Mortal Woman without Issue

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The Necromantic Library of Phineus -x- Level One Rituals -x- Level Two Rituals -x- Level Three Rituals -x- Level Four Rituals -x- Level Five Rituals

Description: One of the most feared curses to come down to us from ancient times is that of infertility. A woman who could not bear children wasn’t really a woman in the eyes of her family, she became the object of her lover‘s scorn and the pity of her peers. Woe comes to any mortal woman who wishes to bear children and angers the undead, for the power to steal fertility lies in the hands of the necromancer and for a mortal woman without issue there is only the obscurity of the grave.
Ingredients: human tallow / eggs /menstrual blood / toy coffin
Casting: The ritual must begin in a cemetery where the necromancer speaks the name of the victim and his intention to curse that woman with infertility before the assembled dead. The necromancer chants a litany of divine invocations and criminal accusations against the victim while the human tallow is rendered molten, then the menstrual blood and eggs are added to the mixture. When the tallow is cool enough to touch the necromancer molds realistic representations of human fetuses, wraps them in funeral linen and places them in the toy coffin that resembles the victim. The necromancer completes the ritual by sealing the toy coffin and burying it in a fresh grave.
System: If successfully cast, the ritual curses a specific woman with infertility until the toy coffin is either removed from the cemetery, destroyed or the duration of the curse expires. Each success represents a lunar month during which the victim is unable to conceive children. The mock fetuses rot in their sarcophagus until they blacken, at which time the ritual comes to an end.
Reference: Spite of the Harridan (level 2 ritual of Thaumaturgy): Pg.96 of the ‘Sins of the Blood’ supplement.