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3rd Generation
- -- Arikel
4th Generation
- -- Helena -- Trojan Princess and methusaleh.
- -- Iontius -- AKA: Derrick Zeel -- Toreador porn star. {Beirut, Lebanon}
- -- Michael the Patriarch -- Part of the Triad of Constantinople and methusaleh. (Deceased)
5th Generation
- -- Francois Villon -- Prince of Paris.
- -- Maria -- Child of Helena.
- -- Raphael de Corazon -- Progeny of [[]], and founding member of the Camarilla.
- -- Petronius the Arbiter -- Child of Michael.
- -- Anthemios of Tralles -- Child of Michael. Muse of Architecture
- -- Pakourianis the Dove -- Child of Michael. Muse of Paintings
6th Generation
- -- Annabelle Triabell childe of Maria The Spanish
- -- Léonide Évariste de la Croix -- Progeny of Raphael de Corazon, and Rio de Janeiro's King of the Carnival.
- -- François Dumas -- Progeny of Francois Villon, the Prince of Paris. New prince of Montreal.
- -- Eric Baring-Gould -- Progeny of Raphael de Corazon and Toreador Primogen of London.
7th Generation
- -- Efigénia Campos -- Progeny of Léonide Évariste de la Croix and the Knight of the Roses in Rio de Janeiro.
- -- Leonardo Ferreira -- Progeny of Léonide Évariste de la Croix and Toreador armorer and smith of Rio de Janeiro.
- -- Jacques -- Child of François Dumas, Sire of Morgaine
- -- Carina von Kerzen -- Progeny of Paris of Rome and sibling of Edward Williamson. {Düsseldorf}
- -- Edward Williamson -- Progeny of Paris of Rome and sibling of Carina von Kerzen. {Leipzig}
- -- Versancia -- Sire of Audric St. Thierry. {Paris}
- -- Océane D'aramitz -- Baroness of Beirut.
8th Generation
- -- Audric St. Thierry -- Progeny of Versancia and sire of L'Epuisette; often called the "Master of the Game." {Paris}
- -- Carson Longbaugh -- Toreador Primogen of Houston.
- -- Morgaine -- Progeny of Jacques and Primogen of the Toreador of New Orleans.
- -- Nela Dolezelova: -- Progeny of xxxxx and sire of Tyler Love
- -- Nasr Ramanathan -- Indian Mogul sire of Qadir Al - Asmai.
- -- Sevacora -- Sire of Noël d'Artois. {Paris}
9th Generation
- -- Alice Babylon -- Toreador Neonate and progeny of Carson Longbaugh and owner of the Desert Rose Cantina. {Houston}
- -- Noël d'Artois -- Progeny of Sevacora. {Paris}
- -- Frédéric le Parisien -- Toreador Elder of Glasgow, Scotland. {Glasgow}
- -- Henry Stern -- Renowned Toreador Sculptor {London}
- -- L'Epuisette -- Progeny of Audric St. Thierry amd an agent of the Anarchs (deceased). {Paris}
- -- Qadir Al - Asmai -- The Prince of Quebec City (circa 2023 C.E.). {Quebec City}
10th Generation
- -- Andrew Campbell -- Sire of Lorna Dingwall, the Toreador hostage in London -- circa 1897 (Edinburgh).
11th Generation
- -- Horace Holden -- Keeper of London Elysium
- -- Lorna Dingwall -- Progeny of Andrew Campbell and former Toreador hostage in London -- provided she survived the Sabbat takeover of 2015 (Edinburgh).
12th Generation
- -- Zezé Rios -- Bard of the Sands in Rio de Janeiro.
13th Generation
- -- Derrick Zeel -- Porn Star. {Beirut}
Those of Unknown Generation
- -- Natalia Kumenikova - Toreador (deceased)
- -- Adeline Truchon -- Toreador Prince of Zagreb, Croatia
- -- Yitzhak -- Toreador antitribu and coven ductus of The Shepherds of Caine of Montreal
- -- Glass -- Frontman / Bassist of Persephone Seed
- -- Elizabeth Westcott -- Female Vocalist / Keyboard Player of Persephone Seed
- -- Toma Ilinovic -- Prince of Pomoire, Bulgaria.