Greater Scrying

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Level 6.

Many Thaumaturges know rituals that enable them to Scry, or view distant scenes through a crystal ball, mirror, pool or water or other half-reflective, half transparent surface. However, the mystic voyeur may only watch, and cannot even extend supernatural senses to better view the scene. Greater Scrying has fewer limitations.

System: In addition to the magician's customary scrying device, the caster must light a brazer of incense, and use a talisman to invoke the power. A symbol of religious authority or the caster's own sorcerous Talisman are most common.

The magician can view scenes anywhere in the world. Targeting an individual is subject to the same limitations as lesser scrying. However, using other powers to affect the scene is more effective if the caster knows the area or subject well. The minimum difficulty of any power projected through the scrying depends on this familiarity:

Familiarity Examples Minimum difficulty
Very Familiar Your own haven or childhood home; blood sample from a Vampire, True Name 6
Familiar Moderate Sympathetic Link: Body Relic, photograph, fingerprint, your favorite Library 7
Not very familiar Physical token, Landmark you visited once, an extensive description 8
Unfamiliar A spot on a map, a basic description including at least one unique feature of the location. 9

The magician can use Greater Scrying to target any mental effect that does not require touch or eye contact, such as Auspex, Obfuscate, Presence, greater powers of Dominate, Dementation, and some paths of sorcery. Disciplines and magic with physical effects cannot normally pass through the link, but it is possible to tailor rituals to take affect through Greater Scrying.

Versions of this ritual exist that are useful to Necromancers, Kolduns, and the Lector-Priests of Akhu Sorcery.

Note: Vigilant players and storytellers will notice that I have taken liberties with this ritual. I believe my version is more in line with the power of the ritual, while keeping its intent intact. The version given in Lair of the Hidden allowed the sorcerer to target someone based only on having heard the person's name, and target that victim with mental abilities without limitation. -Jamie