Océane D'aramitz

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Toreador -x- Beirut

Toreador countess océan daramitz.png

Sobriquet: Baroness (official - Océane prefers her inherited and feminine titles rather than the more masculine title of prince), Athénaïs (Athena - personal and private)

Appearance: To judge from her appearance alone, one would think that the Baroness D'aramitz is a young woman, in her early twenties at most. But appearances can be deceiving where the undead are concerned, for Océan has surpassed her second century beneath the Curse of Caine. Athénaïs stands 1.67 meters tall and weighs no more than 45 kilos soaking wet. She has the delicate frame of a French aristocrat and the pale countenance of someone who has not seen the sun in years, or centuries to be more precise. Of course, the baroness is a beauty, but her charms are of a more androgynous nature, such that even in her breathing days she could pass herself off as an effeminate young man. Her face is almond shaped, giving her a faintly fox-like visage with intelligent, midnight dark eyes that seem to peer in all directions at once. She has lustrous black hair which she wears short as men did in the early twentieth century. Her eyebrows and eyelashes are black without any particular feminine quality, which nonetheless still convey her feelings in exquisite detail, at least those she wishes others to observe. The Baroness is given to wearing masculine dress, and she prefers the finest Parisian ensemble available. The only thing that even hints that she is anything beyond male are her pierced ear-lobes, but with a bit of face paint and sticking plaster even that ceases to allude to her gender; she even wears men's jewelry and colognes.

Behavior: Baroness Océan is paradox, a contrast in terms, and without doubt a Toreador. Everything else known about her is either rumor or supposition. By all accounts she pays only lip-service to Camarilla, obeying the Traditions, but rarely using them to enforce her will. At the same time, she flirts treacherously with the Giovanni and Followers of Set, allowing them to pursue their agendas while obstructing the investigations of the Ivory Tower with artful intrigue. Despite this, she is regarded as an egalitarian ruler who largely gives her subjects their freedom and rare constrains them save in matters of art, culture and manners. In those latter three arenas she is a totalitarian despot who believes that her vision defines the meaning of the word beauty and those who disagree with her interpretation openly, often come to bad ends. In person she possesses a burning magnetism that is half carnal and half platonic. Of her lifestyle a few things are both obvious and nebulous: she is clearly a transvestite, a bisexual, a fashion nazi and an art critic extraordinaire. Her politics are perhaps the most perplexing, as she portrays herself as neutral in almost all circumstances. To her mind, the Camarilla is simply the most powerful vampiric organization in the world, but she need not follow its precepts slavishly, nor would she shed a tear over its dissolution. She views the Giovanni as rich and tasteless, thus making them tourists. The Followers of Set are purveyors of goods and services, and to her mind, that makes them merchants. And the Ashirra are just the indigenous savages that make up the undead social landscape of her city. The subject of her most neutral political stance are the Sabbat, so long as they die, she does not care how they perish, just that they do so in an orderly fashion.


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