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New Orleans -NOLA- Camarilla -NOLA- Toreador

Toreador primogen morgaine.png

Sobriquet: Primogen.

Appearance: Morgaine is a petite woman of striking beauty. Her hair reaches her waist and is a deep, velvety brown. She has penetrating, jade-green eyes and brilliant white, sharp teeth. She dresses in flowing clothing, mostly white and wears silver jewelry, exclusively.

Behavior: Morgaine is extremely outgoing and she loves to talk about everything -- everything inconsequential. She never talks about things of great import, unless she must. At those times, she becomes exceptionally serious, and emerald sparks seem to fly from her eyes.

History: It has been so long; very few remember her real name. She calls herself Morgaine, and does her best to live up to the name. The most prominent Toreador in New Orleans, she takes every opportunity to meet newcomers and goes out of her way to seduce the most attractive ones.

Despite the fact that her past is cloaked in mystery, those who have spent any time with her realize she has a great deal of power. Some say that she used to practice with Wiccans, but no one knows to what extent or how long. In fact, some say she even studied with the ancient Druids. She can terrify people with but a look.

Artistically, Morgaine is known as a proficient musician, but her favorite medium is clay. She has created magnificent and bizarre sculptures; some of her creations are displayed in museums (under various pseudonyms). When she is not working in her studio, she usually carries some Play-Doh(tm) with her. She tells everyone that it is for stress management, but other Kingdred know that if she doesn't have something to do with her hands, she tends to become violent and irrational.

Morgaine found out early in her unlife that she gets easily lost in the throes of the Beast. Quite often, she loses all control. She has assumed her position as leader of New Orleans' Toreador more through intimidation than anything else. Some members of the Toreador clan are not very happy with this arrangement, but have been very quiet about their displeasure.

Recent Events: In June of 2005, Jason Maier the Assamite came to see Morgaine and offered up an extraordinary prophesy: "that the city of New Orleans would be consumed by a catastrophic hurricane in late August or early September, later that same year." While Morgaine was disinclined to believe this revelation and initially treated it as a prank by the young Assamite. But after looking at his aura which revealed no insanity and reading his mind, she has decided that one of two things are true. Either someone immensely powerful is trying to manipulate her or Jason has somehow seen the future. Thus, she has opted to move the majority of her resources and retainers to safer locations and keeps only a skeleton crew of retainers around herself to maintain appearances. When the time comes, she plans to be far from New Orleans regardless of the outcome; in her mind it is better to ere on the side of caution, rather than be a victim of circumstance.

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