Influence (mage V20)

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Mage Information


You command attention and respect within the Sleepers’ world. Perhaps you’re a celebrity, gang boss, politician, or cult leader... or maybe you’ve just got lots of powerful friends. Either way, when you speak, folks listen and frequently obey.

Generally, this Background reflects a certain amount of social deference that you receive even without rolling the Trait. When a high-Influence person walks into a room, people notice; folks behave themselves accordingly, small favors are offered, impossible arrangements suddenly get made in your favor... that sort of thing. By combining Social Attributes with this Background (say, Manipulation + Influence), you can work your mojo with the appropriate parties. Mental Attributes (like Perception + Influence) help you spot or secure information through your social network. And although Physical Traits won’t help you accomplish actions through your Influence, a showy athletic feat (say, Stamina + Influence to reflect one of those “Nobody could survive THAT!” sorts of stunts) can impress a large number of people if you do something lots of people can see.

To reflect the fame certain people command, this Background can go up to 10. Remember, though, that famous and influential people are easily recognized and tend to be responsible for (and held accountable by) lots of people. Influence is double-edged in that regard, and unwise activities can lower your Influence rating. Sure, you can walk into a restaurant and treat people like dirt – just expect some nasty social media reactions to you as soon as your back is turned...

Certain magickal practices tend to utilize this sort of Influence; see the Art of Desire and Dominion entries, and their associated instruments, in the Practices section of Chapter Ten, (pp. 573 and 577).

X -- No influence to speak of.
• -- Folks within your profession recognize you.
•• -- You’ve got various associates and a small degree of clout.
••• -- People within your field respect your abilities.
•••• -- You’ve got quite a bit of clout.
••••• -- You’re a force to be reckoned with.
••••• • -- You command influence within your nation’s political affairs.
••••• •• -- Your actions influence various allied nations.
••••• ••• -- You command vast respect across whole cultural regions.
••••• •••• -- Your dominance extends across whole socio-political spheres. (The EU, UN, ANC, etc.)
••••• ••••• -- Your influence extends across the mortal world, with some respect granted even in the Otherworlds.