Blake's Statistics

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Last Modified: 2042 C.E.
Circa: 2042 C.E.
Haven: Storthes Hall a former Mental Asylum in Kirkburton, Huddersfield.
Clan: Lasombra
Generation: 8th
Born: 1969
Embrace: 1997
Sire: Don Alonzo De Vargas
Nature: Magnate
Demeanor: Loner
Apparent Age: Late 20s.
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4 + (1 dice to soak lethal or 2 dice to soak bashing due to the effects of Armor of Terra)
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
Mental: Perception 4 (+2 difficulty to all touch based rolls from Armor of Terra), Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Talents: Alertness 4 (reflective surfaces, noises), Athletics 3 (throwing), Brawl 4 (Tae-Kwon-Do, Arms of Ahriman), Carousing 4 (intoxication), Dodge 5 (side-step, taking cover), Empathy 3 (sensing deception, gauging stress), Expression 2 (telling stories), Haggling 3 (prestation), Interrogation 1 (British tactical questioning), Intrigue 2 (leverage), Intimidation 3 (physical coercion, pulling rank), Leadership 3 (giving commands, commando groups), Lucid Dreaming 3 (awareness), Streetwise 4 (rumors), Style 2 (street), Subterfuge 4 (changing the subject)
Skills: Animal Ken 3 (farm animals, serpents), Blind-Fighting 2 (Indoors), Crafts 4 (blacksmithing){Armor}, Drive 3 (tailing, losing tails), Etiquette 3 (street, Camarilla), Fast-Draw 1 (sword), Firearms 1 (pistols), Game Playing 3 (chess), Hunting 3 (human prey, urban slums), Meditation 4 (shadowboxing), Melee 5 (Cudgel, Swords){Expertise = Falshion}, Performance 3(role-play), Ride 2 (western saddle), Security 3, Stealth 3 (shadows), Survival 2 (high plains)
Knowledges: Academics 3 (history), Archaeology 3 (Egyptian), Art of Memory (Classical) 2 (rote study), Clan Knowledge - Giovanni 3 (early history, the client families), Clan Knowledge - Lasombra 4 (history, traditions), Clan Knowledge - Tremere 1 (chantries), Clan Knowledge - Settite 1 (temples) Computer 2 (internet searches), Demonology 1 (Psellus' classification of demons), Finance 1 (investment), Geography 3 (North America, Europe), Investigation 2 (physical searches), Kindred Lore 3 (The Original Anarch Revolt, the Formation of the Modern Sects), Law 2 (diplomacy), Linguistics 5 (Arabic, Bulgarian, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Klingon, Lithuanian, Medieval Latin, Serb-Croatian, Sicilian, Spanish, Turkish), Lore 4 (geography - Kingston upon Hull),Lore 2 (geography - London), Lupine Lore 1 (Tribe of the White Howlers / Black Spiral Dancers), Medicine 2 (first aid), Military Science 3 (maneuver warfare), Occult 5 (Nocturne, Arms of Ahriman, Abyss Mysticism), Politics 3 (bribery), Science 2 (astronomy), Sewer Lore 2 (sense direction), Theology 3 (Catholicism)
Disciplines: Abyss Mysticism 2, Auspex 4, Celerity 3, Dominate 3, Fortitude 3, Thaumaturgy 2, Obtenebration 5, Potence 4, Visceratika 4
Discipline Techniques: Shadow Script (Auspex 1, Fortitude 1, Obtenebration 1), Clarity of Emptiness (Auspex 1, Obtenebration 2), Halo of the Damned (Auspex 2, Obtenebration 2), Scavenging Tongues of Darkness (Obtenebration 2, Potence 2 ), Armory of the Abyss (Fortitude 3 + Obtenebration 3 + Potence 3)
Advanced Disciplines: He doesn't have the generation to have advanced disciplines.
Thaumaturgy Paths: Soul of the Serpent 2, (Learned by Seker Amon from Silvia Kliver)
Thaumaturgic Rituals: None, yet.
Abyss Mysticism (Abyss Mysticism doesn't have paths, just rituals.): level 1 (Pierce the Murk, The Lengthening Shadow, The Shadow of Hands That Serve), level 2 (The Heart That Beats in Silence, Transubstantiation of Essence)
Backgrounds: Allies 0, City Secrets 2 London (Court of Avalon), Contacts 4 (criminal informants, political aids, mature women of high society)(Agapito Abano -- Interpol agent), Domain 5: Leeds - (domain security = 5), Generation 5, Herd 3 (students), Influence 0, Mentor 6 (Giangaleazzo - Prince of Milan, Guilelmo Aliprando, Nystor), Military Force 0, Progeny 1 (Ahmal ibn Rawaid), Resources 5 (Horizon Industries -- shipping), Retainers 2 (Oilleóg Duffy -- Mercenary ghoul, Domnall Norris -- Juvenile delinquent, gifted hacker and ghoul), Status 4 (The New Prince of a Major City -- Leeds, Yorkshire, England)
Flaws: Temporal Doppelganger: Benesj Cherno / Baron Benesj Svarozicev 3pt - supernatural)
Merits: Unbondable, Discipline Prodigy -- Obtenebration (5pt - supernatural): -1 difficulty to all rolls related to Obtenebration.
Virtues: Conviction 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 5
Morality: Road of the Abyss 5
Willpower: 7 (7) - During the summer of 2022, Blake expended two permanent Willpower in Deniz Şehir. The first to manifest his vampiric form, attributes, abilities, disciplines and of course vampiric weaknesses; and the second to rip his way out of a dream prison created by Scheherazade the mistress of dreams.
Notes: Was formerly Bound - Don Alonzo de Vargas (3pt - supernatural), the bond was shattered when Blake acquired Seker Amons merit of Unbondable.
Experience & Maturation: Blake has expended his last maturation dot to raise his path of enlightenment from 4 to 5.

Lord Blake
