Sukhbataar's Statistics

From The World Is A Vampire
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Circa: 2023 C.E.
Haven: Duhlata Cave
Clan: Assamite - Warrior Caste
Generation: 7th (Originally 9th, first reduced through the diablerie of the Third Prince of Sofia - Bela Rusenko [7th generation Cappadocian & childe of Amalia of Thrace] and then by that of the former Primogen of the Ventrue, Miklos Grubo)
Born: 1151
Embrace: 1203
Sire: Hussein al – Fatin (embraced: 1086)
Nature: Competitor
Demeanor: Bravo
Apparent Age: 50ish
Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 6, Stamina 5
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 5
Talents: Alertness 5 (ambushes, terrain, being watched), Athletics 6 (climbing, running, swimming), Brawl 5 (breaking bones, throwing opponents, wrestling), Dodge 5 (blind-spots, cover, flanking), Empathy 4 (fear, weakness), Expression 3 (curses, poetry), Intimidation 5 (simple threats, invading personal space, weapon petting), Leadership 3 (small groups, cavalry), Streetwise 5 (prostitutes, rumors, underworld figures), Subterfuge 5 (lock-jaw, poker-face, misleading body language)
Skills: Animal Ken 5 (falconry, war dogs, war horses), Archery 5 (heart shot), Crafts 5 (armor-smith, blacksmith, weapon-smith), Etiquette 4 (nomad, street culture), Melee 5 (battle axe, decapitation, staking), Performance 4 (dancing, drumming), Ride 5 (bare-back, combat, trick riding), Stealth 5 (ambushes, shadows, stalking), Survival 5 (plains, mountains, tracking)
Knowledges: Academics 4 (history), Finance 1, Investigation 4 (searches), Linguistics 5 (a variety of ancient nomadic dialects, Bulgarian, Greek, Romany), Medicine 4 (veterinary), Occult 4 (Koldunism), Politics 3 (clan), Science 2
Disciplines: Animalism 5, Auspex 4, Celerity 6, Fortitude 5, Obfuscate 5, Potence 5, Quietus 5, Sorcery 4, Vicissitude 4
Discipline Techniques: Drink the Mind (Auspex 4, Quietus 5), Quickened Instincts (Auspex 2, Celerity 2), Revivify the Torpid Body (Fortitude 5, Quietus 4), Shadow Feint (Celerity 2, Obfuscate 2),
Sorcerous Ways: Way of Spirit 4, Way of Earth 3, Way of Wind 3
Rituals: A number of them.
Backgrounds: Contacts 2 (Mofia), Generation 6 (raised twice through diablerie), Influence 2 (Underworld), Resources 4 (loot), Retainers 6 (a pack of ghouled war-hounds and his horse of course), Status 4 (potential primogen)
Virtues: Conviction 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 5
Morality: Road of Blood 8
Willpower: 8 (Sukhbataar lost a permanent Willpower when the Soul-Eater flaw first manifested.)
Merits: Ability Aptitude (1pt mental): Melee - Battle Axe (-2 difficulty), Discipline Prodigy (5pt - supernatural): Koldunic Sorcery (-1 difficulty)
Flaws: Short (1pt - physical), Soul Eater (4pt - supernatural): PGLC, pg.190-191
Secrets: It was actually Sukhbataar who diablerized Miklos Grubo, the former Ventrue Primogen of Sofia, rather than Tel'at el'Ali of Cairo, who took credit for the act in Elyssium. This fact indicates that he is not subject to the Tremere Curse that prevents Assamites from drinking Cainite Vitae, and that he is a maximum of 7th generation. According to Wenzel Xeven, he is a follower of the Assamite Path of Blood.
Plots: Sukhbataar has always been a lone wolf, but since he was awakened from torpor by Telaat Al-Ali, he has begun to realize the value of lineage and to work towards Banu Haqim goals in Sofia. Towards that end, he has allowed the Scourge, Kamiko Tanaka to talk him into forming an informal Banu in Sofia. Because of her involvement, he has had the opportunity to meet Gavriil Papadopoulos and the three meet once a month to discuss events taking place in Sofia. Sukhbataar is only now beginning to see the political possibilities of these meeting and their importance to his future in Sofia.
Story Seeds: Since Sukhbataar's diablerie of Miklos Grubo, he has found awakening from daily slumber far more difficult than it should be and his usual means of replenishing his Willpower, competition, no longer seems to imbue him with satisfaction. As a result, his blood-lust seems to have increased, so he now hunts on a nightly basis and has also begun to keep a herd of prisoners in one of the more habitable caverns of the Duhlata cave system. There are two side effects of Sukhbataar's sudden change of habit. The first is that the servants and hirelings of the Vitosha district and surrounding areas are disappearing. The disappearances are beginning to be noticed and while Sukhbataar is usually undetectable, his new supernatural addiction is throwing him off his game. Worse still, unknown to Sukhbataar, his new need isn't a result of the Blood Curse as he suspects, rather it is the first major manifestation of his transformation into a Soul-Eater. This transformation forces him to devour the Willpower of his victims as he feeds, this process causes the overall Willpower of those he feeds on to decline, which isn't really noticeable in the short term, but in the long term it will drag the composite Willpower of Sofia down and change the nature of the City itself. Sadly, Sukhbataar is only the first vampire to manifest the Soul-Eater flaw, there will be more as the infestation spreads from vampire to mortal and mortal to vampire.
Notes: The victims of Sukhbataar and the other vampires who manifest the Soul-Eater flaw, whose permanent Willpower is completely drained, enter a period of catatonia, then seem to recover normally. Unfortunately, these victims have become immature Soul-Eaters themselves and suffer the same flaw. They are difficult to detect, but there are subtle signs as their behavior begins to change, their loved ones are the ones most likely to notice. With the loss of all permanent Willpower, they become a part of the Soul-Eater collective and begin to use Vicissitude; when they develop the Horrid Form, they have completed their change and are thereafter consciously alien.
Destiny: With the final defeat of the Tremere in Sofia and their withdrawal to safer environs Sukhbataar will emerge to diablerize Bishop Nikita, his longtime target. Thereafter, he will take his place as the Assamite elder of Sofia, a post he will hold for centuries.