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;[[Aegon Nightshade's Statistics]]
;[[St.Calenda's Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair]] <span style="color:#800000;">+</span> [[History According to Aegon Nightshade]] <span style="color:#800000;">+</span> [[Catechism of Shadows]] <span style="color:#800000;">+</span> [[Dragons]]
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|''"And the road becomes my bride"''
| ||[[File:Shadow Dragon Umbraculavites.jpg|center]]||
|''"I have stripped of all but pride"''
|'''Name:''' ''Umbraculavites'' ||'''Elemental Affinity:''' ''Darkness''||'''Species:''' ''Shadow Dragon''
|''"So in her I do confide"''
|'''Player:''' ''Bruce''||'''Nature:''' ''[[Magnate]]''||'''Concept:''' ''Dark Paladin''
|''"And she keeps me satisfied"''
|'''Chronicle:''' ''[[Past Imperfect]]''||'''Demeanor:''' ''[[Sycophant]]''||'''Affiliated Group:''' ''The Pageant''
|''"Gives me all I need"''
|''"And the dust in throat I crave"''
|''"Only knowledge will I save"''
|Strength <span style="font-size:large">●●●●●/●○○</span>||Charisma <span style="font-size:large">●●●●○○○○</span>||Perception <span style="font-size:large">●●●●○○○○</span>
|''"To the game you stay a slave"''
|Dexterity <span style="font-size:large">●●●●●/●○○</span>||Manipulation <span style="font-size:large">●●●●○○○○</span>||Intelligence <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○○○○</span>
|''"Rover, wanderer"''
|Stamina <span style="font-size:large">●●●●●/●○○</span>||Appearance <span style="font-size:large">●●●/●●●○○</span>||Wits <span style="font-size:large">●●●●○○○○</span>
|''"Nomad, vagabond"''
|''"Call me what you will..."''
| -- Wherever I May Roam -- '''Metallica'''
== Quote ==
<span style="color:#4B0082;">''Every life is a riddle. The answer to mine is knowledge, born of darkness. It wasn't always so. In the beginning, I still had questions. In the beginning, my mystery still remained.'' -- The Order (2003)
== Sobriquet ==
<span style="color:#4B0082;">Aegon (personal name), Nightshade (family name)
== Aliases ==
<span style="color:#4B0082;">Salivius Ludovicus {''A few would still remember Salivius in Alexandria, the Eastern Empire and of course Bulgaria, and only those with an excellent memory would recognize this young man as the same person they knew from decades before. Oddly enough, few people remember Aegon or the Pageant after they have taken once more to the open road.''}, Boy... {''The most common nickname used by the pageanteers and the visitors to the circus when referring to Aegon.''
== Appearance ==
<span style="color:#4B0082;">Aegon is a young man with boyish good looks and the build of an Olympic athlete. His eyes are a piercing ultramarine blue and his open friendly face shows the transformation of a boy into a man. A mop of crudely cut auburn hair hangs in his eyes or is swept rightward in a natural part. Like most medieval men he wears facial hair, in this case a goatee sans mustache. Aegon currently dresses in the Tatar style of long tunic over loose linen pantaloons stuffed into pointy-toed soft leather boots. He wears a baldric for his sheathed horseman's saber and light horn-bow and a belt for his purse, pouches and cutlery. A gift from his eldest sister hangs on a knotted cord around his neck.
== Behavior ==
<span style="color:#4B0082;">Aegon's apparent youth and obvious physical strength imply a lack of experience or intelligence and that is precisely what he would would have you believe. Gifted by divinity with an open boyish face and better than average looks, Aegon has practiced countless hours before a mirror to produce smiles that range from sheepish to mischievous and just how to leer at a woman to draw her interest rather than garner verbal or physical abuse. He can portray the young fool, the innocent farm boy, the randy youth, the subservient thrall, the best friend or the amateur mercenary and he is none of these things. Those who look into his ultramarine eyes, really look, can see a darkness there that no amount of sunlight can burn away and yet, few ever bother to truly see what is there in plain sight. Those who come to see beyond his many masks observe a thoughtful and calculating mind dedicated to a single task, that of studying darkness and mastering all of its secrets.
== History ==
<span style="color:#4B0082;">Aegon Nightshade was born Salivius Ludovicus somewhere on the road from the Holy Roman Empire to the Kingdom of Hungary in the East. His father a blacksmith who like other skilled German freemen was invited by Solomon, King of Hungary to emigrate to western Hungary with the enticement of free land. Salivius' family undertook the difficulty journey from their homeland to the village of Velem in the County of Vas. There the family of Ludovicus, Latinized Germans, worked hard to fit in and Salivius' father became the village blacksmith and did quite well for himself and his family.
<span style="color:#4B0082;">Salivius was only an infant during the journey to Hungary and grew up with the other village children and speaking the Magyar tongue as if born to it. At home he was required to speak medieval German and in church he learned Latin, for Saint Stephen I converted the entire nation of Hungary to Apostolic Catholicism during his reign in the early 11th century. In the early years, like all young boys, he played in the local woods, among the hills and explored old ruins and dark caves. It was in these caves and after the fall of the sun that Salivius could hear the voices of the night. The boy instinctively knew better than to speak of these things for he had seen the hilltop above the village where the old pagans had been burned decades before. Their ashes revealed to him the fate of any who would question the authority of the Christian church and the followers of the light.
<span style="color:#4B0082;">Still in all the ways that count, Salivius grew up a Catholic and an obedient, loving son and on his seventh birthday he came to train with his father in the smithy. At first he just watched, observed and fetched whatever his father asked for, but in time he was given more complicated duties like gathering and chopping wood for the fires and carrying water. The years passed quickly for the family of Ludovicus and Salivius and his brothers worked hard for their father. But Salivius came of age in a difficult time, for King Solomon and his cousins went to war by day and after the fall of dark, night-folk battled each other and drank the blood of the unwary. On one particularly day in the autumn of Salivius' fourteenth year, the soldiers of one of the factions forcibly conscripted his father and older brothers while the younger children and women of the family hid in the caves above the village of Velem.
<span style="color:#4B0082;">Upon the family's return, the village had been pillaged and the local people abused. Strangely, the smithy remained undamaged among all the buildings of the village and Salivius began to immediately work there as the village smith. While nowhere near as skilled as his father Ludovicus or his older brothers, he managed to earn enough to feed his family. The wars of the Hungarian king and the nocturnal people continued and became particularly savage in 1074. This time the village was burned to the ground and all the villagers fled elsewhere. Salivius lost his mother to fever and as the eldest male of the family it became his duty to protect his brothers and sisters and make decisions for them. As the wars became steadily worse, Salivius went once more to the caves to seek solace and to clear his head. There the darkness spoke to him, offering good council in return for life-long service, Salivius accepted the conditions and returned with a plan. Within another year, Salivius had arranged for the apprenticeship of his younger brothers in different villages and the marriage of all his sisters to good husbands. With only a few coins to his name, Salivius took up the trade of mercenary and traveled south all the way to Constantinople where he eventually came to find work as a mercenary of the Byzantine Empire in its far off possessions.
<span style="color:#4B0082;">Salivius, son of Ludovicus served the Byzantine Empire for nearly twenty years and eventually retired to small pension in Alexandria. That was until the arrival of the strange circus and the coming of plague. Thereafter, the darkness spoke to Salivius in his dreams thus one evening in the winter of 1096, he was drinking with Hermokrates Erlingr in a wine-shop called the ''Joyous Harpy'' when a foreign warrior entered asking for mercenaries. Decades before, Salivius had made deal with the dark to help his family and he knew upon sight of this Saxon warrior Blake, that he would indeed pay the cost of that deal by offering his sword. The journey to the forgotten temple was a solemn one and its environs were suitably dark and terrifying. Deep beneath the earth, Salivius died to the sting of a giant white scorpion, only to rise again a younger man with a strange dark glint in his eyes -- Aegon Nightshade.
== Statistics ==
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|[[Alertness]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●●○○○○</span> (reflective surfaces, noises)||[[Animal Ken]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○○○○</span> (horses, serpents)||[[Academics]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●●●●○○</span> (astronomy,geography, history)
|colspan="2" style="width: 33%" | [[File:Shadowcaster Egon Nadragulya.jpg|200px|center]]||colspan="2" style="width: 33%" | [[File:Half-dragon 1.jpg|400px|center]] || colspan="2" | [[File:Shadow Dragon Umbraculavites.jpg|400px|center]]
|[[Athletics]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○○○○</span> (throwing)||[[Archery]] <span style="font-size:large">●●○○○○○○</span> (hunting)||[[Art of Memory (Classical)]] <span style="font-size:large">●●○○○○○○</span> (rote study)
|colspan="2" | '''Character:''' ''Umbraculavites'' ||colspan="2" | '''[[Affinity]]:''' ''Elemental Darkness'' || colspan="2" | '''Species:''' ''[[Chimera]] - Subspecies [[Draconid]]''
|[[Awareness]] <span style="font-size:large">●●○○○○○○</span> (vampires)||[[Blacksmith]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●●○○○○</span> (wrought iron)||[[Beast Lore]] <span style="font-size:large">○○○○○○○○</span>
|colspan="2" | '''Player:''' ''[[User:Bruce]]''||colspan="2" | '''Nature:''' ''[[Magnate]]''||colspan="2" | '''Concept:''' ''Dark Paladin''
|[[Brawl]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●●○○○○</span> (soft-spots, combat sweep)||[[Blind-Fighting]] <span style="font-size:large">●●○○○○○○</span> (Indoors)||[[Commerce]] <span style="font-size:large">●○○○○○○○</span> (evaluating goods)
|colspan="2" | '''Chronicle:''' ''[[Past Imperfect]]''|| colspan="2" | '''Demeanor:''' ''[[Eye Of The Storm]]''|| colspan="2" | '''Affiliated Group:''' ''[[St.Calenda's Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair|The Pageant]]''
|[[Carousing]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●●○○○○</span> (intoxication)||[[Drive]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○○○○</span> (chariots, wagons)||[[Enigmas]] <span style="font-size:large">○○○○○○○○</span>
|colspan ="6" style="text-align:center;"| --- |
|[[Dodge]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●●●○○○</span> (side-step, taking cover)||[[Etiquette]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○○○○</span> (courtly manners, heraldry)||[[Investigation]] <span style="font-size:large">●●○○○○○○</span> (physical searches)
|colspan ="6" style="text-align:center;"| '''ATTRIBUTES'''
|[[Empathy]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○○○○</span> (sensing deception, gauging stress)||[[Fast-Draw]] <span style="font-size:large">●○○○○○○○</span> (sword)||[[Kindred Lore]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●●●○○○</span> ([[Vamp Hist]])
|colspan="2" style="text-align:center;width: 33%" |'''Physical'''|| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;width: 33%" |'''Social'''||colspan="2" style="text-align:center;width: 33%" |'''Mental'''
|[[Expression]] <span style="font-size:large">●●○○○○○</span> (telling stories)||[[Game Playing]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○○○○</span> (chess)||[[Law]] <span style="font-size:large">●●○○○○○○</span> (diplomacy)
|Strength || <span style="font-size:large">{{6}}</span>||Charisma ||<span style="font-size:large">{{4}}</span>||Perception || <span style="font-size:large">{{4}}</span>
|[[Flying]] <span style="font-size:large">●○○○○○○○</span>||[[Hunting]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○○○○</span> (temperate forests, mountains)||[[Linguistics]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●●●○○○</span> ([[Lang List]])
|Dexterity || <span style="font-size:large">{{6}}</span>||Manipulation || <span style="font-size:large">{{4}}</span>||Intelligence ||<span style="font-size:large">{{4}}</span>
|[[Haggling]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○○○○</span> (favors)||[[Hypnotism]] <span style="font-size:large">●●○○○○○○</span>||[[Lupine Lore]] <span style="font-size:large">●○○○○○○○</span> (Tribe of the White Howlers / Black Spiral Dancers)
|Stamina  || <span style="font-size:large">{{6}}</span>||Appearance || <span style="font-size:large">{{3}}</span>||Wits || <span style="font-size:large">{{4}}</span>
|[[Interrogation]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○○○○</span> (trickery)||[[Legerdemain]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○○○○</span>||[[Medicine]] <span style="font-size:large">●●○○○○○○</span> (first aid)
|colspan ="6" style="text-align:center;" | '''ABILITIES'''
|[[Intrigue]] <span style="font-size:large">●●○○○○○○</span> (leverage)||[[Meditation]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●●○○○○</span> (shadowboxing)||[[Military Science]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○○○○</span> (maneuver warfare)
|colspan="2" style="text-align:center;width: 33%" |'''Talents''' ([[PTS]])||colspan="2" style="text-align:center;width: 33%" |'''Skills''' ([[PSS]])||colspan="2" style="text-align:center;width: 33%" |'''Knowledges''' ([[PKS]])
|[[Intimidation]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○○○○</span> (physical coercion, pulling rank)||[[Melee]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●●●○○○</span> ([[Cudgel]], Sword){''Expertise = Saber''}||[[Occult]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●●●○○○</span> (Abyss Mysticism, Obtenebration, Shadowcasting)
|[[Alertness]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{4}}</span> ||[[Animal Ken]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{3}}</span> ||[[Academics]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{6}}</span>  
|[[Leadership]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○○○○</span> (friendly, servile)||[[Performance]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○○○○</span> ([[Shadowplay]])||[[Politics]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○○○○</span> (bribery)
|[[Athletics]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{3}}</span> ||[[Archery]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> ||[[Enigmas]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{1}}</span>  
|[[Lucid Dreaming]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○○○○</span> (awareness)||[[Ride]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○○○○</span> (bareback)||[[Theology]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●●○○○○</span> (Catholicism, demonology) [[Demons]]
|[[Awareness]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{3}}</span> ||[[Commerce]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> ||[[Hearth Wisdom]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{0}}</span>
|[[Streetwise]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●●○○○○</span> (rumors)||[[Stealth]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○○○○</span> (shadows)|| ---
|[[Brawl]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{4}}</span> ||[[Crafts]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> ||[[Investigation]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span>
|[[Style]] <span style="font-size:large">●●○○○○○○</span> (circus performer)||[[Survival]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○○○○</span> (mountains, sense direction)|| ---
|[[Empathy]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{3}}</span> ||[[Etiquette]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{4}}</span> || [[Law]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{3}}</span>
|[[Subterfuge]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●●●○○○</span> (changing the subject)|| --- || ---
|[[Expression]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> ||[[Melee]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{5}}</span> ||[[Medicine]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span>
| --- || --- || ---
|[[Intimidation]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{3}}</span> ||[[Performance]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{3}}</span> ||[[Occult]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{5}}</span>
|[[Leadership]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{3}}</span> ||[[Ride]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{3}}</span> ||[[Politics]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{3}}</span>
|'''Special Advantages''' || '''Backgrounds''' || '''Merits & Flaws'''
|[[Legerdemain]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{3}}</span> ||[[Stealth]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{3}}</span> ||[[Seneschal]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{0}}</span>
|'''[[Acute Senses]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○</span>||'''[[Allies]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○</span>{[[Aegon's Mercs]]} ||'''[[Alien Appearance]]''' - 5pt Physical Flaw
|[[Subterfuge]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{5}}</span> ||[[Survival]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{3}}</span> ||[[Theology]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{4}}</span>
|'''[[Armor]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●○○○</span>||'''[[Beysta]]''' <span style="font-size:large">○○○○○</span>||'''[[Compulsion]]''' - 4pt Mental Flaw
|'''[[Deadly Demise]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○</span>||'''[[City Secrets]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●○○○</span>London (Court of Avalon)||'''[[Vulnerability]]''' - 5pt Supernatural Flaw ''{Sunlight/Fire}''  
|colspan ="6" style="text-align:center;" | '''SECONDARY ABILITIES'''
|'''[[Enhancement]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●●●●</span>||'''[[Demesne (mage V20)]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●○○○○</span>'''[[Watchtower of Solace]]'''|| ---
|colspan="2" style="text-align:center;width: 33%" |'''Talents''' ([[SATS]])||colspan="2" style="text-align:center;width: 33%" |'''Skills''' ([[SASS]])||colspan="2" style="text-align:center;width: 33%" |'''Knowledges''' ([[SAKS]])
|'''[[Extra Limb]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○</span> Barbed Tail||'''[[Past Lives (mage V20)]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●●●●</span>{''[[Seker Aamon]], [[Kurt Barlow]],and [[Blake]].}||'''[[Path Natural]]''' - 5pts Supernatural Merit {[[Shadowcasting (Hedge Magic)]]}  
|[[Carousing]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{5}}</span> ||[[Blacksmith]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{4}}</span> ||[[Lore: Kindred]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{5}}</span>
|'''[[Extra Speed]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○</span>||'''[[Patron (mage V20)]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●●●●</span>'''[[Theodoric]]'''||'''[[Unbondable]]''' - 3pts Supernatural Merit
|[[Dodge]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{5}}</span> ||[[Blind-Fighting]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> ||[[Linguistics]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{5}}</span>
|'''[[Fearlessness]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●○○○</span>||'''[[Resources -- medieval]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○</span>3 pounds of raw rubies|| --- 
|[[Lucid Dreaming|Dreaming]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{3}}</span> ||[[Drive]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{3}}</span> ||[[Lore: Lupine]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{1}}</span>
|'''[[Hazardous Breath]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○</span> ''Shadow Blast''||'''[[Retainers (mage V20)]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●●●●</span> {See [[Aegon's Mercs]]}|| ---
|[[Flying]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> ||[[Fast-Draw]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> ||[[Military Science]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{3}}</span>
|'''[[Hibernation]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●○○○</span>||'''[[Secrets: St. Calenda's Wandering Pageant]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○</span>|| ---
|[[Haggling]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{4}}</span> ||[[Game Playing]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{3}}</span> ||[[]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{0}}</span>
|'''[[Human Speech]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●○○○○</span>||'''[[Status (mage V20)]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●○○○</span> (Aegon has acquired servants/servitors)|| ---
|[[Instruction]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> ||[[Hunting]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{3}}</span> ||[[]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{0}}</span>
|'''[[Immunity]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●●●●●●●●●</span> ''Enervation effects''|| --- || ---
|[[Interrogation]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{3}}</span> ||[[Hypnotism]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> ||[[]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{0}}</span>  
|'''[[Mesmerism]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●●●●●</span> 7 dice|| --- || '''Psychic Numina'''
|'''[[Natural Weapons]]''' (Aggravated Damage)|| --- ||[[Astral Projection]] <span style="font-size:large">●●○○○</span>
|'''[[Night Sight]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○</span>|| --- ||[[Precognition]] <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○</span>  
|'''[[Regrowth]]''' (Healing times vary)|| --- ||[[Psychometric Reading]] <span style="font-size:large">●●○○○</span>  
|'''[[Shadow Walking]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●●●</span>|| --- ||[[Psychic Hypnosis]] <span style="font-size:large">●●○○○</span>
|'''[[Shape Changer]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●●●●●</span>|| --- ||[[Psychic Vampirism]] <span style="font-size:large">●●○○○</span>
|'''[[Size]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●●●●</span> Horse or 1100 lbs|| --- || ---
|'''[[Spirit Vision]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○</span>|| --- || ---
|'''[[Tunneling]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●●○○</span>|| --- || ---
|'''[[Unaging]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●○○○</span>|| --- || ---
|[[Primal-Urge]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> ||[[Meditation]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{4}}</span> ||[[]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{0}}</span>
|'''[[Wings]]''' <span style="font-size:large">●●●●●</span> = Speed 14 miles/hour maximum|| --- || ---
|[[Streetwise]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{4}}</span> ||[[Art of Memory (Classical)|Memory]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> ||[[]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{0}}</span>
| --- || --- || ---
|[[Style]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> ||[[]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{0}}</span> ||[[]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{0}}</span>
|'''[[MEFITE]]'''|| --- ||'''[[HAVOC]]'''
|colspan ="6" style="text-align:center;"| '''ADVANTAGES'''  
|'''Temporary''' <span style="font-size:large">●○○○○○○○○○</span>|| --- ||'''Temporary''' <span style="font-size:large">●○○○○○○○○○</span>
|colspan="2" style="text-align:center; width: 33%" |'''[[ENDOWMENTS]]'''||colspan="2" style="text-align:center; width: 33%" | '''BACKGROUNDS''' ||colspan="2" style="text-align:center; width: 33%" | '''[[LINEAMENTS]]'''
|'''Permanent''' <span style="font-size:large">●○○○○○○○○○</span>|| --- ||'''Permanent''' <span style="font-size:large">●○○○○○○○○○</span>
|[[Acer]]|| <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> ||[[Allies]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> ||[[Alien Appearance]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{0}}</span>  
| --- ||'''[[ELEMENTAL AFFINITY]]'''|| ---
|[[Armature]]|| <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> ||[[Arcane]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{3}}</span> ||[[Extra Limb]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{0}}</span>
| --- ||'''[[DARKNESS]]''' (Prime) || ---
|[[Captivation]]|| <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> ||[[City Secrets]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> ||[[Hibernation]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{0}}</span>
| --- ||<span style="font-size:large">●●●●○○○○○○</span>|| ---
|[[Dread]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> ||[[Cynosure]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{1}}</span> ||[[Human Speech]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{0}}</span>
|'''[[VRIL]]'''|| --- ||'''[[WILLPOWER]]'''
|[[Flight]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> ||[[Demesne (mage V20)]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{1}}</span> ||[[Immunity]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{0}}</span>
|'''Temporary''' <span style="font-size:large">●●●●○○○○○○</span>|| --- ||'''Temporary''' <span style="font-size:large">●●●●○○○○○○</span>
|[[Haste]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{3}}</span> ||[[Resources]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> ||[[Natural Weapons]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{0}}</span>  
|'''Permanent''' <span style="font-size:large">●●●●○○○○○○</span>|| --- ||'''Permanent''' <span style="font-size:large">●●●●●●●●○○</span>  
|[[Mephitis]]|| <span style="font-size:large">{{3}}</span> ||[[Retainers]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> ||[[Night Sight]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{0}}</span>  
| --- || --- || ---
|[[Vallation]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> ||[[Secrets: St. Calenda's Wandering Pageant|Secrets: The Pageant]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{4}}</span> ||[[Regrowth]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{0}}</span>
| --- || --- || ---  
| --- || --- || --- || --- ||[[Size]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{0}}</span>
| --- || --- || ---  
| --- || --- || --- || --- ||[[Spirit Vision]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{0}}</span>
| --- || --- || ---  
| --- || --- || --- || --- ||[[Transmogrify]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{0}}</span>
| --- || --- || ---  
| --- || --- || --- || --- ||[[Unaging]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{0}}</span>
| --- || --- || ---  
| --- || --- || --- || --- ||[[Vulnerability]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{0}}</span>
| --- || --- || ---  
| --- || --- || --- || --- ||[[Wings]] || <span style="font-size:large">{{0}}</span>
| --- || --- || ---  
| --- || --- || --- || --- || --- || ---  
| --- || --- || ---  
| --- || --- || --- || --- || --- || ---  
| --- || --- || ---  
|'''[[PRAVITAS]]'''|| --- || '''DRACONIAN CODE'''|| --- ||'''[[HAVOC]]'''|| ---
| --- || --- || ---
|'''Temporary'''|| <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> ||'''[[Road of the Abyss]]'''|| <span style="font-size:large">{{5}}</span> ||'''Temporary'''|| <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> 
| --- || --- || ---
|'''Permanent'''|| <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> ||'''Dark Virtues'''|| --- ||'''Permanent'''|| <span style="font-size:large">{{2}}</span> 
| --- || --- || ---  
| --- || --- || Conviction || <span style="font-size:large">{{3}}</span> || --- || ---  
| --- || --- || ---  
| --- || --- || Self-Control || <span style="font-size:large">{{4}}</span> || --- || --- 
| --- || --- || ---  
| --- || --- || Courage || <span style="font-size:large">{{5}}</span> || --- || ---  
|'''Health Levels'''|| --- || ---  
| --- || --- || --- || --- || --- || ---  
|'''Bruised (0)''' - { }{ }{ }|| --- || ---  
|'''[[VRIL]]'''|| --- || '''AFFINITY OF ELEMENT''' || --- || '''[[WILLPOWER]]''' || ---  
|'''Hurt (-1)''' ---- { } { }|| --- || ---
|'''Temporary'''|| <span style="font-size:large">{{3}}</span> || ''[[Obtenebration|Elemental Darkness]]'' || <span style="font-size:large">{{4}}</span> || '''Temporary''' || <span style="font-size:large">{{6}}</span> 
|'''Injured (-1)''' - { } { }|| --- || ---  
|'''Permanent'''|| <span style="font-size:large">{{4}}</span> || --- || --- || '''Permanent''' || <span style="font-size:large">{{9}}</span>
|'''Wounded (-2)''' - { } { }|| --- || ---  
| --- || --- || --- || --- || --- || ---  
|'''Mauled (-2)''' -- { } { }|| --- || ---  
| --- || --- || --- || --- || --- || ---  
|'''Crippled (-5)'''- { } { }|| --- || ---  
| --- || --- || --- || --- || --- || ---
|'''Incapacitated'''- { }|| --- ||'''[[Draconic Experience Chart]]'''
|colspan="2" style="text-align:center; width: 33%" |'''Health Levels'''||colspan="2" style="text-align:center; width: 33%"| '''[[Draconic Experience Chart]]'''  || colspan="2" style="text-align:center; width: 33%"| '''[[Umbraculavites' Notes]]'''  
|'''Final Death'''||'''[[Umbraculavites' Sorcery]]''' ||'''[[Umbraculavites' Experience]]'''
|'''Bruised (0)''' ||{ }|| [[Umbraculavites' Experience]] || --- || [[Umbraculavites' Barbs & Snares]] || --- 
|'''Bruised (0)''' ||{ }|| --- || --- || [[Umbraculavites' Code]] || --- 
|'''Hurt (-1)''' ||{ }|| --- || --- || [[Umbraculavites' Equipment]] || --- 
|'''Injured (-1)''' ||{ }|| --- || --- || [[Umbraculavites' Ledger]] || --- 
|'''Wounded (-2)''' ||{ }|| --- || --- || [[Umbraculavites' Sorcery]] || --- 
|'''Mauled (-2)''' ||{ }|| --- || --- || [[Aegon's Mercs]] || ---
|'''Crippled (-5)'''||{ }|| ---|| --- || '''Merits''' || [[Unbondable]] - 3pt Super 
|'''Incapacitated'''||{ }|| --- || --- || '''Flaws''' || Possessed by [[Uller Verbrek]]  
|'''Final Death'''|| --- || '''Soundtrack:''' [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YV7NNzVPDYA] || --- || --- || ---

Latest revision as of 23:29, 29 November 2021

St.Calenda's Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair + History According to Aegon Nightshade + Catechism of Shadows + Dragons
"And the road becomes my bride"
"I have stripped of all but pride"
"So in her I do confide"
"And she keeps me satisfied"
"Gives me all I need"
"And the dust in throat I crave"
"Only knowledge will I save"
"To the game you stay a slave"
"Rover, wanderer"
"Nomad, vagabond"
"Call me what you will..."
-- Wherever I May Roam -- Metallica


Every life is a riddle. The answer to mine is knowledge, born of darkness. It wasn't always so. In the beginning, I still had questions. In the beginning, my mystery still remained. -- The Order (2003)


Aegon (personal name), Nightshade (family name)


Salivius Ludovicus {A few would still remember Salivius in Alexandria, the Eastern Empire and of course Bulgaria, and only those with an excellent memory would recognize this young man as the same person they knew from decades before. Oddly enough, few people remember Aegon or the Pageant after they have taken once more to the open road.}, Boy... {The most common nickname used by the pageanteers and the visitors to the circus when referring to Aegon.


Aegon is a young man with boyish good looks and the build of an Olympic athlete. His eyes are a piercing ultramarine blue and his open friendly face shows the transformation of a boy into a man. A mop of crudely cut auburn hair hangs in his eyes or is swept rightward in a natural part. Like most medieval men he wears facial hair, in this case a goatee sans mustache. Aegon currently dresses in the Tatar style of long tunic over loose linen pantaloons stuffed into pointy-toed soft leather boots. He wears a baldric for his sheathed horseman's saber and light horn-bow and a belt for his purse, pouches and cutlery. A gift from his eldest sister hangs on a knotted cord around his neck.


Aegon's apparent youth and obvious physical strength imply a lack of experience or intelligence and that is precisely what he would would have you believe. Gifted by divinity with an open boyish face and better than average looks, Aegon has practiced countless hours before a mirror to produce smiles that range from sheepish to mischievous and just how to leer at a woman to draw her interest rather than garner verbal or physical abuse. He can portray the young fool, the innocent farm boy, the randy youth, the subservient thrall, the best friend or the amateur mercenary and he is none of these things. Those who look into his ultramarine eyes, really look, can see a darkness there that no amount of sunlight can burn away and yet, few ever bother to truly see what is there in plain sight. Those who come to see beyond his many masks observe a thoughtful and calculating mind dedicated to a single task, that of studying darkness and mastering all of its secrets.


Aegon Nightshade was born Salivius Ludovicus somewhere on the road from the Holy Roman Empire to the Kingdom of Hungary in the East. His father a blacksmith who like other skilled German freemen was invited by Solomon, King of Hungary to emigrate to western Hungary with the enticement of free land. Salivius' family undertook the difficulty journey from their homeland to the village of Velem in the County of Vas. There the family of Ludovicus, Latinized Germans, worked hard to fit in and Salivius' father became the village blacksmith and did quite well for himself and his family.

Salivius was only an infant during the journey to Hungary and grew up with the other village children and speaking the Magyar tongue as if born to it. At home he was required to speak medieval German and in church he learned Latin, for Saint Stephen I converted the entire nation of Hungary to Apostolic Catholicism during his reign in the early 11th century. In the early years, like all young boys, he played in the local woods, among the hills and explored old ruins and dark caves. It was in these caves and after the fall of the sun that Salivius could hear the voices of the night. The boy instinctively knew better than to speak of these things for he had seen the hilltop above the village where the old pagans had been burned decades before. Their ashes revealed to him the fate of any who would question the authority of the Christian church and the followers of the light.

Still in all the ways that count, Salivius grew up a Catholic and an obedient, loving son and on his seventh birthday he came to train with his father in the smithy. At first he just watched, observed and fetched whatever his father asked for, but in time he was given more complicated duties like gathering and chopping wood for the fires and carrying water. The years passed quickly for the family of Ludovicus and Salivius and his brothers worked hard for their father. But Salivius came of age in a difficult time, for King Solomon and his cousins went to war by day and after the fall of dark, night-folk battled each other and drank the blood of the unwary. On one particularly day in the autumn of Salivius' fourteenth year, the soldiers of one of the factions forcibly conscripted his father and older brothers while the younger children and women of the family hid in the caves above the village of Velem.

Upon the family's return, the village had been pillaged and the local people abused. Strangely, the smithy remained undamaged among all the buildings of the village and Salivius began to immediately work there as the village smith. While nowhere near as skilled as his father Ludovicus or his older brothers, he managed to earn enough to feed his family. The wars of the Hungarian king and the nocturnal people continued and became particularly savage in 1074. This time the village was burned to the ground and all the villagers fled elsewhere. Salivius lost his mother to fever and as the eldest male of the family it became his duty to protect his brothers and sisters and make decisions for them. As the wars became steadily worse, Salivius went once more to the caves to seek solace and to clear his head. There the darkness spoke to him, offering good council in return for life-long service, Salivius accepted the conditions and returned with a plan. Within another year, Salivius had arranged for the apprenticeship of his younger brothers in different villages and the marriage of all his sisters to good husbands. With only a few coins to his name, Salivius took up the trade of mercenary and traveled south all the way to Constantinople where he eventually came to find work as a mercenary of the Byzantine Empire in its far off possessions.

Salivius, son of Ludovicus served the Byzantine Empire for nearly twenty years and eventually retired to small pension in Alexandria. That was until the arrival of the strange circus and the coming of plague. Thereafter, the darkness spoke to Salivius in his dreams thus one evening in the winter of 1096, he was drinking with Hermokrates Erlingr in a wine-shop called the Joyous Harpy when a foreign warrior entered asking for mercenaries. Decades before, Salivius had made deal with the dark to help his family and he knew upon sight of this Saxon warrior Blake, that he would indeed pay the cost of that deal by offering his sword. The journey to the forgotten temple was a solemn one and its environs were suitably dark and terrifying. Deep beneath the earth, Salivius died to the sting of a giant white scorpion, only to rise again a younger man with a strange dark glint in his eyes -- Aegon Nightshade.


Shadowcaster Egon Nadragulya.jpg
Half-dragon 1.jpg
Shadow Dragon Umbraculavites.jpg
Character: Umbraculavites Affinity: Elemental Darkness Species: Chimera - Subspecies Draconid
Player: User:Bruce Nature: Magnate Concept: Dark Paladin
Chronicle: Past Imperfect Demeanor: Eye Of The Storm Affiliated Group: The Pageant
Physical Social Mental
Strength ●●●●●●○○○○ Charisma ●●●●○○○○○○ Perception ●●●●○○○○○○
Dexterity ●●●●●●○○○○ Manipulation ●●●●○○○○○○ Intelligence ●●●●○○○○○○
Stamina ●●●●●●○○○○ Appearance ●●●○○○○○○○ Wits ●●●●○○○○○○
Talents (PTS) Skills (PSS) Knowledges (PKS)
Alertness ●●●●○○○○○○ Animal Ken ●●●○○○○○○○ Academics ●●●●●●○○○○
Athletics ●●●○○○○○○○ Archery ●●○○○○○○○○ Enigmas ●○○○○○○○○○
Awareness ●●●○○○○○○○ Commerce ●●○○○○○○○○ Hearth Wisdom ○○○○○○○○○○
Brawl ●●●●○○○○○○ Crafts ●●○○○○○○○○ Investigation ●●○○○○○○○○
Empathy ●●●○○○○○○○ Etiquette ●●●●○○○○○○ Law ●●●○○○○○○○
Expression ●●○○○○○○○○ Melee ●●●●●○○○○○ Medicine ●●○○○○○○○○
Intimidation ●●●○○○○○○○ Performance ●●●○○○○○○○ Occult ●●●●●○○○○○
Leadership ●●●○○○○○○○ Ride ●●●○○○○○○○ Politics ●●●○○○○○○○
Legerdemain ●●●○○○○○○○ Stealth ●●●○○○○○○○ Seneschal ○○○○○○○○○○
Subterfuge ●●●●●○○○○○ Survival ●●●○○○○○○○ Theology ●●●●○○○○○○
Talents (SATS) Skills (SASS) Knowledges (SAKS)
Carousing ●●●●●○○○○○ Blacksmith ●●●●○○○○○○ Lore: Kindred ●●●●●○○○○○
Dodge ●●●●●○○○○○ Blind-Fighting ●●○○○○○○○○ Linguistics ●●●●●○○○○○
Dreaming ●●●○○○○○○○ Drive ●●●○○○○○○○ Lore: Lupine ●○○○○○○○○○
Flying ●●○○○○○○○○ Fast-Draw ●●○○○○○○○○ Military Science ●●●○○○○○○○
Haggling ●●●●○○○○○○ Game Playing ●●●○○○○○○○ [[]] ○○○○○○○○○○
Instruction ●●○○○○○○○○ Hunting ●●●○○○○○○○ [[]] ○○○○○○○○○○
Interrogation ●●●○○○○○○○ Hypnotism ●●○○○○○○○○ [[]] ○○○○○○○○○○
Primal-Urge ●●○○○○○○○○ Meditation ●●●●○○○○○○ [[]] ○○○○○○○○○○
Streetwise ●●●●○○○○○○ Memory ●●○○○○○○○○ [[]] ○○○○○○○○○○
Style ●●○○○○○○○○ [[]] ○○○○○○○○○○ [[]] ○○○○○○○○○○
Acer ●●○○○○○○○○ Allies ●●○○○○○○○○ Alien Appearance ○○○○○○○○○○
Armature ●●○○○○○○○○ Arcane ●●●○○○○○○○ Extra Limb ○○○○○○○○○○
Captivation ●●○○○○○○○○ City Secrets ●●○○○○○○○○ Hibernation ○○○○○○○○○○
Dread ●●○○○○○○○○ Cynosure ●○○○○○○○○○ Human Speech ○○○○○○○○○○
Flight ●●○○○○○○○○ Demesne (mage V20) ●○○○○○○○○○ Immunity ○○○○○○○○○○
Haste ●●●○○○○○○○ Resources ●●○○○○○○○○ Natural Weapons ○○○○○○○○○○
Mephitis ●●●○○○○○○○ Retainers ●●○○○○○○○○ Night Sight ○○○○○○○○○○
Vallation ●●○○○○○○○○ Secrets: The Pageant ●●●●○○○○○○ Regrowth ○○○○○○○○○○
--- --- --- --- Size ○○○○○○○○○○
--- --- --- --- Spirit Vision ○○○○○○○○○○
--- --- --- --- Transmogrify ○○○○○○○○○○
--- --- --- --- Unaging ○○○○○○○○○○
--- --- --- --- Vulnerability ○○○○○○○○○○
--- --- --- --- Wings ○○○○○○○○○○
--- --- --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- --- ---
Temporary ●●○○○○○○○○ Road of the Abyss ●●●●●○○○○○ Temporary ●●○○○○○○○○
Permanent ●●○○○○○○○○ Dark Virtues --- Permanent ●●○○○○○○○○
--- --- Conviction ●●●○○○○○○○ --- ---
--- --- Self-Control ●●●●○○○○○○ --- ---
--- --- Courage ●●●●●○○○○○ --- ---
--- --- --- --- --- ---
Temporary ●●●○○○○○○○ Elemental Darkness ●●●●○○○○○○ Temporary ●●●●●●○○○○
Permanent ●●●●○○○○○○ --- --- Permanent ●●●●●●●●●○
--- --- --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- --- --- ---
Health Levels Draconic Experience Chart Umbraculavites' Notes
Bruised (0) { } Umbraculavites' Experience --- Umbraculavites' Barbs & Snares ---
Bruised (0) { } --- --- Umbraculavites' Code ---
Hurt (-1) { } --- --- Umbraculavites' Equipment ---
Injured (-1) { } --- --- Umbraculavites' Ledger ---
Wounded (-2) { } --- --- Umbraculavites' Sorcery ---
Mauled (-2) { } --- --- Aegon's Mercs ---
Crippled (-5) { } --- --- Merits Unbondable - 3pt Super
Incapacitated { } --- --- Flaws Possessed by Uller Verbrek
Final Death --- Soundtrack: [1] --- --- ---