Lasombra Antitribu

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Lasombra -x- Bloodlines

Lasombra Antitribu clan logo.png

Bloodline Coat of Arms



There are no Lasombra antitribu, at least, not according to the Lasombra themselves. The Sabbat Lasombra deny that "traitors" exist, while the so-called antitribu see themselves as Lasombra -- nothing more, nothing less. Not all Lasombra who disagree with the clan's stance within the Sabbat join the Camarilla -- a significant percentage of this relatively small number simply go independent and absent themselves from vampiric politics entirely. The remainder, however, seize for themselves positions of respect and authority -- if not prominence -- in the Camarilla.

Philosophically, Camarilla Lasombra differ little from their Sabbat compatriots on a basic level. The antitribu still fully expect to win the Jyhad; they just see the Camarilla as a more efficient and effective tool for doing so than the Sabbat is. Distaste for the rabble the Sabbat is encased in shows clearly in Camarilla Lasombra's attitudes, as they regard the Sabbat tactic of mass Embraces as wasteful and insulting. Indeed, even the supporters of antitribu inclusion in the Camarilla see these vampires as haughty, arrogant and impatient. Few suffer fools or incompetent underlings to live, and the penalty for failing an assignment set by a Lasombra antitribu is often death.

The position occupied by these few self-exiled Kindred is an ambiguous one. On one hand, these vampires are Lasombra, the core of the dreaded Sabbat, and no Camarilla vampire is ever completely certain that the defection is a real one. On the other hand, essentially all Lasombra antitribu are creatures of undeniable power and presence, and are devoted to the destruction of the Sabbat in a way that few other Kindred are. The Camarilla cannot afford to waste these Cainites' talents, powers and knowledge of the enemy -- but cannot afford to trust them entirely, either.

Nickname: None. The Lasombra antitribu don't go for that sort of thing. Its not dignified.

Appearance: Lasombra antitribu always find a way to look formal, regardless of circumstances. Most are of Iberian or Moorish descent, though a handful of the very newest Embraces are of mixed heritage. The elder Lasombra antitribu choose, whenever possible, to wear clothing suitable to the days of their youth; in many cases that means anything from half-armor to the robes of one of the poet-kings of the Andalusian taifas.

Young Lasombra antitribu go more for sharp suits with a hint of Latin style, understated jewelry and sleek black cars that hint at their owners' affluence and power. While all Lasombra antitribu understand viscerally the need to keep a low profile (those who don't end up as ashes), they still insist on taking on the world according to their terms. Giving up so small a piece of identity as preferred modes of dress is, in some sense, to submit to another's will -- and these Kindred would rather die than submit.

Haven: The majority of Lasombra antitribu are constantly on the move, the better to avoid being pinned down by their erstwhile brethren in the Sabbat. Many have an apartment or two, preferably in ritzy downtown tower complexes that come complete with extensive security systems and off-street, secure parking garages. Older antitribu prefer to dwell outside the cities on large estates, willing to risk the potential depredations of Lupines in exchange for privacy and some separation form nightly struggle.

Background: The Lasombra antitribu have existed as long as the Sabbat has, which is to say that more than one clan member agreed with Montano's choice to turn his back on his clanmates. The Sabbat Lasombra have always done their best to deny even the existence of any antitribu; such vampires by their very existence give the lie to claims about Sabbat and Lasombra hegemony. As a result, Lasombra antitribu are the first target of any Sabbat packs in a given city. The mere rumor of an antitribu presence is enough to whip the local Sabbat Lasombra into a homicidal frenzy.

There are two distinct types of Lasombra antitribu. The majority (though still small in number) are older than the Camarilla itself; they are the Lasombra who joined with Montano in turning their backs on the nascent Sabbat. Some of them are still bitter about Lasombra's death; others simply disliked Gratiano and his choice of allies. In either case, these aged defectors are powerful, dignified and in most cases bitter. They have little use for the younger generations of vampires, and less for the Sabbat. Given a chance and a receptive audience, a Lasombra antitribu will talk endlessly about the old days, giving his listener a fascinating portrait of times, kings and customs now long gone -- but precious little about the Lasombra himself.

Note: Almost all Lasombra of this vintage are male; the custom of Embracing women didn't catch on among the Lasombra antitribu until quite recently.

The other sort or Lasombra antitribu are young, angry and of remarkably low generation for Cainites so new to the Blood. The newer Lasombra antitribu are the childer of the aged and vengeful ones, plucked from mortality in accordance with the ancient customs of Lasombra himself. Most often, these mortals are in line to be snatched up by the local Sabbat -- particularly Sabbat Lasombra -- or remind the elder Lasombra irresistibly of someone from centuries past.

Disciplines: Dominate, Obtenebration, Potence

Weaknesses: In addition to the Clan’s usual problem with reflections (p. 59), Lasombra antitribu also have the “weakness” of being hunted relentlessly by the Sabbat, and targeted for destruction whenever their existence is made public.

The final handicap facing Lasombra antitribu (besides the vestigial distrust of the rest of the Camarilla) is the intense hatred that Sabbat Lasombra bear for their straying brethren. A Lasombra antitribu is always the first target of a Sabbat pack, and supposedly entire Camarilla cities have been besieged just to get a particularly durable straggler.

Organization: Lasombra antitribu have created for themselves a miniature version of Les Amies Noir, the so-called Friends of the Dark. The antitribu are so rare, however, and their meetings are so infrequent that most of these vampires fall back on a simple sire-childe relationship. Nine times out of ten, there are no other antitribu around.

Quote: I have known Ysidro for six centuries, and I knew his sire before him. Do you really think you know better than I how he's going to plan his attack? I thought not -- you're dismissed.

The 4th Generation

  • -- Montano - Lasombra's most loyal and honorable childe.
  • -- Boukephos - Also known as "The Greek"
  • -- Sybil -

The 5th Generation

The 6th Generation

The 7th Generation

The 8th Generation

The 9th Generation

The 10th Generation

The 11th Generation

The 12th Generation

The 13th Generation

Those of Unknown Generation