Auspex 6
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Auspex 6
- Electronic Anima -- Proposed by Jason
- Babble (CM3 60)
- Celestial Harmony (CCBH 75)
- Cipher (AT 144)
- Crocodile's Tongue (CT3 72)
- Discern the Aura (AT 144)
- The Dreaming (PG2 43)
- Eagle's Sight (PG2 43)
- Farsight / Clairvoyance (DA2 pg 179)
- Flaying, The (LS1 64)
- Genius Loci (CTz2 44)
- Hantise (PLN)([1])
- Horoscopic Forecast (LH 136)
- Mind Revealed, The (PGHC 150)
- Prediction (GC 84)
- Psychometric Resonance (Original to Bruce)
- Sense Emotion (Pg2 43)
- Spirit Bond (DAC 78-79)
- Sibyl's Tongue (CM3 60-61)
- Telepathic Communication (GC 84-85)