Numerius' Statistics

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Circa: 2013 C.E.
Haven: Esparto Fortress in Pazardzhik Province - Bulgaria
Clan: True Brujah
Generation: 5th (Originally 6th – Numerius purchased an increase in generation from the Ashipu Narbonidas)
Born: 531 B.C.E.
Embrace: 480 B.C.E.
Sire: Agonistes of Heliopolis
Nature: Scientist
Demeanor: Chameleon
Apparent Age: 50ish and superbly fit
Physical: Strength 7, Dexterity 8, Stamina 7
Social: Charisma 8, Manipulation 6, Appearance 7
Mental: Perception 7, Intelligence 8, Wits 7
Talents: Alertness 7, Athletics 7, Brawl 7, Dodge 8, Empathy 6, Expression 8 (criticism, debate, dialogue, oration, written), Intimidation 6, Leadership 5, Subterfuge 7
Skills: Animal Ken 5, Archery 7, Blood Preparation 6, Crafts 7, Drive 3, Etiquette 6, Firearms 7, Melee 7, Performance 5 (pan pipes, piano), Ride 5, Security 3, Stealth 6, Survival 5
Knowledges: Academics 8 (ancient history, philosophy, medieval history, logic, modern history), Computers 3, Finance 6 (macro-economics, micro-economics, economic projection), Investigation 6 (physical searches, forensic, criminal mathematical models), Law 6 (Roman, Cainite, International), Linguistics 7 (accents, dialects, morphology, syntax), Medicine 6 (anatomy, disease, surgery), Occult 7 (numerology, cabala, metaphysics, meta-magic), Politics 6 (ancient, medieval, modern), Science 8 (Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Temporal Mechanics), Theology 6 (Roman, Egyptian, Indian)
Disciplines: Auspex 7, Fortitude 7, Potence 8, Presence 8 Temporis 8 Thaumaturgy 8
Advanced Disciplines
Auspex 6: Telepathic Communication
Auspex 7: Karmic Sight
Potence 6: Master of the Forge
Potence 7: Fist of the Titans
Potence 8: Divine Strike
Presence 6: Orations of the Wise
Presence 7: Eloquence of the Sage
Presence 8: Facsimile of the Scribe
Temporis 6: Kiss of Lachesis
Temporis 7: Hall of Hades' Court
Temporis 8: Clio's Kiss
Discipline Techniques: Quicksilver Contemplation (Auspex 2 + Temporis 3)
Thaumaturgy Paths: Isopsephy 5, Alchemy 5, Oneiromancy 5, Blood Nectar 5, Karma 5, Mercury 5, Celestial Attunement 5, Geomancy 5, Biothaumaturgy 5, Encryption 5, Transmutation 5, Levenbolt 5, Conjuration 5, Thaumaturgic Countermagic 5, Gravimetrics 5, Mechanotheurgy 5, Meta-magic 5, Technomancy 2
Backgrounds: Age 7 (2,544 years old), Allies 6 (Manus Nigrum agents), Contacts 7 (mortal academics & occultists), Generation 8, Resources 5 (stock fluctuations), Retainers 5, Status 7 (Shaikh of the True Brujah)
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 4
Path of Enlightenment: Self-Focus 4 (formerly 10)
Willpower: 9 (formerly 10)
Merits: Concentration (1pt mental), Eidetic Memory (2pt mental), Meticulous Planner (2pt mental), Obsessive Savant (2pt mental - numerology)
Flaws: Blood Madness (2pt supernatural - Baali Curse), Dark Fate (5pt supernatural - He will step onto an infernal path, shatter the Tal'meh'Ra and ultimately diablerize Troile.)
Secrets: Dark Secret (1pt social - The truth about Troile and the True Brujah), Dark Secret (1pt social - Kateb Zeke is your lackey), Dark Secret (1pt social - The shape of Gehenna to come.), Dark Secret (1pt social - You have seen a future in which you ascend to the third generation and though you know its wrong - you know the numbers do not lie - this is your destiny), Dark Secret (1pt social - You are the architect of the Bellum Horarium), Dark Secret (1pt social - The True Brujah - Setite Alliance)
Plots: Numerius' will plunge Kateb Zeke and the coterie from the future into the ancient past in his grand stratagem. The coterie from the future are charged with stopping the Tremere's temporal revision, while Kateb Zeke's mission is to acquire enough of Mithras' blood for Andrev Burgosov to decant a potation of the fourth generation for Numerius. He will then summon the potation of the fourth generation to the twenty-first century for consumption.
Destiny: Though the odds constantly fluctuate because of the temporal instability that you have manipulated the Tremere into creating, a new current is beginning to form that favors your ambitions. If you follow you plan to its completion, you will soon be a member of the third generation.