Wenzel Xeven

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Ravnos Wenzel Xeven.jpg

Sobriquet: Trushal Odji (Rom.Lit.= Hungry Soul)

Domain: Wenzel shared the Fakulteta district with Madame Mina for a number of years.

Description: No one yet living has seen his true face and lived to tell of it.

Personality: Wenzel Xeven has been feeding off the Roma of Fakulteta for at least a dozen generations. The Roma fear him the way American children fear the boogieman. Though he is nothing more than an urban myth to the rest of Sofia, to the Roma he is an unseen terror that takes children and old people in the night; no one is safe until the sun rises once more.

Secrets: Wenzel was a master of Romany Sorcery, and used the special powers of Rom blood to power his own abilities. Like Madame Mina, he was childe of Durga Syn, though his inhuman cruelty was a disappointment to the enigmatic Ravnos elder.

His Death: Wenzel seemingly went mad or became suicidal, and publicly assassinated the Tremere Regent, Varya Korlov and her unsanctioned Childe. After he poisoned dozens of ghouls and threatened an Elysium gathering, Prince Brian O'Reilly declared a blood hunt. Wenzel was pursued through a network of tunnels beneath Fakulteta, and destroyed in a confrontation with the Prince and the American Coterie. Speculation in Elysium has been minimal; most seem relieved to write him off as dead, as the alternative, that his seeming death accomplished some unknown goal, is too horrific to contemplate.

His Resurrection: