Fame (mage V20)

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For some story-based reason, you’re famous within the Sleeper world. Maybe you’re a hip-hop star, a politician, an athlete, or one of the boom/ bust stardom circle generated by YouTube and reality TV. Among folks in the know, you’re considered a celebrity; the higher your rating, the greater your fame.

A decidedly mixed blessing, this Trait gives you a fairly high profile. The authorities will be less likely to mess with you (unless they want to make an example of you...), fans will give you a certain amount of deference, and folks will believe things of you that they would not accept from a normal person. Sure, that kung-fu superstar can kick a hole through a brick wall – didn’t you see her last movie? And hey, if that guy looked at me that way, I’d pass out too! Fame confers status at the cost of visibility and lets you get away with coincidences few other folks could manage.

This Background also complements Social Traits when you’re trying to get things done. A successful Charisma, Manipulation, or Appearance + Fame roll can open lots of doors. Of course, folks will recognize you, too, so don’t expect to scam those free airline tickets or get past that security detail without someone remembering that you did it. In the age of cell phone cameras, YouTube, and CCTV, a famous person has a hard time getting away with stuff. Cast a spell in public, and there’ll be videos of the event online in no time.

Fame is fleeting, too, especially in this age of disposable celebrities. In story terms, you’ll have to keep doing big things in order to be remembered. And just as there are folks who’ll love you for what you do, there’ll be folks who hate your guts for it as well. Fame brings stalkers, haters, critics, and thieves... and if you don’t want them in your life, then why’d you choose to become FAMOUS...?

X -- No one of consequence.
• -- Within a select subculture, folks know your name. Perhaps you were more famous once, but those days are long behind you now.
•• -- A local celebrity, you’re known by all the right people in your community.
••• -- Someone of note, you’re recognized by large portions of the population at large.
•••• -- A national, or perhaps even international, figure, you’re recognized by large portions of the general populace.
••••• -- You’re famous almost everywhere.