui, vampire lore), Politics 2, Science 2 (geology)

Disciplines: Auspex 5, Celerity 3, Dominate 3, Fortitude 3, Obfuscate 5, Pasithea 5 {A dream discipline}, Presence 5, Serpentis 5, Thaumaturgy 6

Sorcery: Thaumaturgy 6

Thaumaturgy Paths
Blood 5 ~~Rambert has lost the first level of his path of Blood~~
Elemental Mastery 5
Father's Vengeance 5
Lure of Flames 5
Mars 5
Gift of Morpheus 5
Movement of the Mind 5
Spirit Manipulation 5 ~~Rambert has lost the first level of his Spirit Manipulation~~
Transmutation 3
Weather Control 5
Pain 3
Orisha's Fortune 2
Oneiromancy 3 {Gained from Rambert}

Rituals: The Morgan Collection -- Level 6: Utter Destruction of Bonds


Allies (mage V20) (••)
Eadburga of Nordheim) -- A young noble-woman, soon to wed an old man and give birth to one of his heirs, she and Rambert still meet in dreams to continue their romance.
Qadir Ali -- Smuggler of Cairo {business partner}
Contacts (mage V20) (•••••)

Over the long years of Rambert's travels, he has sold dreams to countless individuals and many became repeat customers and contacts. The range of variation in Rambert's contacts represents the wide variety of people for whom he has crafted dreams from all strata of medieval society.

Marilena Fabbri -- Daughter of a prominent blacksmith
Dorota Szweda -- Daughter of a Norse adventurer living in Prague
Süreyya the Turk
Rébecca Martel
Román Paredes
Zartosht Shahrokh Kianoush Khoroushi

Demesne (mage V20) (•) - Fortress of the Forgotten
Destiny (mage V20) (•••••) - While your destiny lies hidden from you, it cannot be denied that you have seen more, done more and are destined for more than most people can imagine.
Dream/ Hypercram (mage V20) (••••) - Your a master of dreams, you figure it out.
Fame (mage V20) (•) - As a purveyors of dreams, Rambert has a reputation in certain limited circles.
Generation (••••••••) - Rambert embraced himself in Arcadia.
Influence (mage V20) (•) - Among purveyors of dreams, Rambert has a touch of influence.
Library (mage V20) (•••) - A small chest of treasured tomes, no more than a dozen taken from Rambert's chantry as a runaway apprentice.
Mentor (mage V20) (•••) - Bekhet
Node (mage V20) (•••••) - The Pageant
Past Lives (mage V20) (•••) - Not so much a reflection of all that you have experienced in your numerous iterations, it is rather a function of how well you can access the experiences of those other lives.
Resources (mage V20) (X) - No resources, but you have almost 2000 pieces of gold.
Retainers (mage V20) (•••••)
Firdaus -- Young Persian street thief who wants to become a poet. {deceased - January of 1097}
Radulf & Amelina Abel-- A married Saxon couple who serve as trustworthy domestic servants.
Sámi -- Young Lap warrior now devoted to Rambert for saving his life.
Bakr Tawfiq -- Cairo shop owner and local fence. {Rambert's business agent in Cairo - blood bound}
Bahij Ali -- Aging Libyan mercenary, down on his luck and looking for a patron. {Rambert's ghoul in Cairo}
Husam El-Ghazzawy -- Palestinian con-artist {blood bound agent to Rambert in Cairo}
Secrets: St. Calenda's Wandering Pageant (•••)
Spies (mage V20) (X) - None at the moment, but some contacts could be converted to spies, if you offer them enough.
Status (mage V20) (•) - Rambert was once an apprentice to the sorcerers of the Order of Hermes, a few with that order's ranks would still remember him.
Wonder (mage V20) (•••) - Rambert is in possession of a infernal amulet / fetish of the ancient Egyptian demon: Amun-Ameneith. Sadly, the enchantments used to bind the demon into a jade amulet resembling a serpent are failing. The enchantments were not powerful enough to be permanent and can only last a year at most and time is almost up.

(Ring of invisibility) acquired during a game of chance in a fairy trod from Gozzo the dwarf.

Clan Flaw: Nightmare = Anthropoda Centiim
Rambert nightmare-centipede.png
Flaws: Unlucky (3pt - supernatural)
Merits: Luciferian Charm, Additional Discipline - Thaumaturgy (5pts - supernatural), Nine Lives (6pt Supernatural = 9 lives left)
Virtues: Conviction 2, Self Control 4, Courage 4
Morality: Road of Kings -- Power & Inner Voice - Revised 7
Willpower: 9 (9)
Experience: 20

Debts to the Pageant

  • -- Escape from Order of Hermes: 1012 A.D. (Mauritanus Vedastus) [1pt debt]
  • -- Debt for Luciferian Charm: 1013 A.D. (Sender) [4pt debt]
  • -- Debt for tutoring in the Path of Oneiromancy: 1057 A.D. (Bekhet) [3pt debt]
  • -- Debt for mystical transport to Grand Bazaar: 1094 (Astarte) [2pt debt]
  • -- Debt for the adoption of a childe: 1096 (Theodoric) [2pt debt]
  • -- Debt to the spiritual hydra to save Bolverk's soul in return for corrupting two supernaturals: 1096 A.D. (the Pageant)[10pt debt]

Mortals recently met

Fear Doirich – An ancient human mage who serves the fae as a kind of dark huntsman.
Jérôme Tasse -- A knight magician of House Tytalus who hunts Rambert

Fae recently met

Gwrtheyrn – Tall and thin to the point of emaciation
Gozzo – Dark Dwarf
Egill – Troll
Gwydion and Gilfaethwy brothers of Arianrhod merch Dôn
Niamh Water sprite and daughter of the God of the Sea.

Three Mortals

Baptiste Voclain - 6 year old boy (healed for his mother life)
Elouan Côté -- Skilled Carpenter (healed for his wife's services)
Rémi Larue -- Young Man (healed in return for a lifetime of indentured servitude)