Tatius Italus' Statistics

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Tatius Italus

Circa: 211 B.C.E.
Haven: A subterranean Necromanteion in Sarajevo.
Clan: Lasombra
Generation: 6th
Born: 180 C.E.
Embrace: Autumn of 211 C.E.
Sire: Prince Constantius of Rome - Disappeared in 1309 C.E. - Presumed dead.
Nature: Fanatic
Demeanor: Bravo
Apparent Age: Late 30s (Tatius' life has been rough and he looks older than his actual age.)
Physical: Strength 7, Dexterity 5, Stamina 6
Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 7, Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 6, Intelligence 4, Wits 6
Talents: Alertness 7 (ambushes), Athletics 5, Brawl 5 (wrestling, claws), Dodge 7 (parry, shield), Empathy 5 (sense fear), Expression 4 (insults, sermons), Intimidation 7 (physical coercion, blackmail, pulling rank, stare-downs), Leadership 7 (Dominate 1-2-6-7), Legerdemain 5 (lifting purses, exchanging items, picking pockets), Subterfuge 5 (detecting falsehood, finding weaknesses, fact finding)
Skills: Animal Ken 2 (horses), Archery 4(fire arrows, heart shot), Commerce 5 (evaluation, negotiation, trade routes), Etiquette 4 (street culture, military), Melee 6 (dagger, two blades, shield bash), Ride 4 (bareback, stealth), Stealth 7 (crawling, crowds, prowl, shadows)
Knowledges: Academics 3 (ancient & modern European history), Black Hand Lore 3, Camarilla Lore 3, Clan Lore - Lasombra 5 (amici noctis, the Kiasyd, Gratiano), Hearth Wisdom 5 (curses, omens, wards), Investigation 5 (detect forgeries, locate informant, physical searches), Law 7 (canon, contracts, feudal obligations, oaths), Linguistics 6 (a variety of dead & living European languages), Medicine 5 (battle wounds, diseases, poison treatment), Occult 7 (demonology, pacts, investments, sacrifices), Sabbat Lore 5, Science 2, Theology 7 (Roman religion, Judaism, Christianity, Islam)
Backgrounds: Allies 5 (cultists of Orcus), Contacts 6 (spies), Generation 7, Resources 6 (ancient treasures), Retainers 6 (ghouls), Sabbat Status 4 (Archbishop of Sarajevo)
Disciplines: Celerity 6, Dominate 7 (Fealty, Mass Manipulation), Fortitude 6, Infernal Necromancy 7, Mytherceria 5, Obtenebration 7 (Eyes of the Night, Shadow Twin), Potence 7, Protean 6 (Flesh of Marble)
Paths of Infernal Necromancy: The most of any infernalist in the world.
Rituals of Infernal Necromancy: The most of any infernalist in the world.
Infernal Investments: Several.
Virtues: Conviction 5, Instinct 4, Courage 5
Morality: Path of Death and the Soul (Path of Evil Revelations - ancient form) 9
Willpower: 10
Merits: Ambidextrous (1pt - physical), Light Sleeper (2pt - mental)
Flaws: Demon Hounded (4pt - supernatural - Orcus)
Destiny: After the end of Emperor Septimus Severus' Caledonian Campaigns, Tatius Italus has amassed enough sacrifices for his dark god Orcus and is gifted with a measure of infernal power. His retirement and partnership with a Brythonic merchant allows him to elevate himself in Roman society, while quietly claiming more souls for Orcus. It is during this time, that He becomes a vessel for a corrupt soul and under its influence becomes involved with the highest and lowest levels of Roman society. His partnership with the Brythonic merchant will end in a fate worse than death, when the merchant of Britannia breaks his oath to Tatius.

Orcus' plans for Tatius Italus see fruition when he becomes the secret tutor of the Emperor Caracalla in the dark art of infernal necromancy. His influence over Caracalla will peak when the Emperor sacrifices his brother Geta to Orcus in return for infernal power and the throne of his father.

Tatius, for his success in corrupting Caracalla's soul, is granted the boon of immortality, albeit not in the manner of his choosing. His dark influence over Caracalla doesn't go unnoticed by other dark powers and when Caracalla murders his brother under Tatius' influence, he is embraced by Constantius, the Lasombra seneschal of Rome. Thereafter, he will serve as the agent of Orcus in Constantius' ambitious plans to become the next prince of Rome. The adage that a man cannot have two masters proves itself true in the early fourteenth century, when Tatius must sacrifice Constantius to the fires of the Inquisition and hell to save himself.

To escape the Inquisition, Tatius must flee Rome to the island of Sicily. The timing couldn't have been better as he travels to the 'Castle of Shadows' and becomes involved in Gratiano's rebellion and betrayal of the Lasombra antediluvian. His insidious influence over the newly formed Sabbat will be felt for centuries, but he will scorn the company of the 'Angellis Ater'.

Ironically, it will be the 'Black Angels' who slaughter Tatius for refusing to join in their satanic rites. With equal irony, Tatius Italus will make his last stand in Sarajevo during the worst fighting of the 'Fourth Sabbat Civil War'. Though he will die at the hands of the Angellis Ater, he will take a significant number of them with him to hell, thus incidentally freeing the Sabbat of a number of its worst infernalist. Though Tatius will call out to his dark god for aid against the satanic Lasombra Antitribu, he will receive no help, for his dark god will have found a new vessel for its dark designs.