Level One Rituals

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The Necromantic Library of Phineus
  • -- Akatallelos: A curse designed to confound cephalomancy.
  • -- Baptizomancy: Divination based on the emersion of a corpse in water.
  • -- Blood of Cerberus: A tracking spell that requires animal sacrifice.
  • -- Bones of Chronos: A ritual burial to petrify bone.
  • -- Bones of Demeter: The ritual softening and reshaping of bones.
  • -- Bride of Hades: A ritual reenactment of myth to ease the use of necromancy.
  • -- Call of the Hungry Dead: A Giovanni ritual that allows the target to hear across the Shroud, mortals tend to go insane from it.(Origin: 1st Iteration - After diablerizing Lazarus, I began murdering the Giovanni & stealing their lore.(BZ) Brian:ST)
  • -- Candle of Erebus: A necromantic ritual to measure a subject's Path of Enlightenment.
  • -- Catoptromancy: The enchantment of an everyday mirror to reflect the spirits of the dead.
  • -- Cephalomancy: A divination used to gain information from the head of a corpse. (Origin: 1st Iteration - I came up with it after reading about the ancient Greeks and Egyptians performing this miracle.- BZ)(Brian:ST)
  • -- Ceremonial Circle: A ritual abjuration meant to prevent catastrophic failure when working necromancy. Origin: I originally gained the necromantic ritual - Circle of Cerebus, a level one Giovanni rite after attacking and killing a household of Australian Giovanni in Sidney - circa 2037 - 1st Iteration. But, after playing with it for a while, Jamie and I deemed it too powerful and I researched this variant which is very basic.{BZ} (Brian:ST)
  • -- Cyptic Accents: Through the Principles of Sympathy and Contagion the necromancer steals the dead person's mode of speech.
  • -- Eldritch Beacon: A Sabbat enchantment that marks out a target for wraith. Origin: I gained this ritual during the 2nd Iteration, when I became the childe of the New Clan Tzimisce - Molly 8. Who is a necromantic prodigy. {BZ} (Brian:ST)
  • -- Evil Eye: A a simple verbal curse that penalizes a target; this ritual can be cast in combat. Origin: This ritual is my creation, based on the real world material concerning cursing as one of the pillars of necromancy. I researched it in the late 1st Iteration in Cairo. {BZ} (Brian:ST)
  • -- Fire of Hades: The ritual conjures the cold fire of the Underworld as a light source.
  • -- Incense of Hekate: A necromantic, detect magic ritual.
  • -- Incubation: A necromantic dream ritual for speaking with the dead by sleeping in a tomb or graveyard. Origin: I came up with this ritual during the late 1st Iteration, after reading the real world book - Greek & Roman Necromancy by Daniel Ogden PHD. {BZ} (Brian:ST)
  • -- Kapala of Memory: A ritual of necromantic remembrance. {Necromantic Mnemonic Rituals}
  • -- Mists of Death - Rank One: An enervative ward that protects a room from insect infestation.
  • -- Necrophilia: A dark enchantment that evokes sexual attraction to corpses. Origin: Yes, this is a personal creation based on the idea that another of the pillars of necromancy is Will Manipulation, which is a Medieval idea which I first happened upon in the seminal work - Forbidden Rites by Richard Kieckhefer. {BZ} (Brian:ST)
  • -- Occult Text: Necromantically encrypted writings.
  • -- Plasmatic Surgery: This ritual allows the caster to change a corpse’s appearance.(Self-researched? Origin? Brian:ST)
  • -- Rutilus Os: This ritual lets the necromancer see relics. {Necromantic Mnemonic Rituals}
  • -- Speaking Well of the Dead: A ritualized eulogy that grants willpower to the dead.
  • -- Sweet Preservation: A rite using honey to preserve corpses.(Origin: This ritual was researched in Cairo during the 1st Iteration and was inspired by the Greek Magical Papyri believed to have originated in Alexandria from the third century B.C.E. to the fourth century C.E. - which are regarded as the foundation of most modern occidental magical theory. {BZ} (Brian:ST)
  • -- Taphephobia: A curse that creates a fear of being buried alive in a single target.
  • -- Through the Gate of Ivory: An invocation of Hades to trigger dreaming in the caster.
  • -- Token of Phobos: An enchantment which increases the caster’s intimidation rating.