Master of the Forge

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Potence 6

Description: Master of the Forge allows the user to make metalwork, generally weapons, of masterful quality by striking the metal with immense, focused force. The power is well known in places like Milan and Damascus, with the Damascene Brujah Wafid al-'Asim ibn Suleiman acknowledged as the foremost master, and a Cainite with this power can command top prices for his work, in money or favors. It is rumored that such luminaries as Lord Jurgen of Magdeburg, Lucita of Aragon and Nastasio the Galician all wield blades made with this power.

System: The player makes a standard roll to forge a weapon (Intelligence + Crafts; difficulty varies according to the kind of weapon being made: 5 for a mace, 6 for an axe, 7 for a sword), though special, reinforced tools are needed when such strength is used. Depending on the type of weapon, the effects vary:

Any edged weapon, such as a sword or ax, has its damage increased by one. This also applies to spears, but not to arrows, as arrowheads are too small to benefit from this power.

Any bladed weapon, such as a dagger, is imbued with exceptional durability and will not break when used by someone with great strength. This also applies to the metal chains of morning stars. Hafted weapons, such as maces and axes, can be specially reinforced with this power by adding metal reinforcements to the haft, though this adds considerably to the time needed to forge the weapon.

Exceptional tools can also be made, such an extra-sharp scythes or hammers that won't break, though most Cainites consider this application beneath them.