Level Four Rituals
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- -- A Draught from the Sixth River of the Underworld -- This ritual is the means by which a necromancer can permanently ingest the memories of the dead. {Necromantic Mnemonic Rituals}
- -- Binding of the Ephemeral -- A human corpse enchanted to snare nearby Wraiths.
- -- Candle of Catharsis -- A necromantic candle that casts mesmerizing shadows.
- -- Child of Hekate’s Truth -- A ritualized haruspicy that reveals the nature of sorcerous rituals cast upon the necromancer.
- -- Coin of the Gorgoneion -- The enchantment of a talismanic coin that acts a mobile ward versus ghosts.
- - Dark Night of the Soul -- A ritual of spiritual ordeal that leads to a temporary increase in virtue ratings.
- -- Drink of Lethe's Waters -- This curse stripes all identity and memory from a ghost, making it more docile and pliable to the necromancer's commands. Origin: I acquired this ritual from the ruins of the Giovanni architectural eyesore in Garden City, Cairo in the 2190s. - 1st Iteration. {BZ} -- {Necromantic Mnemonic Rituals}
- -- Ephesia Grammata -- A necromantic exorcism of a person or thing.
- -- Extract of Mnemosyne -- A dark rite involving the consumption of the deceased's blood to temporarily gain one of their talents, skills or knowledges. {Necromantic Mnemonic Rituals}
- -- Geometria Animae -- A necromantic analysis of the soul, granting among other things, a true name.
- -- Immured Sanctum -- The consecration of a sacred space which eases the difficulty surrounding the dark art.
- -- Mnemophagia -- The transubstantiation of ghostly relics into blood, so the vampiric necromancer can feed in the Underworld. {Necromantic Mnemonic Rituals}
- -- Mnemosyne’s Transubstantiation -- A ritual for transforming embodied relics (memories) into a more fluid form - blood. {Necromantic Mnemonic Rituals}
- -- Mortal Woman without Issue -- A necromantic curse of infertility specifically for women.
- -- Oracle of Python Slain -- A death based meta-magic spell to trace the residue of other sorcerers.
- -- Peek Past the Shroud -- An enchanted mold that is eaten in order to see across the Shroud; see: Brian's Necromancy Spell Book. I acquired this ritual from Molly 8, my sire and teacher, during the 2nd Iteration. {BZ}
- -- Phasmatis Opus Phylacterium -- The imprisonment of a ghost in a specially prepared object to create a necromantic fetish.
- -- Prayers for Our Ancestors -- A powerful ritualized eulogy that grants multiple willpower to a ghost.
- -- Somnolence of the Restless Dead -- This ritual compels the spirits of the restless to slumber in objects associated with their former lives.
- -- Tiresian Skull -- Scrying using the skull of someone's ancestor.