British Pantheon

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Caer Ludein

Deities of the British Isles

The British pantheon is proud and stalwart, and for a time they stood alone against the Aesir. Their aggressive colonialism throughout the world has drawn the enmity of the Amatsukami and many others, but it has left them with footholds in many influential realms.

Although the fighting has wearied them almost to the point of defeat, they are protected by the isolated nature of their Godrealm. Like that of the other nationalist pantheons, the British Axis Mundi is connected to the national monuments and historical artifacts of their country, including Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, the Crown Jewels and the Magna Carta. Unlike other nationalistic Axes Mundi, however, these connection points open up not into the mainland of the Godrealm, but onto a point far out in a celestial sea. Thus far, it has been too much for the Germans and the Aesir to assemble a force capable of crossing the channel, capturing a connection point in Britain and then establishing a foothold in the British Overworld. Instead, the Axis has attempted to cut off the British Gods by destroying their Axis Mundi connection points through bombing raids and rocket attacks. Still, the British have remained unwavering in their determination, and, with the arrival of the Yankee pantheon, the British Gods are again ready to go on the offensive.

~ Britannia-guards-our-coasts-mary-evans-picture-library.jpg -- Britannia -- Lady Britain
~ John Bull - World War I recruiting poster.jpeg -- John Bull -- Johnny English, Le Rosbif
~ The Bandit King.jpg -- The Bandit King -- Robin Hood, Robin of Loxley, Robert Hoad
~ Deity The Great Detective by Sidney Paget.jpg -- The Detective -- A Divine Hero

19th Century Dominions


Nationalism demands a readiness to put the good of the people ahead of the good of the individual. This mentality is essential in times of war, where individuals must be prepared to lose everything in the name of the cause. Through the use of the Civitas purview, Scions can greatly enhance the functioning of their group, enabling them to achieve what they never could as individuals. Such coordination of effort and ability must often be built on tenuous trust, especially because the Gods of the Allied Pantheons never expected to team with one another and often find that they have more dividing them than uniting them. The Allied Pantheons never sought to create this Purview; rather, it developed out of pure need. They simply had to learn to work together or be destroyed.

Many powers of the Civitas Purview allow a character to grant another character one or more dots of an Attribute, Ability or other trait. When this occurs, the user of the Boon temporarily loses the dots and may not cancel the Boon prematurely or regain the gift by any means, even if the recipient leaves the area of effect or is killed prior to the expiration of the power. Unless the Boon states otherwise, a recipient may not receive dots from more than one character in any given trait, but may receive dots from different characters for different traits. A recipient may be a mortal, a Scion, a God or even a titanspawn, but not an animal or an object. At the expiration of the Boon’s power, all dots transferred in this way return automatically to the giver.




●●●●●●● -- GIFT OF DEFENSE
●●●●●●●● -- POOL LIFE
●●●●●●●●● -- ONE FOR ALL
●●●●●●●●●● -- ALL FOR ONE