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Caer Ludein


Description: Britannia is one of the oldest nationalist gods, having been adopted by Athena nearly two thousand years ago when London was a Roman garrison town. Britannia is austere and domineering in her role as ruler of the British pantheon, but she inspires tremendous loyalty and respect in her subjects. As her nation grew from backwoods province to powerful monarchy and finally to preeminent colonial empire, Britannia has evinced a remarkable readiness for change. Although she still believes in a properly maintained social hierarchy, she was one of the first to embrace common law for all her subjects. She sees her younger sisters, Columbia and Marianne, as immature and irreverent, but she is more than ready to put aside her differences in the face of the Axis threat.

As the spirit of an island nation, Britannia has always been particularly invested in seafaring technology. For centuries she has pushed her people to maintain their unbeatable naval power. The seas have always been her first line of defense, but in this war they have also proven to be her greatest vulnerability. Njord’s aquatic titanspawn and U-boats have been choking off the isles, mercilessly hunting all traffic to and from the realm. Britannia herself has gone into the waters to meet the threat, slowly driving the invaders back and smashing their sea-going weapons. She will not be satisfied until she once again commands the world’s finest naval power.

Not all of Britannia’s Scions are drawn to the sea, but all of them find their way into positions of power and privilege. During the conflict, they serve as captains, admirals, politicians and titled nobility. Virtually all have been given knighthood or higher titles, and most hold large estates and ancestral fortunes. Their authority and wealth never makes them weak or self serving; they never fail to fight for king and country. They inspire their troops with courage and unflagging bravery, though they insist on proper formalities being observed at all times between the lower ranks of soldiers and their own echelons of command.

Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic Intelligence, Animal (Lion), Civitas, Guardian, Justice, Water

Abilities: Academics, Awareness, Command, Integrity, Politics, Presence

Rivals: Columbia, Rodina Mat, Rosie the Riveter

Enemies: Amatsukami, Freya, Frig, Loki