Auspex 6

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Auspex Archive

Auspex 6

Electronic Anima -- Proposed by Jason
Babble (CM3 60)
Celestial Harmony (CCBH 75)
Cipher (AT 144)
Crocodile's Tongue (CT3 72)
Discern the Aura (AT 144)
The Dreaming (PG2 43)
Eagle's Sight (PG2 43)
Farsight / Clairvoyance (DA2 pg 179)
Flaying, The (LS1 64)
Genius Loci (CTz2 44)
Hantise (PLN)([1])
Horoscopic Forecast (LH 136)
Mind Revealed, The (PGHC 150)
Prediction (GC 84)
Psychometric Resonance (Original to Bruce)
Sense Emotion (Pg2 43)
Spirit Bond (DAC 78-79)
Sibyl's Tongue (CM3 60-61)
Telepathic Communication (GC 84-85)