Lord Blake

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Lasombra Antitribu -z- Player Characters -z- Leeds

Lasombra Coat of Arms



Lord is the only title Blake will use and only when compelled to do so, while he actually does possess the titles of Reeve of Leeds, he avoids that title as far too self aggrandizing.


Our dreams of darkness are but reflections of reality...


Tiberius (ti-BE-ri-uws): Roman praenomen, or given name, meaning "of the Tiber" in Latin. The Tiber is the river that runs through Rome. Tiberius was the second Roman emperor, the stepson of emperor Augustus.

Blake (BLAYK): From a surname which was derived from Old English blæc "black" or blāc "pale". A famous bearer of the surname was the poet and artist William Blake (1757-1827).

As I appeared at the time of my Embrace in December of 1997 C.E.

File:Lasombra B.E.Zieger.jpg

At that time, I was 6ft-2inches (1.88m) tall and weighed 265 pounds (about 120 kilos). I was 28 years old when I was embraced, but I appeared a few years younger. I was bulky with more than just a touch of pudginess, enough to soften my air of furious angst.

I was best described as hefty, with both muscle and fat. My face was a nearly perfect oval and I was clean shaven at all times. My hair and eyes were seal brown. I wore my hair in a typical mullet, but it grew down past my lower back in a ponytail. And I have my share of body and chest hair of the same seal brown as my eyes.

When I heal completely, this is the form that I return to - as do all vampires.

My Appearance on the Streets of Kingston upon Hull

Since my arrival in Kingston upon Hull in 2032, I have opted for a new look. It necessitated a small debt to an old Tremere associate and the application of a ritual of Thaumaturgy called: Rebirth of Mortal Vanity. Now I have a crew cut and a couple nights worth of stubble to add to my rough and tumble look. I haven't bothered to improve my appearance, its easier with my native looks to walk the city's streets unnoticed and unremembered. When out, whether hunting or patrolling the city's streets, I wear a dark blue Royal Navy pea-coat over a gray wool turtleneck with plain dark green denim battledress trousers, all-terrain black commando boots and to complete the look, a plain black commando's beanie that can be pulled down into an effective ski-mask for the occasional wet-work. Which is facilitated by a nylon utility harness attached to a pair of under-slung locking sheaths for a dual set of bone-handled titanium karambit knives.

How I Appear in Combat with my Shadow Armor


Among mortals, I tends to cling to the shadowy periphery where my activities are less likely to draw undue notice and I can influence events from a safe distance. Mortals who encounter me directly, likely find me an actively distant figure whose well schooled emotions may seem arrogant and or overbearing. In the Night Society of the undead, I conduct myself in a manner befitting one of my bloodline and station.

Personal Details

Circa: 2032 C.E.
Home Town: Denver
Boltholes: I am going to set up a series of a dozen bolt-holes, distributed equidistantly throughout the city.
Haven: Bolling Hall of Bradford
Born: 1969
Embrace: 1997
Sire: Don Alonzo De Vargas
Nature: Loner
Demeanor: Loner
Apparent Age: Late 20s.


Physical: Strength 4 (0), Dexterity 4 (0), Stamina 4 (0) + (1 dice to soak lethal or 2 dice to soak bashing due to the effects of Armor of Terra)
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 4 (+2 difficulty to all touch based rolls from Armor of Terra), Intelligence 3, Wits 4


Alertness 4 (reflective surfaces, noises)
Athletics 3 (throwing)
Brawl 4 (Tae-Kwon-Do, Arms of Ahriman)
Carousing 2 (intoxication)
Dodge 5 (side-step, taking cover)
Empathy 3 (sensing deception, gauging stress)
Expression 2 (telling stories)
Haggling 3 (prestation)
Interrogation 1 (British tactical questioning)
Intrigue 2 (leverage)
Intimidation 3 (physical coercion, pulling rank)
Leadership 3 (giving commands, commando groups)
Lucid Dreaming 3 (awareness)
Streetwise 2 (rumors)
Style 2 (street)
Subterfuge 3 (changing the subject)


Animal Ken 1 (farm animals)
Blind-Fighting 1 (Indoors)
Crafts 4 (blacksmithing){Armor}
Drive 3 (tailing, losing tails)
Etiquette 3 (street, Camarilla)
Fast-Draw 1 (sword)
Firearms 1 (pistols)
Game Playing 3 (chess)
Hunting 3 (human prey, urban slums)
Meditation 4 (shadowboxing)
Melee 5 (Cudgel, Swords){Expertise = Falshion}
Performance 2 (role-play)
Ride 2 (western saddle)
Stealth 3 (shadows)
Survival 2 (high plains)


Academics 2 (history)
Art of Memory (Classical) 2 (rote study)
Clan Knowledge - Giovanni 3 (early history, the client families)
Clan Knowledge - Lasombra 4 (history, traditions)
Clan Knowledge - Tremere 1 (chantries)
Computers 2 (internet searches)
Demonology 1 (Psellus' classification of demons)
Finance 1 (investment)
Geography 3 (North America, Europe)
Investigation 2 (physical searches)
Kindred Lore 3 (The Original Anarch Revolt, the Formation of the Modern Sects)
Law 2 (diplomacy)
Linguistics 5 (Arabic, Bulgarian, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Klingon, Lithuanian, Medieval Latin, Serb-Croatian, Sicilian, Spanish, Turkish)
Kingston upon Hull Lore 4 (geography)
London Lore 2 (geography)
Lupine Lore 1 (Tribe of the White Howlers / Black Spiral Dancers)
Medicine 2 (first aid)
Military Science 3 (maneuver warfare)
Occult 5 (Nocturne, Arms of Ahriman, Abyss Mysticism)
Politics 3 (bribery)
Science 2 (astronomy)
Sewer Lore 2 (staying clean)
Theology 3 (Catholicism)


Abyss Mysticism 2

Level One

Level Two

Auspex 4
Celerity 3
  • {Expend 1Bp for each extra full action up to a total of 3}
Dominate 3
Fortitude 3
  • {Stamina + Fortitude = variable diff versus Bashing, Lethal & Aggravate damage including fire & sunlight} -- {To soak Faith or Bite & Claws of other Supernatural beings, roll only Fortitude dice pool} -- {+1 dice versus Aggravated damage from Armor of Terra}
Obtenebration 5
  • 1 -- Shadow Play -- {To add a die to Intimidation or Steal pools spend a Bp} or {to actually play with the shadows: Manipulation + Occult = difficulty 5 x 9 dice}
  • 2 -- Nocturne -- {Expend 1Bp & roll Manipulation + Occult = diff 6 x 10 dice} and {10ft cloud increases exponentially with each success}
  • 3 -- Arms of Ahriman -- {Expend 1Bp & roll Manipulation + Melee = diff 6 x 9 dice}
  • 4 -- Black Metamorphosis -- {Expend 2Bp & roll Manipulation + Stamina = diff 6 x 8 dice}
  • 5 -- Tenebrous Avatar -- {Expend 3Bp to transform in three turns or expend 5Bp to transform completely in just one turn.} [Form = Heat Shadows]
Potence 4
Visceratika 4
  • 1 -- Skin of the Chameleon -- {Expend 1Bp & gain +5 dice to stealth related pools}
  • 2 -- Scry the Hearthstone -- {Expend 1WPp} {to track a specific individual roll: Perception + Alertness = diff 6 x 6 dice}
  • 3 -- Bond with the Mountain -- {Expend 2Bp on bare stone} *{If attack while merged: roll 3 x normal soak pool}
  • 4 -- Armor of Terra -- {Always active: +1 soak dice versus Aggravate & Lethal attacks and +2 dice versus Bashing damage}


Shadow Scale-Mail (4 dice of protection)


Falchion (Strength +4 Aggravated Damage due to its enchantment by Brian O'Reily with the spell Blade of Restrained Elemental Power)

  • -- Overall Length: 28.75"
  • -- Blade Length: 22.50"
  • -- Handle Length: 6.25"
  • -- Cross Guard: 7.00
  • -- Weight: 3 lbs. 8 oz.

Bez falchion.jpg


Discipline Techniques -- Known

  • -- Shadow Script - (Auspex 1, Fortitude 1, Obtenebration 1) * {Expend 1Bp, no roll necessary}
  • -- Clarity of Emptiness - (Auspex 1, Obtenebration 2) -- {Expend 1Bp & roll Wits + Occult = diff 7. One for one on successes to gain extra dice on next Mental roll.} -- Secretly taught by Guilelmo Aliprando, for an unspecified boon.
  • -- Halo of the Damned - (Auspex 2, Obtenebration 2) -- {Expend 1Bp and roll: Perception + Occult = diff 8} * {Range as per the level 2 power of Nocturne}
  • -- Armory of the Abyss - (Fortitude 3 + Obtenebration 3 + Potence 3) -- {Expend 1Bp and roll Manipulation + Crafts = diff 6} * {Successes = Extra soak dice on all attacks save for Fire & Sunlight} -- Hopefully, my mentor Nystor will consent to teach me; obviously, I will pay his price, whatever it might be.

Discipline Techniques -- Seeking

Discipline Techniques -- Proposed


Allies ? ()
City Secrets 2 London (Court of Avalon)
Contacts 4 (criminal informants, political aids, mature women of high society)(Agapito Abano -- Interpol agent)
Domain 5: Bradford: (domain security = 5)
Generation 5
Herd 3 ([[]] students)
Influence 0 (local internet media)
Influence 0 (police)
Influence 0 (fire department)
Mentor 6 (Giangaleazzo - Prince of Milan, Guilelmo Aliprando, Nystor)
Military Force 0 ()
Progeny 1 (Ahmal ibn Rawaid)
Resources 5 (Horizon Industries -- shipping)
Retainers 2 (Oilleóg Duffy -- Mercenary ghoul, Domnall Norris -- Juvenile delinquent, gifted hacker and ghoul)
Status 4 (The New Prince of a Major City -- Leeds, Yorkshire, England)


Conviction 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 5
Morality: Road of the Abyss 4
Willpower: 7 (7) - During the summer of 2022, Bruce expended two permanent Willpower in Deniz Şehir. The first to manifest his vampiric form, attributes, abilities, disciplines and of course vampiric weaknesses; and the second to rip his way out of a dream prison created by Scheherazade the mistress of dreams.

Blood Pool

Maximum Pool: 15
Current Blood: 15
Blood Surplus - Cooler: 0
Expenditure per Turn: 3


Health Levels

Due to Armor of Terra - the following chart applies to Bruce.

Bruised (0)
Hurt (0)
Injured (0)
Wounded (-1)
Mauled (-1)
Crippled (-4)
Final Death


  • Discipline Prodigy -- Obtenebration (5pt - supernatural): -1 difficulty to all rolls related to Obtenebration.


Blood Bound - Don Alonzo de Vargas (3pt - supernatural)
Dark Secret (2pt - social) - Life Boon to the Old Clan Tzimisce - Marius Egnatius.
Temporal Doppelganger: Benesj Cherno / Baron Benesj Svarozicev 3pt - supernatural)

Experience & Maturation

Current Totals
Total XP Total MP
3 XP 1 MP


Lord Blake's Accoutrements
Lord Blake's Boons
Lord Blake's Checklist
Lord Blake's Epiphanies
Lord Blake's Notes
Lord Blake's Personal Journal
Lord Blake's Plans
Lord Blake's Retainers - deceased
Lord Blake's Retainers - living
Mein Doppelgänger-Datei
Vampires Known to Lord Blake