Baldesar Rossellini's Statistics

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Baldesar Rossellini

Circa: 2032 C.E.
Haven: Palazzo Rossi del Cagliari in the Castello historical quarter of the city.
Clan: Giovanni -- Client Family: ‬Rossellini
Generation: 6th
Born: 1416‭
Embrace: 1446
Sire: Ambrogino Giovanni
Nature: Bravo
Demeanor: Director
Apparent Age: 30ish
Physical: Strength 6 (8), Dexterity 5 (8), Stamina 5 (8)
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 4
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 5
Talents: Alertness‭ ‬4 ‭(a‬mbushes, being followed),‭ ‬Athletics‭ ‬4,‭ ‬Brawl‭ ‬5 (fisticuffs,‭ g‬rappling, claws),‭ ‬Dodge‭ ‬5,‭ ‬Empathy‭ ‬2,‭ ‬Expression‭ ‬3‭ (‬formal introductions,‭ ‬vulgarity‭)‬,‭ ‬Intimidation‭ ‬6 (physical coercion,‭ c‬reative threats),‭ ‬ Leadership‭ ‬4 (commands),‭ ‬Legerdemain‭ ‬4 ‭(p‬rocuriment, find informant),‭ ‬Memory‭ ‬4 (faces, fighting styles),‭ ‬Subterfuge‭ ‬3
Skills: Animal Ken‭ ‬2,‭ ‬Etiquette‭ 3‬,‭ ‬Firearms‭ 5 (pistols, dueling, two guns)‬,‭ ‬Melee‭ 5 (d‬ueling saber,‭ d‬isarms,‭ f‬eints‭)‬,‭ ‬Performance‭ ‬1,‭ ‬Ride‭ 5 (chases)‬,‭ ‬Stealth‭ 3‬,‭ ‬Survival‭ 3
Knowledges: Academics‭ 3‬ (European history),‭ ‬Finance‭ 5, Enigmas 3 (games)‬,‭ ‬Investigation‭ 2‬,‭ ‬Law‭ ‬3,‭ ‬Linguistics‭ 4 (Italian,‭ ‬French,‭ ‬Spanish,‭ ‬English,‭ ‬German)‬,‭ ‬Occult‭ ‬2,‭ ‬Politics‭ 3‬,‭ ‬Science‭ ‬1,‭ ‬Torture 5‭ (b‬reaking)
Disciplines: Auspex 3,‭ ‬Celerity 3,‭ ‬Dominate 5,‭ ‬Fortitude 5,‭ ‬Necromancy 2,‭ ‬Potence 7,‭ ‬Protean 4
Discipline Techniques: Measure the Will, Quickened Instincts, The Seventh Chinese Brother
Advanced Disciplines: Potence 7 -- Just a 7 Potence, Baldesar isn't that imaginative.
Necromantic Paths: The Path of Ashes 2
Necromantic Rituals: Level One - Call of the Hungry Dead, Rape of Persephone,Revivify the Cold Vitae, Level 2 - Eyes of the Grave, The Hand of Glory, Kiss of Ages
Backgrounds: Allies 5, Contacts 5,‭ ‬Generation 7,‭ ‬Herd 5,‭ ‬Influence 5,‭ ‬Resources 6,‭ ‬Retainers 5,‭ ‬Status 5 (Anziani)‭
Flaws: Short Fuse‭ ‬&‭ ‬Dark Secret‭ (‬Questions Augustus‭' ‬plan for the Long Night‭)
Merits: Bruiser -- 1pt physical, Underworld Ties
Virtues: Conscience‭ ‬2,‭ ‬Self-Control‭ 3‬,‭ ‬Courage‭ 3
Morality: Road of Humanity 3
Willpower: 9
Destiny: If Baldesar does nothing, he will likely perish in the coming storm, but ironically, should he pull his courage together, he could prove instrumental in defeating the ritual of the Long Night and take a solid step towards personal redemption; or perhaps, he would just remain the monster he is, doing the right thing for the wrong reasons.