Tristram Young's Statistics

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Tristram Young

Circa: 2042 C.E.
Last Modified:
Periods of Torpor:
Apparent Age:
Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 1, Stamina 1
Social: Charisma 1, Manipulation 1, Appearance 1
Mental: Perception 1, Intelligence 1, Wits 1
Talents: Alertness, Athletics, Brawl, Dodge, Empathy, Expression, Intimidation, Leadership, Streetwise, Subterfuge
Skills: Animal Ken, Crafts, Drive, Etiquette, Firearms, Melee, Performance, Security, Stealth, Survival
Knowledges: Academics, Computer, Finance, Investigation, Law, Linguistics, Medicine, Occult, Politics, Science
Discipline Techniques:
Advanced Disciplines:
Sorcerous Paths:
Backgrounds: Allies, Contacts, Fame, Generation, Herd, Influence, Mentor, Resources, Retainers, Status
Clan Flaw:
Extra Flaws:
Virtues: Conscience 0, Self-Control 0, Courage 0

Last Modified 2042
13th Generation Gangrel, embraced in 1966 by Braith Corwyn.
Survivor / Competitor
Gangrel of Wales

Attributes:Str 3, Dex 5, Sta 5 / Cha 2, Man 1, App 1 / Per 4, Int 2, Wits 4

Talents: Expression: 1 / Alertness: 5 (ambushes) / Athletics: 3 / Brawl: 4 (claw) / Dodge: 4 / Empathy: 2 / Intimidation: 4 / Leadership: 2 / Streetwise: 3 (hunting) / Subterfuge: 2

Skills Animal Ken: 4 / Drive: 2 / Etiquette: 2 (remaining quiet) / Firearms: 2 / Melee: 4 (shield, stake) / Performance: 2 / Crafts: 2 (woodcarving) / Stealth: 4 (wilderness) / Survival: 4 (Welsh highlands, tracking) / Archery 3 (Welsh Longbow) / Tactics: 1 / Ride: 1

Knowledge: Academics: 2 / Computer 1 / Finance: 1 / Investigation: 4 (tracking) / Law 1 / Linguistics: 2 (Welsh, English) / Medicine: 2 / Occult: 4 / Politics: 2 / Science: 1 / Strategy: 1 / Wales Lore: 3 / Cardiff Secrets: 1 / Gangrel Lore: 3 / Gaoru Lore 2.

Disciplines: Protean 5, Fortitude 5, Animalism 4, Obfuscate 3, Celerity 2, Potence 2, Presence 2, Dominate 1.
Discipline Techniques: Beast's Vigor

Backgrounds: Allies: 5 (siblings, Knights of the World Tree) / Contacts: 3 (hunters and other Gangrel) / Domain: 4 (A sprawling tenement building in Leeds - population 3, security 1) / Generation: 0 / Herd: 3 / Influence: 1 (Leeds fringe gangs) / Resources: 2 (ready cash) / Retainers: 5 (3 bloodbound wolfhounds, a thug for backup and a barmaid who hears all the news) / Status: 1 (Respected Neonate), Gangrel 1.

Virtues: Self Control 3, Conviction 2, Courage 5 (3), Road of the Aesir 3, Willpower 8.

Clan Flaw: As a Gangrel, Tristram looses one point from a Social Attribute for every 5 times he enters frenzy or rotschreck.