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; '''[[Arrayed by Clan]]'''
;[[Arrayed by Clan]]
[[File:Toreador clan logo.png]]
From the Toreador perspective, when the sun fades, darkness gives rise to an eternal and wondrous world.
Everything is fraught with wonder and terror, low politics and sensual glories, the profound and the profane,
and an undeniable undercurrent of the sanguinary. These Kindred are the Toreador, and they spend
unlives ensconced in pleasure.
Of course, for vampires of this disposition, it’s easy to become jaded and bitter. More than the other Clans, Toreador often
succumb to ennui, or fight the eventual boredom of unchanging immortality by playing at rivalries. An excess of
stimulation turns them into slaves to the sensations they seek. The most debased Toreador can become true
monsters, sinking to unimaginable levels of depravity in order to feel anything at all.
The Kindred of Clan Toreador often involve themselves greatly in the world of mortals. They have
any number of reasons, whether enjoying proximity to the blush of life, cultivating veritable cults
of doting followers, or influencing and following the trends that their own kind simultaneously mock and
venerate. To hear the Toreador tell it, they are the Muses of a desperate mortal world, inspiring through their
beauty or patronage.
Toreador culture is a mixture of sybarites, dilettantes, and visionaries. Some Toreador, with echoes of mortal passion,
Embrace lovers or “project” progeny who seem to fly in the face of every Toreador custom. These either don’t last long or
rise to great prominence as subversives and individualists. Ideas, trends, and “the next great thing” spread through the Clan, and
other Kindred often look to the Toreador to guide them. The Degenerates know this, and many become
Harpies, Princes, and other key figures in vampiric society.
'''Nickname:''' Degenerates
'''Sect:''' The Camarilla would not have survived in the nights following the Anarch
Revolt without substantial participation from the Toreador, and they remain among
its most ardent supporters.
'''Appearance:''' Almost to the last, they are attractive in some way, whether
the traditional beauty of a runway model or the dangerous allure of something more predatory.
The Degenerates augment their physical beauty with a sense of personal style, which may take
the form of expensive couture, avant-garde street wear, or classical fashions designed
to emphasize their appealing qualities. This isn’t to say that ugly Toreador don’t exist.
Indeed, those gifted with less physical beauty often go that much further with their choice
of accoutrements.
'''Haven:''' The Degenerates spare no expense in appointing their havens in luxury,
often with many original works of art. It is a point of pride among Toreador to
have an unconventional (and thus memorable) haven with modern comforts; thus, many
have striking lofts and penthouses, while the bolder among them renovate or re-purpose
everything from abandoned aquariums or deconsecrated churches to rooftop gardens or
converted warehouse-galleries in fashion-for-ward neighborhoods. Share a communal haven? How
'''Background:''' Many Toreador hail from high-society or “bohemian” backgrounds. Indeed, many are themselves
artists or influential among local art scenes or other subcultures. Actors, singers, musicians, sculptors,
poets, playwrights, authors, and creative folk of any stripe may well find a home in the Clan, as do those
who serve as patrons to (or travel in the entourages of)
those artistic types.
'''Character Creation:''' Social attributes are almost always primary, with an even split among Talents, Skills,
and Knowledges depending on how the Toreador distinguishes herself. Toreador also love to cultivate
Backgrounds. Allies, Contacts, Resources, Domain, Haven, Mentors, Resources, Retainers — all of these
have great value among Toreador. Wise Toreador may choose to develop their Virtues, Humanity, Path, or
Willpower, because with an unlife of degeneracy, they must frequently attend to the ugly business of bringing
the Beast to heel.
'''Clan Disciplines:''' Auspex, Celerity, Presence
'''Weaknesses:''' When a Toreador experiences something truly remarkable — a person, an objet d’art, a
lovely sunrise — the player must make a Self-Control or Instincts roll (difficulty 6). Failure means that the
Kindred finds herself enthralled by the experience. The dazzled Toreador cannot act for the duration of the
scene aside from commenting on or continuing their involvement with whatever has captured their attention.
If the experience no longer affects her (whether by moving, being destroyed, or whatever is appropriate to the situation),
the captivation ends. Enraptured Toreador may not even defend themselves if attacked, though being wounded allows them to make another
Self-Control or Instincts roll.
'''Organization:''' Clan Toreador is cliquish and parochial in its local domains, but very rarely on a level that
affects Clan-wide custom. Certain Toreador (and a few outside the Clan) sometimes use the terms “artiste” and “poseur” when describing individual Toreador,
often derisively, to describe whether the Degenerate in question is one who is seen as creative or simply a follower of established trends, but these are certainly informal distinctions.
Clan Toreador is made up of Artist and Posers of many different skills and predilections. To account for this they have developed a complex [[Toreador Guilds|Guild]] system to foster the Arts within the Clan. These Guilds have existed for a long time and it is not known if they formed the basis for the mortal craft guilds or the other way round. Most suspect that it is a shared development, but some of the more proud Toreador will argue that the mortals simply followed their lead.
'''Quote:''' ''Long after you die, I will still be young, beautiful, and adored by everyone whose life I touch.''
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''3rd Generation''' ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''3rd Generation''' ==
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Arikel]]
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Arikel]]
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== <span style="color:#800000;">'''4th Generation''' ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''4th Generation''' ==
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Helena]] -- Trojan Princess and methusaleh.
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Helena]] -- Trojan Princess and methusaleh.
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Iontius]] -- AKA: Derrick Zeel -- Toreador porn star. {Beirut, Lebanon}
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Michael the Patriarch]] -- Part of the Triad of Constantinople and methusaleh. (Deceased)
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Michael the Patriarch]] -- Part of the Triad of Constantinople and methusaleh. (Deceased)
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Minos]] -- Sire of [[Helene]], who in later times will be known as Helena, diabolized by his childe.
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Theresa del Babillone]] -- Methuselah ruler of Costa Rica. {San José}
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Callisti y Castillo]] -- Methuselah sire of Raphael de Corazon. {Prince of Buenos Aires, Argentina}
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''5th Generation''' ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''5th Generation''' ==
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Francois Villon]] -- Prince of Paris.
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Alastair McNeal]] -- Progeny of Helena
* -- [[Maria The Spanish| Maria]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Child of [[Helena]]
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Beatrix]] -- Progeny of Helena and former Prince of Paris. {''R.I.P: 1789''}
* -- [[Raphael de Corazon]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of [[]], and founding member of the Camarilla.
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Francois Villon]] -- Progeny of Helena and current Prince of Paris.
* -- [[Marianela Ubina]] -- Progeny of Helena and Sire of Annabelle Triabell. She was the former Primogen of Chicago, and often called by her diminutive ''Maria'' until her untimely death in 1990. {[[Chicago]]}
* -- [[Raphael de Corazon]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of [[Callisti y Castillo]], and founding member of the Camarilla.
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Petronius the Arbiter]] -- Child of Michael.
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Petronius the Arbiter]] -- Child of Michael.
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Anthemios of Tralles]] -- Child of Michael.  Muse of Architecture
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Anthemios of Tralles]] -- Child of Michael.  Muse of Architecture
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== <span style="color:#800000;">'''6th Generation''' ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''6th Generation''' ==
* -- [[Annabelle Triabell]] childe of [[Marianela Ubina]].
* -- [[Bess Dancort]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Childe of [[Alastair McNeal]]
* -- [[Léonide Évariste de la Croix]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of [[Raphael de Corazon]], and [[Rio de Janeiro]]'s King of the Carnival.
* -- [[Léonide Évariste de la Croix]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of [[Raphael de Corazon]], and [[Rio de Janeiro]]'s King of the Carnival.
* -- [[François Dumas]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of Francois Villon, the Prince of Paris. New prince of Montreal.
* -- [[François Dumas]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of Francois Villon, the Prince of Paris. New prince of Montreal.
* -- [[Eric Baring-Gould]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of [[Raphael de Corazon]] and Toreador Primogen of London.
* -- [[Eric Baring-Gould]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of [[Raphael de Corazon]] and Toreador Primogen of London.
* -- [[Nicoli Estrenom]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- childe of [[Marianela Ubina | Maria The Spanish]], Toreado primogen of Philadelphia.
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Paris of Rome]] -- Childe of [[Petronius the Arbiter]], Sire of Edward Williamson
* -- [[Rodina Bruce McCoy]] <span style="color:#800000;"> --Childe of [[Alastair McNeal]] .
* -- [[Sire Wenceslas]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- A member of the ''[[Conspiracy of Issac]]''.
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''7th Generation''' ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''7th Generation''' ==
* <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Bret Stryker]] -- Progeny of Annabelle Triabell. {[[Chicago]]}
* <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Carina von Kerzen]] -- Progeny of Paris of Rome and sibling of Edward Williamson. {[[Düsseldorf]]}
* <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Duncan Oighrig McConnell]] -- Progeny of [[Bess Dancort]] Prince of Edinburgh
* <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Edward Williamson]] -- Progeny of Paris of Rome and sibling of Carina von Kerzen. {[[Leipzig]]}
* <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Efigénia Campos]] -- Progeny of Léonide Évariste de la Croix and the Knight of the Roses in Rio de Janeiro.
* <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Efigénia Campos]] -- Progeny of Léonide Évariste de la Croix and the Knight of the Roses in Rio de Janeiro.
* <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Jacques]] -- Child of [[François Dumas]], Sire of [[Morgaine]]
* <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Leonardo Ferreira]] -- Progeny of Léonide Évariste de la Croix and Toreador armorer and smith of Rio de Janeiro.
* <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Leonardo Ferreira]] -- Progeny of Léonide Évariste de la Croix and Toreador armorer and smith of Rio de Janeiro.
* --<span style="color:#800000;"> [[Jacques]] -- Child of [[François Dumas]], Sire of [[Morgaine]]
* <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Océane D'aramitz]] -- Baroness of Beirut.
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Versancia]] -- Sire of Audric St. Thierry. {[[Paris]]}
* <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Sean Michael Garrity]] -- Childe of Rodina McCoy
* <span style="color:#800000;"> --  [[Versancia]] -- Sire of Audric St. Thierry. {[[Paris]]}
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''8th Generation''' ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''8th Generation''' ==
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Audric St. Thierry]] -- Progeny of [[Versancia]] and sire of [[L'Epuisette]]; often called the "Master of the Game." {[[Paris]]}
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Audric St. Thierry]] -- Progeny of [[Versancia]] and sire of [[L'Epuisette]]; often called the "Master of the Game." {[[Paris]]}
* <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Carson Longbaugh]] -- Toreador Primogen of Houston.
* - <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Carson Longbaugh]] -- Toreador Primogen of Houston.
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Morgaine]] -- Progeny of Jacques and Primogen of the Toreador of New Orleans.
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Ewan Callum McInnes]] -- Progeny of Duncan McGinniss
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Nela Dolezelova]]: -- Progeny of xxxxx and sire of [[Tyler Love]] <br>
* - <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Julek Blomgren]] -- Toreador Prince of [[Duluth, Minnesota| Duluth]], deceased 2021.
* -- <span style="color:#800000;">[[Nasr Ramanathan]] -- Indian Mogul sire of Qadir Al - Asmai.
* - <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Karen Mauve]] -- Toreador Rock Star and youngest progeny of Edward Williams. {[[Denver]]}
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Sevacora]] --  Sire of Noël d'Artois. {[[Paris]]}
* - <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Leslie Booth]] -- Progeny of Edward Williamson, Sire of Leslie Wilkes  {[[Denver]]}
* - <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Morgaine]] -- Progeny of Jacques and Primogen of the Toreador of New Orleans.
* - <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Nela Dolezelova]]: -- Progeny of Priya and sire of [[Tyler Love]] <br>
* - <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Nasr Ramanathan]] -- Indian Mogul sire of Qadir Al - Asmai. {Current location: [[New Delhi]]}
* - <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Sevacora]] --  Sire of Noël d'Artois. {[[Paris]]}
* - <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Tien Hsu]] -- Called Mahitabel.  Discredited Toreador Primogen.
* - <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Victoria Ash]] -- Progeny of Maximillian of Paris (deceased). Sire of Regina Blake and Evan (deceased). ''{She is the signature character for the Toreador clan in Vampire: The Masquerade.}''
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''9th Generation''' ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''9th Generation''' ==
* <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Alice Babylon]] -- Toreador Neonate of Houston, progeny of Carson Longbaugh and owner of the [[Desert Rose Cantina]].
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Alice Babylon]] -- Toreador Neonate and progeny of Carson Longbaugh and owner of the [[Desert Rose Cantina]]. {[[Houston]]}
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Artemis Wylde-Whitney]] -- Child of [[Nela Dolezelova:]] Fashionista Toreador of [[London - Pax Britannica]]
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Frédéric le Parisien]] -- Toreador Elder of Glasgow, Scotland. {[[Glasgow]]}
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Henry Stern]] -- Renowned Toreador Sculptor {[[London]]}
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[L'Epuisette]] -- Progeny of Audric St. Thierry amd an agent of the Anarchs (deceased). {[[Paris]]}
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Leslie Wilkes]] -- Progeny of [[Leslie Booth]].
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Maria Diamente]] -- Progeny of Montague Lytton.  {[[Melbourne]]}
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Noël d'Artois]] -- Progeny of Sevacora. {[[Paris]]}
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Noël d'Artois]] -- Progeny of Sevacora. {[[Paris]]}
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Frédéric le Parisien]] -- Toreador Elder of Glasgow, Scotland
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Tadgh Micheil McLain]] -- Progeny of Ewen
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Henry Stern]] -- Renowned Toreador Sculptor
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Qadir Al - Asmai]] -- Former prince of Quebec City (circa 2023 C.E.). {Current location: [[New Delhi]]}
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[L'Epuisette]] -- Progeny of Audric St. Thierry amd an agent of the Anarchs (deceased). {[[Paris]]}
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Regina Blake]] -- Lady Regina Blake is a Toreador Cainite of London. She is a childe of Victoria Ash - and also her lover during the Victorian Age. {[[London]]}
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Qadir Al - Asmai]] -- The Prince of Quebec City (circa 2023 C.E.).
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Simon Bass]] -- Progeny of [[Leslie Booth]] -- Sire of .
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''10th Generation''' ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''10th Generation''' ==
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Andrew Campbell]] -- Sire of Lorna Dingwall, the Toreador hostage in London -- circa 1897 ([[Edinburgh]]).
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Andrew Campbell]] -- Sire of Lorna Dingwall, the Toreador hostage in London -- circa 1897 ([[Edinburgh]]). Child of [[Tadgh Micheil McLain]].
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Eldred Morce]] -- Childe of the former Camarilla prince and royal hostage. {Imprisoned: [[Quebec City]]}
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Rudolph Paulson]] -- Childe of
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Simon le Gris]] -- A young American poseur. (AKA: Simon Legree) -- {[[Paris]]}
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''11th Generation''' ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''11th Generation''' ==
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== <span style="color:#800000;">'''13th Generation''' ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''13th Generation''' ==
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> [[Derrick Zeel]] -- The King of Porn. {[[Beirut]]}
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''Those of Unknown Generation''' ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''Those of Unknown Generation''' ==
* -- [[Geneviève Orseau]] -- Toreador Elder of Paris
* -- [[Natalia Kumenikova]] - Toreador (deceased)
* -- [[Adeline Truchon]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- ''Toreador Prince of Zagreb, Croatia''
* -- [[Adeline Truchon]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- ''Toreador Prince of Zagreb, Croatia''
* -- [[Yitzhak]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Toreador ''antitribu'' and coven ductus of [[The Shepherds of Caine]] of Montreal
* -- [[Yitzhak]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Toreador ''antitribu'' and coven ductus of [[The Shepherds of Caine]] of Montreal
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* -- [[Elizabeth Westcott]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Female Vocalist / Keyboard Player of Persephone Seed
* -- [[Elizabeth Westcott]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Female Vocalist / Keyboard Player of Persephone Seed
* -- [[Toma Ilinovic]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Prince of Pomoire, Bulgaria.
* -- [[Toma Ilinovic]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Prince of Pomoire, Bulgaria.
* <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Derrick Zeel]] -- Toreador porn star. {Beirut, Lebanon}
* -- [[Avery Beckett]] -- Toreador Poet. {Whitby, England - 2042}
* -- [[Viviette Coke]] -- Self-styled prince of Harrogate. {Harrogate, England - 2042}
* -- [[Darrin Rose]] -- Toreador neonate. {Harrogate, England - 2042}
* -- [[Paula Graves]] -- Toreador mistress of Middlesbrough by appointment. {Middlesbrough, England - 2042}
* -- [[Fiona McNair]] - Keeper of Elysium and patron of the arts in Hull {Kingston upon Hull, England - 2042}
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''Historical Coteries''' ==
* -- [[The Quorum of the Rose]] -- Medieval Toreador & Childer of Helen of Troy

Latest revision as of 22:53, 26 May 2024

Arrayed by Clan

Toreador clan logo.png

From the Toreador perspective, when the sun fades, darkness gives rise to an eternal and wondrous world. Everything is fraught with wonder and terror, low politics and sensual glories, the profound and the profane, and an undeniable undercurrent of the sanguinary. These Kindred are the Toreador, and they spend unlives ensconced in pleasure.

Of course, for vampires of this disposition, it’s easy to become jaded and bitter. More than the other Clans, Toreador often succumb to ennui, or fight the eventual boredom of unchanging immortality by playing at rivalries. An excess of stimulation turns them into slaves to the sensations they seek. The most debased Toreador can become true monsters, sinking to unimaginable levels of depravity in order to feel anything at all.

The Kindred of Clan Toreador often involve themselves greatly in the world of mortals. They have any number of reasons, whether enjoying proximity to the blush of life, cultivating veritable cults of doting followers, or influencing and following the trends that their own kind simultaneously mock and venerate. To hear the Toreador tell it, they are the Muses of a desperate mortal world, inspiring through their beauty or patronage.

Toreador culture is a mixture of sybarites, dilettantes, and visionaries. Some Toreador, with echoes of mortal passion, Embrace lovers or “project” progeny who seem to fly in the face of every Toreador custom. These either don’t last long or rise to great prominence as subversives and individualists. Ideas, trends, and “the next great thing” spread through the Clan, and other Kindred often look to the Toreador to guide them. The Degenerates know this, and many become Harpies, Princes, and other key figures in vampiric society.

Nickname: Degenerates

Sect: The Camarilla would not have survived in the nights following the Anarch Revolt without substantial participation from the Toreador, and they remain among its most ardent supporters.

Appearance: Almost to the last, they are attractive in some way, whether the traditional beauty of a runway model or the dangerous allure of something more predatory. The Degenerates augment their physical beauty with a sense of personal style, which may take the form of expensive couture, avant-garde street wear, or classical fashions designed to emphasize their appealing qualities. This isn’t to say that ugly Toreador don’t exist. Indeed, those gifted with less physical beauty often go that much further with their choice of accoutrements.

Haven: The Degenerates spare no expense in appointing their havens in luxury, often with many original works of art. It is a point of pride among Toreador to have an unconventional (and thus memorable) haven with modern comforts; thus, many have striking lofts and penthouses, while the bolder among them renovate or re-purpose everything from abandoned aquariums or deconsecrated churches to rooftop gardens or converted warehouse-galleries in fashion-for-ward neighborhoods. Share a communal haven? How déclassé.

Background: Many Toreador hail from high-society or “bohemian” backgrounds. Indeed, many are themselves artists or influential among local art scenes or other subcultures. Actors, singers, musicians, sculptors, poets, playwrights, authors, and creative folk of any stripe may well find a home in the Clan, as do those who serve as patrons to (or travel in the entourages of) those artistic types.

Character Creation: Social attributes are almost always primary, with an even split among Talents, Skills, and Knowledges depending on how the Toreador distinguishes herself. Toreador also love to cultivate Backgrounds. Allies, Contacts, Resources, Domain, Haven, Mentors, Resources, Retainers — all of these have great value among Toreador. Wise Toreador may choose to develop their Virtues, Humanity, Path, or Willpower, because with an unlife of degeneracy, they must frequently attend to the ugly business of bringing the Beast to heel.

Clan Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Presence

Weaknesses: When a Toreador experiences something truly remarkable — a person, an objet d’art, a lovely sunrise — the player must make a Self-Control or Instincts roll (difficulty 6). Failure means that the Kindred finds herself enthralled by the experience. The dazzled Toreador cannot act for the duration of the scene aside from commenting on or continuing their involvement with whatever has captured their attention. If the experience no longer affects her (whether by moving, being destroyed, or whatever is appropriate to the situation), the captivation ends. Enraptured Toreador may not even defend themselves if attacked, though being wounded allows them to make another Self-Control or Instincts roll.

Organization: Clan Toreador is cliquish and parochial in its local domains, but very rarely on a level that affects Clan-wide custom. Certain Toreador (and a few outside the Clan) sometimes use the terms “artiste” and “poseur” when describing individual Toreador, often derisively, to describe whether the Degenerate in question is one who is seen as creative or simply a follower of established trends, but these are certainly informal distinctions. Clan Toreador is made up of Artist and Posers of many different skills and predilections. To account for this they have developed a complex Guild system to foster the Arts within the Clan. These Guilds have existed for a long time and it is not known if they formed the basis for the mortal craft guilds or the other way round. Most suspect that it is a shared development, but some of the more proud Toreador will argue that the mortals simply followed their lead.

Quote: Long after you die, I will still be young, beautiful, and adored by everyone whose life I touch.

3rd Generation

4th Generation

  • -- Helena -- Trojan Princess and methusaleh.
  • -- Iontius -- AKA: Derrick Zeel -- Toreador porn star. {Beirut, Lebanon}
  • -- Michael the Patriarch -- Part of the Triad of Constantinople and methusaleh. (Deceased)
  • -- Minos -- Sire of Helene, who in later times will be known as Helena, diabolized by his childe.
  • -- Theresa del Babillone -- Methuselah ruler of Costa Rica. {San José}
  • -- Callisti y Castillo -- Methuselah sire of Raphael de Corazon. {Prince of Buenos Aires, Argentina}

5th Generation

6th Generation

7th Generation

8th Generation

9th Generation

10th Generation

11th Generation

  • -- Horace Holden -- Keeper of London Elysium
  • -- Lorna Dingwall -- Progeny of Andrew Campbell and former Toreador hostage in London -- provided she survived the Sabbat takeover of 2015 (Edinburgh).

12th Generation

  • -- Zezé Rios -- Bard of the Sands in Rio de Janeiro.

13th Generation

Those of Unknown Generation

Historical Coteries
