Level 6.

From The World Is A Vampire
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General Rituals

Level 1. / Level 2. / Level 3. / Level 4. / Level 5. / Level 7. / Level 8. / Level 9. / Level 10.

Bone of Contention (CTr p. 66)

Evade Blood's Curse (CA2 28) (Dur-An-Ki)

From Marduk's Throat (BM p. 126) (Dur-An-Ki)

Gargoyle Heart of Stone (BSS 81) (renamed from Heart of Stone to differentiate from an identically named level 4 ritual)

The "Gift" (SG2 p 74)

Gift of the Immobile Form (BSS 81-82)

Greater Scrying (LH 142)

Iron Mind (SG2 p 74)

Jacob's Kiss (BS p. 50) (Dur-An-Ki)

Quenching the Lambent Flame (SB 97)

Raise the Dead (PG2 pp. 54-55)

Refined Digestion (BM p. 99)

Ritual of Holding (PG2 p. 55)

Servitor Sending (LH 142-143)

Spider's Web (SG2 p 74-75)

Utter Destruction of Bonds (PG2 p. 55)
