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Auspex 6

Auspex 6 or Dementation 6

Like Telepathic Communication, Babble grans a Malkavian (or equally mad individual!) the ability to hold telepathic communications, but it has extra benefits and two extra disadvantages. The user can communicate with as many other people as he has Willpower + Empathy, and can link all their minds together, but all parties must carry on their conversation out loud. Each Participant hear the other people's voices as if they were standing next to him. If Mad Hattie is standing near a construction site and Gomar the Strange is hiding under a bed in the hushed haven of a Ventrue elder, Hattie can whisper and be heard, but Gomar will have to shout.

Participants who resist can be forced into the link if the user succeeds in a Charisma + Empathy roll at a difficulty of the target's willpower.

The Malkavian may contact as many people as he has willpower normally, and may add up to his Empathy score more people if those people have derangements, and don't resist the Babble.

Note: I've changed the wording to fix the original grammar and internal contradictions, but I haven't changed the rules. -Jamie