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Aegon Nightshade's Statistics

Shadow Dragon Umbraculavites.jpg

Name: Umbraculavites Elemental Affinity: Darkness Species: Shadow Dragon
Player: Bruce Nature: Magnate Concept: Unknown
Chronicle: Past Imperfect Demeanor: Sycophant Affiliated Group: The Pageant
Physical Social Mental
Strength ●●●●●/●○○ Charisma ●●●●○○○○ Perception ●●●●○○○○
Dexterity ●●●●●/●○○ Manipulation ●●●●○○○○ Intelligence ●●●○○○○○
Stamina ●●●●●/●○○ Appearance ●●●/●●●○○ Wits ●●●●○○○○
Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness ●●●●○○○○ (reflective surfaces, noises) Animal Ken ●●●○○ (horses, serpents) ---
Athletics ●●●○○○○○ (throwing) Archery ●○○○○ (hunting) ---
Awareness ●●○○○○○○ (vampires) Blacksmith ●●●●○ (wrought iron) ---
Brawl ●●●●○○○○ (soft-spots, combat sweep) Blind-Fighting ●●○○○ (Indoors) ---
Carousing ●●●●○○○○ (intoxication) Drive ●●●○○ (chariots, wagons) ---
Dodge ●●●●●○○○ (side-step, taking cover) Etiquette ●●●○○ (courtly manners, heraldry) ---
Empathy ●●●○○○○○ (sensing deception, gauging stress) Fast-Draw ●○○○○ (sword) ---
Expression ●●○○○○○ (telling stories) Game Playing ●●●○○ (chess) ---
Flying ○○○○○○○○ Hunting ●●●○○ (temperate forests, mountains) ---
Haggling ●●●○○○○○ (favors) Hypnotism ●●○○○ ---
Interrogation ●●○○○○○○ (trickery) Legerdemain ●●●○○ ---
Intrigue ●●○○○○○○ (leverage) Meditation ●●●●○ (shadowboxing) ---
Intimidation ●●●○○○○○ (physical coercion, pulling rank) Melee ●●●●● (Cudgel, Sword){Expertise = Saber} ---
Leadership ●●●○○○○○ (friendly, servile) Performance ●●●○○ (Shadowplay) ---
Lucid Dreaming ●●●○○○○○ (awareness) Ride ●●●○○ (bareback) ---
Primal-Urge ●○○○○○○○ Stealth ●●●○○ (shadows) ---
Streetwise ●●●●○○○○ (rumors) Survival ●●●○○ (mountains, sense direction) ---
Style ●●○○○○○○ (circus performer) --- ---
Subterfuge ●●●●○○○○ (changing the subject) --- ---