Toreador Guilds
History of the Guilds
The actual date of formation of the Guilds cannot be established, but some significant dates are well known.
400 BC - At the urging of the Guild of Discordia (with assistance from the Guild of Pluto) the Guilds adopted Roman Gods/Goddesses as their names. 1860 AD - The Guild of Mars was formed from the Guild of Vulcan, with support from the Guilds of Pluto and Discordia. 1945 AD - The Guild of Venus accepted photographers into its membership. 1992 AD - The Guild of Venus rejected digital artists and new media. 1995 AD - The Guild of Saturn formed from those “artists” rejected from the Guild of Venus. The Guild was backed by the Guilds of Pluto, Discordia and Vulcan, much to the anger of the Guild of Venus.
In Modern Nights
Things are not “happy” between the Guilds. The Guilds of Apollo and Venus see the rise of the “New” Guilds as a direct threat to their power, but are not willing to challenge them due to the support of the Minor Guilds (Pluto and Discordia) and the Guild of Vulcan. The New Guilds, specifically the Guild of Saturn, are rising in power and prestige, and this is dragging the Minor Guilds into a more dominant position. It looks like conflict is brewing between the Guilds of Clan Toreador.
Guild Ranks and Positions
Within the Guilds there are a number of ranks that loosely identify how advanced one is within their chosen art form. The titles for these vary slightly from Guild to Guild.
Each Guild also has a number of positions of authority; these positions are separate from a person’s rank in the Guild, though to hold certain positions one must attain a certain rank.
Guild Ranks
Below are the ranks attainable in the Guilds and their names (the names in bold are the names in common use, the names in italics are used by the Guild of Pluto and the plain names used by the Guild of Mars and some parts of the Guild of Vulcan, depending on Art Form).
Rank Description
Student Learning your Art form. No ‘Skill Requirements’ but you must have a reason for being embraced.
PLUTO – You have agreed to support an Artist of another Guild.
Free Student You have finished your apprenticeship and are working on your Journeyman Piece. To have this rank you MUST have at least 2 points in your Art form. If progress on your Journeyman Piece has not continued for a period of 12 months you will be demoted back to Apprentice.
PLUTO – you must be supporting an artist that has completed their Journeyman’s work, you must have also supported them during the creation of their work.
Scholar You are no longer under the control of a Master and are free to travel and study the different parts of your art under other Masters as you wish. To attain this rank you must have at least 3 points in your chosen Art Form. You must also Present your Journeyman Piece to a panel of Masters (one of which is from the Guild of Discordia) for appraisal. The piece must be graded as acceptable to proceed.
PLUTO – You have supported 2 Artists through their Journeyman works and continue to support other Artists.
Free Scholar You have finished your Journeyman Travels and associated learning and are now in a settled period of development of your Art. To attain this Rank you need to have at least 3 points in your chosen Art form and 2 points in other related crafts or skills. (example: Performance: Harp 3, Craft: Composition 1, History: Music 1) You do not need to be settled in a particular area or with a particular group to be an Artisan. You are no longer answerable to a Master.
PLUTO – You support at least 3 Artisans.
Prevost You have studied your Art in many forms and are now accepted as a Master of your Art form. To attain this rank you must have at least 4 in your chosen Art Form and 3 points in other related Crafts and/or Skills. (Performance: Harp 4, Craft: Composition 2 , History: Music 1) You must also prepare a Master Work that shows not only your mastery of your Art but the understanding of the skills required to support it. This work is judged by a panel of Masters and Grand Masters, one of which is to be a Master of the Guild of Discordia.
PLUTO – You have supported 3 Artists through their successful Master Works. This rank is bestowed upon the promotion of your third beneficiary.
Grand Master
Maestro You are an acknowledged Master of your Art, but you have also moved beyond the base form of your Art and have specialised into a style that is uniquely your own. To attain this rank you must have at least 5 points in your chosen Art form and 6 points in associated skills (Performance: Harp 5, Craft: Composition 3, History: Music 3) and have been proven to support others in your Art. Because of the exacting nature of the Toreador there are less than a handful of Grand Masters in each of the Major Guilds, even less in the Minor Guilds and the Guilds of Mars and Saturn are yet to acknowledge a Grand Master.
PLUTO – You have supported 3 Artists to Grand Master, or you have continuously supported 2 Artists from Apprentice to Grand Master
Guild Positions
Rank Description
Master Upon reaching the rank of Master you can become a Master to one (or more) Apprentices. You will also be asked to judge Journeyman works and may be asked to sit on a Masters Panel.
Leader If there are enough members of a Guild in an area a Guild Leader is appointed. This can be anyone of Artisan Rank or above, though it is generally a Master (Rank). Some of the Smaller Guilds do not have City based leaders but instead control larger Geographical areas.
Guild Master This is the Global Leader of each Guild, elected by the Masters and Leaders.
The Guilds
The Guilds are broken into three basic groups, the Major Guilds (Apollo, Venus and Vulcan) the Minor Guilds (Pluto and Discordia) and the New Guilds (Mars and Saturn)
The Major Guilds
The Guild of Apollo
Current Guild Master: Wace Artistic Forms: Poetry, Song, Dance
The Guild of Apollo is the Guild of performance, storytelling and writing. This is the largest of all the Guilds and covers a wide variety of artistic forms. Unfortunately, the Guild is rarely unified in its purpose or direction.
Historically, the Guild of Apollo has been the largest Guild, but this has changed in modern nights. With the creation of the Guilds of Saturn and Mars a number of the more athletic and edge ‘dance/performance’ types have moved to the Guild of Mars. Likewise, modern music can be digitally generated and some of the new musicians choose to be in the Guild of Saturn.
The current Guild Master, Wace, does not see a way to change this under his leadership and has chosen to step down at the end of 2014, with a new Guild Master to be selected.
Relationship with other Guilds:
Venus - Amicable Vulcan - Amicable but strained due to the Guild of Vulcan’s part in the establishment of the Guilds of Mars and Saturn. Discordia - Reserved. After all, nobody likes a critic. Pluto - Amicable because patrons are often useful for support while the Artiste does her real work, but Reserved due to acceptance of non-Toreador members and the backing of the Guild of Pluto for the Guilds of Mars and Saturn. Mars - Antagonistic. To the Guild of Apollo, athleticism is not and can never be an art form. It is either dance or it is combat, it cannot be both. And combat is NOT an art form. Saturn - Antagonistic. Art should be pure, not digitally enhanced or created by pushing a few buttons. Art should involve work by the Artiste rather than getting a computer to do the work. Under this Guild, ANYONE could call themselves an Artist, even if they have no talent beyond pushing a few buttons.
The Guild of Venus
Current Guild Master: Katherine of Montpellier Artistic Forms: Painting, Sculpture and some Photography
The Guild of Venus is commonly accepted to be the oldest of the current Guilds (though some members of the Guild of Apollo with contest this). This belief and the great historical litany of Great Works in these forms have also made this guild the most cliquish and conservative.
The Guild of Venus choose not to oppose the Guild of Mars as it saw no threat to its power and the idea of a Guild that had great attention to defending Elysium’s convinced the then Guild Master to not vote against it. However, in 1990, with the return of Katherine of Montpellier and her immediate rise to the position of Guild Master of Venus things have changed.
Katherine is a very traditional artist and wants to ‘restore’ the Glory of Painting and Sculpture. She has started to purge the Guild of digital artists and photographers so that the Guild can focus on true art.
Relationship with other Guilds:
Apollo - Amicable, even though they harbor the mistaken belief that they are older. Vulcan - Amicable but Reserved. After all, they let just anybody join their ranks. Discordia - Reserved. After all, nobody likes a critic. Pluto - Amicable because patrons are often useful for support while the Artiste does her real work, but Reserved due to acceptance of non-Toreador members and the backing of the Guild of Pluto for the Guilds of Mars and Saturn. Mars - Reserved. They pose no threat to the Guild of Venus, but neither are they worthy of any higher opinion. Saturn - Antagonistic. This is NOT an art form and has no place in our Guilds.
The Guild of Vulcan
Current Guild Master: Johannes Gutenberg Artistic Forms: Craft, Sciences, Skills
Traditionally the smallest and least prestigious of the Guilds, the Guild of Vulcan has grown in power in the modern nights due to accepting any ‘artist’ that was not accepted into the other Guilds. It has also broken off parts of its membership to form the ‘New Guilds’, which it has supported (with the help of the New Guilds) and this has further put it out of favour with the Guilds of Apollo and Venus.
The Guild of Vulcan has never been large in comparison to the Guilds of Apollo and Venus, but still holds the rank of Major Guild for the work they do over the Minor Guilds. Why Johannes has worked so hard to form first the Guild of Mars and later the Guild of Saturn is not known, but the Guild of Vulcan is starting to increase its share of Artists as some of the new blood focus on the tools and technology supporting the New Media craze. It would shock most Ventrue to learn how many Toreador are involved in the ‘Cloud’ computing craze that is taking globally.
Relationship with other Guilds:
Apollo - Reserved Venus - Reserved Discordia - Reserved. After all, nobody likes a critic. Pluto - Amicable Mars - Amicable Saturn - Amicable
The Minor Guilds
The Guild of Discordia
Current Guild Master: Dianna of Crete Artistic Forms: Critics
The actual age of this Guild is open to some debate, as there have always been those that critique what others have made. What is generally accepted is that this Guild rose to power during the rise of the Roman Empire (at the same time as the Guild of Pluto) and also through use of ‘sharpened’ tongue changed the names of the Guilds to their Roman equivalents.
While the political power of this Guild has never been as strong as the Guilds of Apollo and Venus (who argue that without them this Guild would not exist), it still has a significant amount of power. The Guild of Vulcan is often seen supporting the Guild of Discordia and vice versa.
Why the Guild of Discordia has supported the Creation of the New Guilds is not certain. Publically the Guild of Discordia say that the world has changed and that Clan Toreador must change to support it and they argue that fresh ‘blood’ is needed to stir the passions of the Old blood to new heights of creation and invention.
Relationship with other Guilds:
Apollo - Reserved Venus - Reserved Vulcan - Reserved Pluto - Reserved Mars - Reserved Saturn - Reserved
The Guild of Pluto
Current Guild Master: Gabriel de la Cueva Artistic Forms: Patronage, Money, Filthy Lucre
The Guild of Pluto is the Guild of Patrons. While members of other Guilds may support their members academically, the Guild of Pluto has made an art form of financial support. This Guild also includes a number of non-Toreador members (mostly Ventrue, but some from other Clans). The political power of the Guild of Pluto was never large until the rise of the New Guilds, as not only did they require significant amounts of money to conduct their Art, but they actually started to generate large amounts of money for their Patrons (especially the Guild of Saturn). This started the change in dynamics of the Guilds, with the Guild of Pluto vigorously supporting the New Guilds and the Guild of Vulcan (due to its support of the New Guilds). This has caused a significant amount of ‘tension’ with the Guilds of Apollo and Venus.
The Guild of Pluto walks a fine line in that its main role is to financially support the other Guilds. To do this they have inducted members of other Clans into their fold. Traditionally this has accounted for about 10-15% of the membership (and about 25% of the money), but in the last 2 decades this percentage has changed radically. Other Clans now make up about 30% of the membership and contribute close to 55% of the money. In addition the First Non-Toreador Grand Master has been promoted.
The Guild is also unique in that it allows Membership in other Guilds. Although a few Toreador are dedicated patrons, most of its membership holds some Rank in other Guilds.
Relationship with other Guilds:
Apollo - Reserved Venus - Reserved Vulcan - Amicable Discordia - Amicable Mars - Amicable Saturn - Amicable
The New Guilds
The Guild of Mars
Current Guild Master: Fiore dei Liberi Artistic Forms: Martial and Athletic
The Guild of Mars was formed in the mid 1800’s as the rise of Athletic performers into the Ranks of the Toreador increased. Usually these Toreador would be placed in the Guild of Vulcan, but the Grand master of the Vulcan Guild saw an opportunity and with the assistance of the Guild Leaders of Pluto and Discordia formally recognised the Guild of Mars. Though there are some Toreador that contest that this Guild is merely the recreation of an older Guild this has not been proven, what is important is that the Guild of Mars almost always follows the lead of the Guild of Vulcan.
When formed to hold the Athletes of the modern nights a number of Warriors and martial ‘Artists’ of the Guild of Vulcan also moved to the new Guild seeing it as a more appropriate fit, this lent the Guild more Political Power.
Fiore leads the Guild well and has managed to attract a steady stream of new member of the Guild. He has also strongly lead the Guild in supporting the defence of ALL Elysium’s, this has won him grudging support from the Guilds of Apollo and Venus, but the Guild of Apollo in particular begrudges the number of athletic performers/dancers that have chosen the Guild of Mars over itself.
Relationship with other Guilds:
Apollo - Antagonistic. The Guild of Apollo does not approve, nor does the Guild of Mars care. Venus - Reserved. The Guild of Venus does not believe that the Guild of Mars is a threat to their political power; we shall see in time. Vulcan - Amicable Pluto - Amicable Discordia - Reserved. After all, nobody likes a critic. Saturn - Amicable
The Guild of Saturn
Current Guild Master: Nicéphore Niépce Artistic Forms: New Media
The youngest of the Guilds, with the youngest Guild Master barely 2 decades old, this Guild accepts all Artists of new media, though some are claimed by the Guild of Venus (photographers). This has become less clear in modern nights with the rise of digital photography and computer graphics and the return of Katherine of Montpellier. This has not made the Guild of Venus happy as it has eroded their elitism and political power base. However, the Guild of Saturn is strongly backed by the Guilds of Vulcan, Pluto and Discordia, as they are making significant political gains by supporting it. Some of the newest members of the Guild are pure digital artists and film makers, and to conduct their art they have turned to the Guild of Vulcan to assist, which has linked the two Guilds even further.
Relationship with other Guilds:
Apollo - Antagonistic. The Guild of Apollo does not approve, nor does the Guild of Saturn care. Venus - Antagonistic. Serves them right for rejecting us. Vulcan - Amicable Pluto - Amicable Discordia - Reserved. After all, nobody likes a critic. Saturn - Amicable
The Guild Masters
Robert Wace is a charming if formulaic leader for the Guild of Apollo, he is of Master rank and is an Elder of the Clan. His Guild has always enjoyed large numbers and good growth. He has mostly continued the policies of his predecessors in the role, formulating now radical new policies.
The rise of the New Guilds has changed the situation of the Guild and Wace is an honest enough person to realise that he cannot provide what the Guild needs to face this challenge. He has announced his retirement and will bend all his efforts to supporting a new Guild Master that can tackle the challenge the Guild faces.
Of all the Guild Masters Wace is the most honest and forthright. He abhors the continual backbiting and politics that occur in the Guild, he knows that some is needed to spur great art but that the politics is now as important as real art.
Katherine of Montpellier
The originator of Soul Painting, and one of the youngest Grand Masters of the Guilds, everyone thought Katherine had perished in the Anarch uprising and mourned her loss to the art. Her return from torpor in 1990 inspired hope amongst painters that wished to study with her. The then Guild Master of the Guild of Venus, Calliope, called Katherine to Paris to discuss this very topic.
What was said in their meeting is not known, but Calliope sent out missives afterwards stating that Katherine would teach a number of promising students and that she (Calliope) also would be stepping down as Guild Master effective immediately and that Katherine was her chosen successor.
Katherine does not like modern Art, particularly digital art and to a lesser degree photography, describing it as lacking in soul and showing little to no inventive ability. She has been slowly driving these artists from the Guild; stating that to become great as the Old Masters the Guild needs to focus on traditional art forms.
Johannes Gutenberg
Johannes seems to be a Guild Master on a crusade. He has actively worked to enhance the power and prestige of his Guild, through some unorthodox methods, in particular the creating of the Guild of Mars. This initially seemed to reduce the membership of the Guild of Vulcan, but recently it has been acknowledged as a very politically savvy move.
Johannes is an affable and charming gentleman. He is an Elder of the Toreador Clan and a Master of the Guild of Vulcan.
Dianna of Crete
Dianna comes across as scathing and hateful in her critiques of others arts. If there is a fault in the art she will find it. She has publically stated that the arts of the Guilds of Apollo and Venus are staid and repetitive with no invention, her most famous line being ‘yet another zombie shambling over the Great Works of Masters past.’
She has openly stated that her support for the Guild of Saturn is in hope that this will spur the sleeping giants that might still exist in the Guilds of Apollo and Venus to rise about the claws of the has-beens that control the Guilds and show the World that True Art is not dead.
This is not to say that she heaps unwarranted praise on the New Guilds art works, she is just as vicious with regards to their works, but she does seem to find more originality and ideas in their offerings.
She is very quiet on the matter of the Guild of Mars, publically supporting them for their stance on Elysium but offering no opinion on the artfulness of its members. Dianna is a Grand Master of the Guild of Discordia and an Elder of the Clan.
Gabriel de la Cueva
Gabriel de la Cueva is a Spanish Lord and consummate politician. He is always well spoken and considered in his opinions. He does not like the current situation of fighting amongst the Guilds to be most unseemly.
He is often publically exasperated at the attitudes of the Guilds of Apollo and Venus. They treat the Guild of Pluto as a resource and complained when he did not find enough ‘Patrons’ to support all their artists. Now that he has increased the number of patrons and the amount of money they can use to support the artists of the other Guilds he is accused of watering down the Guild by allowing in so many members from other Guilds.
The Guilds of Apollo and Venus are still not getting the ‘patronage’ they expect, and take it badly when Gabriel explains that the return on investment (in prestige as well as in money) from supporting an artist in the New Guilds is difficult to overcome.
A lot of art coming out of the Guild of Saturn is not only turning heads it is actually generating monetary returns that allow the Guild of Pluto to support other Artists in other Guilds, but the new media is expensive and a solid percentage of the support is actually going to the Guild of Vulcan to craft new tools and systems to support the New Guilds. Gabriel was embraced by the former Guild Master and was moulded to take the role. He is careful, considered, well-spoken and very intelligent.
Fiore dei Liberi
Fiore is a rare specimen of the Toreador, having been a member of two Major Guilds and now a Guild Master in one of the New Guilds, as well as being a well-respected member of the Guild of Pluto.
He was initially embraced for his writings on combat rather than his actual combat skills and rose to the rank of Artisan in the Guild of Apollo before leaving to join the Guild of Vulcan to study the techniques involved in the crafting of swords to further the physical side of his art. In the Guild of Vulcan he rose to the rank of Master before being asked to leave to take the position of Guild Master for the Guild of Mars, a rank he has held since. He was recently raised to Maestro on the acclaim of his Guild Members and did not request it personally.
He is fast friends with Johannes and a strong supporter of all the arts of the Toreador (he also holds Patron Rank in the Guild of Pluto), and is a staunch defender of the sanctity of the Elysium as a place for true art to be shown.
He is not liked by the Guild Masters (and most members) of the Guild of Apollo and Venus due to the number of Guilds he has been in, but they do acknowledge that he is an effective Guild Master.
Nicéphore Niépce
Nicéphore is an inventor; he has done much and is expected to follow the development of photography for the rest of his existence. While he was embraced for his skills as an inventor it is the artistic results of his inventions that drive him. He worked hard to get photography accepted as an art form in the Guild of Venus, working his way to Artisan in the Guild as a painter and then showing the ability of photography to capture just as much ‘passion’ in his Master Work.
The return of Katherine has turned this to ash and forced him to leave the Guild, he returned to his sire and with this support has founded the Guild of Saturn to bring down Katherine. He does not care what his actions are doing to the other Guilds and is a little disappointed that Katherine seems to enjoy his removal of modern ‘New Media’ from her Guild. Nicéphore is the youngest of all the Guild Masters and is in fact only an Ancillae of the Toreador Clan.
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