Gavriil's Statistics

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Gavriil Papadopoulos

Circa: 2023 C.E.
Haven: Gavriil's haven consists of the house directly behind that in which his charge lives with his Roma family. The house shares a backyard, a cleverly concealed door attaching the two basements and a very new, very secret escape route into the tunnels beneath Fakulteta.
Clan: Assamite - Vizier Caste
Generation: 10th
Born: 1909
Embrace: 1941
Sire: Berkant
Nature: Caregiver
Demeanor: Defender
Apparent Age: early 30s
Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Talents: Alertness 4 (ambushes, booby-traps), Athletics 3 (running, swimming), Brawl 3 (boxing, wrestling), Dodge 4 (footwork, momentum), Empathy 4 (detecting fear, detecting bigotry), Expression 2 (non-verbal replies), Intimidation 2 (flexing muscles), Leadership 2 (commands), Streetwise 3 (gossip, underworld meeting places), Subterfuge 2 (lies of omission)
Skills: Animal Ken 2 (dog training), Crafts 3 (whittling), Drive 3 (chases, losing tails), Etiquette 3 (silence, Romany), Firearms 2 (rifle), Instruction 3 (combat drills), Melee 4 (saber), Performance 3, Security 3 (picking locks, set booby trap), Stealth 3 (high places, shadows), Survival 3 (islands, mountain)
Knowledges: Academics 3 (modern European history), Clan Lore - Banu Haqim 2 (history), Computers 1 (web-searches), Finance 1, Investigation 2 (searches), Kindred Lore 3 (history , legends), Law 1 (Romany), Linguistics 3 (Greek, Turkish, English, Bulgarian, Romany), Medicine 3 (first aid, triage), Occult 2 (curses), Politics 2 (clan), Science 2 (chemistry)
Disciplines: Auspex 4, Celerity 5, Fortitude 4, Obeah 3, Obfuscate 3, Quietus 4, Serpentis 3
Backgrounds: Allies 3 (Cypriot expatriates), Contacts 3 (Mafiya families), Generation 3, Influence 1 (Greek expatriates), Influence 2 (Romany tribes), Resources 3 (Swiss accounts), Status 1
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 5
Path of Enlightenment: Humanity 7 (Gavriil's growing feelings for Yoska, Madame Mina's son and his grudging fondness for the Roma is driving up his humanity.)
Willpower: 7
Merits: Sleep Unseen (2pt - supernatural)
Flaws: Blood Madness (2pt - supernatural) - a recent development for Gavriil that could spell disaster for him. Ward (3pt - social - Yoska)
Secrets: Gavriil was sent by the Tal'Ma'Reh to protect Madame Mina's mortal child. Some members of the Tal'Ma'Reh believe that the child is a sign of coming Gehenna, and want to see it undisturbed.
Plots: Gavriil has no plots per-se, of course, he does work for the Manus Nigrum.