Quenching the Lambent Flame

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Level 6.

The origins of this ritual are surrounded in mystery. Some claim that it was developed as a way to censure unwholesomely ambitious Tremere while other suggest that it's not Hermetic in origin at all, but rather a survival device for Kindred in underpopulated areas, such as the Mayan territories where it was first discovered. Still others suggest that it is the penultimate punishment for diablerie, more effective than Final Death because it leaves the subject with the knowledge of the power he once had and the pale echo with which he is left after this ritual affects him. The ritual increases the generation of a Kindred to 13, regardless of his orriginal distance from Caine.
System: This ritual takes one hour to perform. The thaumaturge must draw a circle with a mixture of his own blood an dthat of the subject. The subject must then lie motionless in the center of the circle for a full hour for the ritual to take effect, which requires that the subject be staked in the case of unwilling Kindred. If the subject is willing, the difficulty for the roll is 7, otherwise it is the normal 9 (ritual level + 3).