Spirit Bond

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Auspex 6

This power allows the Cainite to establish a mental bond with an object or person. The vampire may "check up on" the object or person at any time after achieving this bond. Invoking hte bond instantly reveals exactly where the object or person is currently located.

The power is best used sparingly - many who apply it in excess become paranoid and useless, checking on their bonds every waking hour.

System: The character must physically touch the person or object when she creates the bond. The player spends a Blood Point and makes a Perception + Empathy roll (difficulty 8). If this roll is successful, the character may invoke the bond at any time thereafter, as long as the player makes another successful Perception + Empathy roll (difficulty 6).

Although the bond reveals the geographical location of its subject, it does not reveal any local or "small-scale" information. for example, though the bond reveals that a Malkavian's dagger is located just outside Madrid, Spain, it does not reveal that it is in Duke Phillipe's castle, or that it is guarded by men-at-arms at all hours of the day.

A Spirit Bond lasts for 10 years (though the Storyteller may modify this to suit her needs).