Vampires of Paris - 1900
The Grand Court of Paris
Paris was the seat of the Grand Court of the Courts of Love during the Dark Ages. Today it is a Camarilla domain and the poet François Villon of the Toreador clan is it's Cainite Prince. He has been in this position since the beginning of the 16th century (with a brief interregnum during the French Revolution) and, as one of the most influential Princes within vampiric society, considered Prince of all France.
Prince Villon rules the City of Lights and particularly his special pet interest, the fashion community, from the seat of Toreador power in the 1st Arrondissement at the Louvre. His words are absolute law with regard to art and culture, not only in Paris but throughout much of France and the "civilized" world as well. He is especially fond of beautiful women, and many famous models have given of their vitae to Paris' prince. However, his heavy regime breeds several dissents and several Kindred who make their haven in the city have grown tired of his strict rule and Toreador supremacy.
Brujah clamor for more influence, while the Nosferatu Warren of the city dates as far back as to the earliest settlements on the Seine river, so the Clan demands more rights within the city. The Tremere Chantry of Paris located in what is now the 5. Arondissement is one the oldest of the Clan, having been headed by two Councilors (LeDuc and Goratrix), since its inception. Though the trend-setting capital of Toreador society, some Malkavians live here, inspiring mortals in their own bizarre fashion. Elders of Paris have both created and destroyed more artists than most American Toreador will ever meet. The strong presence of vampires attracts members of the Unmastered, ghouls without proper domitors, who sell their services in exchange for vitae. A small coterie, the Order of St.Joan, seeks to spread the Path of Redemption among the native vampires as well.
The Anarch cell of Paris is among the most active in France, inspired by the successes of their mortal for-bearers decades ago, within the 19th Arrondissment. Villon, tampered by the experiences of the French Revolution, usually allows these young Anarchs a taste of rebellion to satisfy and calm them down (least their dissatisfaction erupt in another revolt). A number of Sabbat also dwell in the city, in the 19th and 20th Arrondissements, amidst the lower-class neighborhoods and old slaughterhouses. They have recently made a few recruits among the social elite in Paris, and it seems that the city, so superficially perfect and serene, may well crumble, eaten away with rot from within.
The Legacy of Villon: The Edicts
"The Edicts are written in English for understanding, and in French for mood purpose."
L'Art / The Art
Vous ne devrez ni voler, ni détruire, ni altérer un Objet d'Art sans l'Autorisation de l'Ancien parmi les Anciens. Aucun Objet d'Art ne doit sortir du Territoire de France sans l'Autorisation de l'Ancien parmi les Anciens.
You must not steal, destroy, or alter an Object of Art without the Authorization of the Eldest among you. No Object of Art is to exit the domain of France without the Authorization of the Eldest among you.
L'Elysée / The Elysium
Les Lieux protégé par l'Elysée ne pourront être le théatre de violence, ni de la Chasse. Provoquer la violence ou Chasser dans l'Elysée sans l'Autorisation de l'Ancien parmi les Anciens est passible d'une Chasse de Sang. Par mesure de sécurité, l'accès de certains Elysées sera réglementé.
Grounds protected by the Elysium will not be sullied by violence of hunt. Provoke violence or hunting in an Elysium without the authorization of the Eldest among you can be punished by the Blood Hunt. For security reasons, the access to some Elysiums will be limited.
L'Ordre / Order
L'ordre doit être garanti par le Prince, qui s'approprie donc de manière exclusive les moyens d'assurer l'ordre et le bien-être de la Famille comme du Bétail. Il est par consécquent formellement interdit d'influencer les forces de polices et les forces armées. Les Masques et les Veilleurs, étant les representants du Prince, ne sont pas soumis à cet Edit.
Order is to be guarranteed by the Prince, who thus gather exclusively for himself the means to warrant the order and well being of Kindred and Kine. Thus it is strictly forbidden to influence the police and army forces. The Masques, being the representatives of the Prince, are not submitted to this Edict.
Diablerie / Diablerie
La Diablerie est un acte infâme indigne de notre Condition. Tout Caïnite convaincu de Diablerie sera passible d'une Chasse de Sang, et ce, quel qu'ait été le Calice, ou l'endroit du crime.
Diablerie is an atrocious action under our condition. Any Kindred guilty of Diablerie can be Blood Hunted, no matter who was the victim and where it happened.
L'Amaranthe / The Amaranth
Ceux qui se seront montré particulièrement indigne de leur Sang pourront voir leur Sang arraché par l'Amaranthe. Seuls ceux qui auront été dignes des Traditions et Edits de Paris pourront se voir peut-être accordé par l'Ancien parmis les Anciens, l'Amaranthe.
Those who acted in ways unworthy of their Blood can be subject to the Amaranth. Those who acted in ways worthy of their Blood and of the Traditions and Edicts can be given the right of Amaranth by the Eldest among you.
La Magye / The Magick
Pratiquer les rituels magiques en présence d'un Mage est strictement interdit, tout comme tout contact avec eux. Leur guerre d'ascension n'est pas la nôtre. Clan Tremere Le retour à Paris est conditionné par le comportement de leurs membres. Les Veilleurs ne sont pas soumis à cet édit.
Praticing magic rituals in presence of a Mage is strictly forbidden, as is any contact with them. Their Ascensíon war is not our own. Clan Tremere Returning to Paris is conditioned by the behaviour of their members. The Veilleurs are not submitted to this Edict.
- -- Benedicte Dalouche -- Currently in Berlin...but wanting to return.
- -- L'Homme de Peu de Foi
- -- Saint Just 8th Generation, childe of Robin Leeland, sire of Karl.
- -- Thomas Frère(Thomas, Brother); 6th Generation Duc of the Brujah.
The Bâtards/ Catiff
Daughters of Cacophony
- -- Collissa Montpellier -- Visiting Siren
The Giovanni
In 1794 the Giovanni, along with the Settites and the Brujah through their various pawns create the Terror, and use it to sweep through the city destroying enemies. When Villon investigates the situation, he declares war on these clans and the Giovanni withdraw from the city. In 1850 the clan sends Domonkos to the city with gifts for Villon to allow the clan to return to the city. Against his better judgement the Primogen push him to accept the peace offering, and Domonkos is allowed in the city. Until 1942, he is the only Giovanni in the city other than his cousin Euginia Beryn who was the peace hostage for the clan.
- -- Domonkos Csilla -- Giovanni representative in the city. Lives in the 16th arrondissment
The Noble Followers of Set
The Gangrel of 1900
- -- Niels Frank; - Progeny of Diane Nordman
- -- Jaques La Pul; - Childe of Niels Frank
- -- Jean-Luc Laupier - Progeny of Lord William Harper
- -- Malken Fitzroy -- Progeny of Niels Frank
Ravnos of Paris in 1900
- -- Noham Gough -- Charlatan Artiste
The Mad in Paris 1900
The Hideous of Paris 1900
- - Francois Villon -- Domain: The Louvre {Location: Right Bank of the Seine in the 1st arrondissement.}
- - Arnaud -- Domain: Club Elysée {Location: 8th Arrondissement}
- - Carla Gagnon -- Domain: Église de Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet {Location: 5th Arrondissement}
- - Maxime -- Domain: Saint-Georges -- A neighborhood of Pigalle -- Maxime has a loft above the vaunted SACEM building that he uses as his haven. {Location: 9th Arrondissement}
- - Bernard -- Domain: The Louvre {Location: Right Bank of the Seine in the 1st arrondissement.} -- As the Seneschal of Paris, Bernard resides with his sire in the Louvre.
- - Chevalier d'Eglantine -- Domain: Les Invalides {Location: 7th Arrondissement}
- Merevith
- - Elle Emilie Nicoline
- - Arnaud -- Domain: Club Elysée {Location: 8th Arrondissement}
Line of Raphael de Corazon
- - Lazlo Guerin -- Domain: Palais Bourbon {Location: 7th Arrondissement}
- - Florient (Deceased)
- - Violetta Desjardins
Line of Michael
- - Sevacora - Childe of Edward Williamson
- - Noël d'Artois -{London}
- - Rudolph Paulson - {London}
- - Henry Stern -- English Sculptor
- - Rudolph Paulson - {London}
- - Noël d'Artois -{London}
Unclassified Toreador
- - Gilberto Chavez -- Runs the Receiving area in the Louvre. {"Who is this Keith?"}
The Tremere of Paris 1900
True Brujah
- -- Maria Dziedzic -- Polish Tzimisce Elder
- -- Samuel Janek -- Polish Tzimisce (Cauline)
The Sabbat
The Dark Freedom Pack