Ignus Fatuus

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Chimerstry 1

Description: This ability lets the user create simple, motionless illusions that affect only one sense. The illusion stays stationary with respect to the earth: The image of a ship does not bob in the waves, and the image of a tunic does not move with its "wearer." An illusion can be purely tactile - a gust of wind, or a simple illusionary contact - but such a thing cannot truly harm anyone or exert any real force.

System: The player expends one of the character's temporary willpower points. No roll is required. A mental action is required to summon the illusion, but it may be dispelled with a free action at anytime. The illusion lasts as long as the summoner desires and he can continue to perceive it. The summoning character must be able to sense the illusion and is thus automatically affected by it, but the character automatically realizes that it is an illusion. The summoner may affect up to one other person per dot of Chimerstry with Ignus Fatuus or he may permeate an area of up to 20 square yards in radius with his illusion. More isolated and or concentrated illusions may be perceived while it remains in line of sight.

Despite the fact that the user experiences the illusion, she knows that it is illusory and suffers no ill effects. She is not blinded by darkness she imposes on another, for example.