Level 6.

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General Rituals
Level 1. Level 2. Level 3. Level 4. Level 5. Level 7. Level 8. Level 9. Level 10.

Bone of Contention (CTr p. 66)

Evade Blood's Curse (CA2 28) (Dur-An-Ki)

From Marduk's Throat (BM p. 126) (Dur-An-Ki)

Gargoyle Heart of Stone (BSS 81) (renamed from Heart of Stone to differentiate from an identically named level 4 ritual)

The "Gift" (SG2 p 74)

Gift of the Immobile Form (BSS 81-82)

Greater Scrying (LH 142)

Iron Mind (SG2 p 74)

Jacob's Kiss (BS p. 50) (Dur-An-Ki)

Quenching the Lambent Flame (SB 97)

Raise the Dead (PG2 pp. 54-55)

Refined Digestion (BM p. 99)

Ritual of Holding (PG2 p. 55)

Servitor Sending (LH 142-143)

Shadowland Passage (DSBH Pg.80)

Spider's Web (SG2 p 74-75)

Utter Destruction of Bonds (PG2 p. 55)
