Beast's Vigor

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Discipline Techniques

Animalism 3, Fortitude 3

Through the bond of regnant and thrall, a vampire with this Discipline technique can use the vitality of a nearby animal ghoul to absorb her injuries. Transferred wounds ravage the animal's body, seemingly without cause. If the animal survives, healing results in extensive scarring and whitened fur. Elder Ravnos have been known to evince a more powerful version of this art, transferring injuries to human thralls.

System: The player spends one blood point and rolls Stamina + Animal Ken (difficulty 8). Each success transfers one health level of damage (of any type) to a single animal ghoul within line of sight. Use of this power is reflexive, but must be done immediately after a vampire receives wounds (i.e. after the soak roll). Only the vampire's own ghouls may be affected with this power.

Experience Cost: 21