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Description: Dealing death from a distance is not the exclusive province of the bestial elite. The dragon's flames, the basilisk's breath and the gorgon's gaze fascinate tellers of tales, surely. However, the quills of the porpentine and the fiery excrement of the bonnacon can injure an enemy just as certainly.

Whatever the means (breath, gaze, spittle, quills), you can blast out something (fire, poison gas, caustic acid) deadly, or at least dangerous, at range and at will. The exact mechanics and specifications of the attack will vary depending on its nature, as the Storyteller should determine.

For every five points spent, you inflict one Health Level of damage with your attack on a successful Dexterity + Archery roll (difficulty 7). For seven points per Health Level, the damage can be caustic (Greek fire, acid, clouds of gas) and inflict an additional Health Level per turn until washed off. For double the cost, damage can be aggravated. Your target can soak any of these types of damage.

You can use this weapon once per scene for every point of Stamina that you possess. If your attack could conceivably affect multiple targets (like the basilisk's poison clouds), assume that each success above the first allows an additional victim to be hurt if he is within range of the attack. Your Storyteller will determine these ranges. Area weapons are usually effective at a shorter range than "pinpoint" attacks. A gas cloud will affect a large area, but at shorter range than hurled lightning, for example.

Notes on Dragons: Dragon Breath, a version of Hazardous Breath, is empowered by {MEFITE} -- "The Magister 22:10, 3 October 2019 (MDT)"

Notes on Umbraculavites: This dragon-kin's breath attack manifests as a blast of shadowy vapor. -- "The Magister 22:13, 3 October 2019 (MDT)"