John Bull

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British Pantheon

John Bull - World War I recruiting poster.jpeg

Description: While Britannia embodies the upper crust of all the United Kingdoms, John Bull is the salt-of-the-earth Englishman. He often wears a top hat and shortened trousers, and is never without a Union Jack somewhere on his wardrobe, often displayed prominently across his vest. He is particular about his tea, has a keen hand at darts and enjoys nothing more than a pint of ale at his local pub. When the situation demands it, he is also daring and loyal beyond measure, dauntlessly moving against any threat to the empire and ever ready to respond to hardship with a stiff upper lip. He makes an excellent and disciplined soldier, ready to travel around the world, yet all the while knowing that glorious old overcast England is where his heart will always remain. He’s also an enterprising merchant, open to new experiences but self-assured that his nation’s customs are unquestionably the best.

Like Uncle Sam, he serves as a recruiter during times of war, but he does so as a peer rather than as a commanding father figure. In this war, he divides his time between tending the English people at home and fighting in the war abroad. For the common folk, he moves about the countryside and the big cities, raising morale and teaching his countrymen how to make do under strict rationing and constant threat of bombing. As a soldier, he serves as Britannia’s master sergeant, never shirking or failing to carry out his orders. He has fought the Aesir and the Dodekatheon in their home realms and in his own, as well as throughout the World. He is an implacable foe and will never so much as allow a hint of distress cross his face until after the job is done.

John Bull’s Scions are every bit as good-natured, stubborn and dedicated as their patron. They are the sailors who would rather drown than surrender, the soldiers who bravely lead the charge against the enemy cannon and the merchant marines who maneuver the pursuing U-boats into traps. They never give up, never back down and never overstate a difficulty. Though numerous Scions of John Bull perished before the Yankees joined the war, more fight on, and will do so to the last.


Abilities: Athletics, Brawl, Control, Craft, Integrity, Survival

Rivals: The Citizen, d’Artagnan, John Henry

Enemies: Freyr, Hachiman, Heimdall, Loki