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St.Calenda's Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair

Mortal Calixto.jpg



Behavior: Calixto is a consummate con-artist, err...astrologer. He meets with clients who search for answers in the stars and seek his counsel. Calixto's primary gift is in reading people and better yet, understanding them. While he is a more than proficient astrologer, primarily he listens to people and their problems, regardless of how foolish or disturbing, he always tries to offer them good advice. In the process, he insures his client's privacy and secrets are protected at a price. As such, he is quite wealthy, but money no longer interests him. Indirectly, through all the secrets he has amassed, both from within and from without the pageant, he is very influential. But influence no longer holds the same allure that it used to and for reasons he doesn't understand, he is immune to the strange muddling of memory that seems to afflict the other members of the pageant. What he seeks now, is to understand and control the supernatural miracles that he sees around him within the pageant, but he keeps this goal carefully concealed and none yet suspect him of being more than he seems to be.


Relationship with Rambert:

Recent Events: