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Chimerstry 2

Description: Dweomer improves the character's mastery of illusion. She can now create motionless phantoms that are real to multiple senses - even all five, if the character prefers. The phantoms are, of course, only illusions. A character might feel the sharp blade of an illusory sword on his thumb as he tests it, but the weapon will pass right through him rather than so much as crease his skin. Illusions created with Dweomer cannot move under their own power, but they can react naturally to their surroundings if the character wishes. An illusory crown might move with its wearer or fall to the ground if released. Alternatively, the Dweomer can remain completely motionless, as with Ignis Fatuus.

System: Spend one Willpower and one blood point to create the Dweomer. You must decide whether the image will remain motionless or ties to a particular person, animal or thing. Whichever you choose, it will remain that way as long as it persists. The illusion's duration and ranges of effect are as per Ignus Fatuus.