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Description: True to its chancy and changeable nature, magick does not affect all beasts equally. Some seem simply insensible to it; spells roll off of others like water off a duck's back. Some beasts can instinctively (or purposely) throw up a sudden shield against mystical strikes. A few lucky creatures are just, well, lucky — they never seem to be right there, or properly in focus, or out from behind cover. Whatever form your defense takes (you and the Storyteller should agree on its precise nature before the game), it helps keep your fur unsinged in magickal combat.

For every two points spent on this Advantage, you can either get one die of counter-magick, or add one to the difficulty of a mystical attack—Gifts, Thaumaturgy, Cantrips, etc. — directed at your character (although not both at once). Using this Advantage is like making a magickal Dodge — it must be declared as an action each turn, and take dice away from other tasks. Attempting it while you're doing other things is distracting, so you must subtract the dice in the shield from your normal total.

Source: Mage - Sorcerer's Crusade - Bygone Bestiary - pg.116 <Mystick Resistance>