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Chimerstry 3

Description: Characters with Apparition can give a static illusion created with either Dweomer or Ignus Fatuus the semblance of movement. Such an illusion moves as the character directs. The movement can be as simple as a banner flapping in the (illusory) breeze or as complex as a galloping horse and rider. If the character is unfamiliar with the type of movement in question, witnesses to the illusion are more likely to pierce it, but if he's seen it before, it should be perfectly natural and not arouse any suspicions.

System: Create an illusion using Dweomer, or Ignis Fatuus and spend Willpower as necessary to do so. At the same time, spend an additional blood point to animate the illusion as you wish. As long as you concentrate on the illusion, it can do whatever you like, within reason. An illusion that does things that are physically impossible, however, gives viewers a chance to recognize the apparition for what it is. A Perception roll, using Empathy, Animal Ken or Alertness as appropriate for the situation, gives the victim a chance to see through the illusion in that case. The Storyteller should determine the difficulty based on the situation at hand, but he should probably require around as many successes as you have dots in Manipulation.

Once you stop concentrating on the illusion, it can continue in simple repetitive motions - roughly speaking, anything that can be described in a simple sentence, such as a guard walking back and forth along a parapet. After that you cannot regain control over the illusion. You can allow it to continue moving as you ordered, or let it fade, as described under Ignis Fatuus.