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Auspex 6

The character can understand any written material, even in a language with which she is unfamiliar or scribed in code . Only words with some supernatural nature - such as a Malkavian's Scrawl (see Clanbook : Malkavian) or Thaumaturgical runes - are not always subject to this effect.

System: Cipher requires the expenditure of a blood point and a roll of Intelligence + Linguistics (difficulty 6) . Each success allows the character to read a specific language or decipher a specific code for an entire scene. Thus, a character who speaks neither French nor Russian could, if he rolled two successes, read both French and Russian for one scene; alternatively, he could read one work written in French and encoded (one success for the language, one for the code). Multiple attempts may be made on a single written work, but each new attempt requires a blood point. A botch results in a false translation.

If the character is attempting to read supernatural writing, compare his total level of Auspex to the level of the writer's relevant Discipline at the time the words were written . If, for instance, the character is trying to read a Malkavian's Scrawl, compare his Auspex to the Malkavian's Obfuscate. If the Auspex is higher, the words can be read; if the Obfuscate is equal or greater, they cannot.

Characters should take care when translating mystical text: Some curses require comprehension of their meaning to take effect. - Jamie