Diane Nordman

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Paris -P- The Gangrel History of Paris -P- Gangrel

Sobriquet: Diane

Appearance: Diane is a tall woman of a great beauty, if somewhat feral. She has long straight white-blonde hair, and eyes of a blue so intense they can't be anymore mistaken for normal human eyes (they even reflect the light as does a cat's). Her hands are delicate, but her almost too long digits end in sharp nails. Her ears are pointed and she must wear her hair in a particular way to hide them. Her eye brows are delicate, but pointed up giving her an elf-like appearance. Her silhouette is slender, and her body moves with a decided feline grace. Her sharp hearing can make her suddenly move her head in the direction of the source, in an almost catlike way. She walks without her heels touching the ground and even her fangs (the four fangs: Two up, and two down!) are pointed, even by Kindred standards. Even when she retracts them, they are easily remarked as they still are longer than her other teeth.

She usually wears a long, flowing white silk robe, but can choose less visible clothing, like jeans, a black pullover and a leather motor cycle jacket.

Behavior: She reached Golconda, and it is visible: Her presence is a pleasant aura of calmness and goodness. She spends a great deal of time alone, contemplating the actions of those around her, trying to understand their secret motivation. Sometimes she uses the information for the good of the Clan. Sometimes she uses it to correct the behavior and guide them slowly to Golconda's path.

The only one she avoids are the Tremere, whose leader destroyed Saulot to reach his goal. The Tremere already tried to destroy her, and will probably try again. But strangely, the last time, she was told of the attempt, and avoided it easily.

History: Born in the Norse barren lands, she was Embraced by Brunhilde, who wanted her to become one of her Valkyries. She became the lady of death, killing with deadly precision

But she came to regret this unlife of murders. Less than three centuries after her Embrace, she quite the Valkyries to travel alone in the mountains.

She appeared again around the 11th Century, in England, where she met with the English Gangrel and allied herself with the local lupines, who would call her the Lady of the Gangrel. She promulgated the idea of Golconda among her followers. But in the middle of the 12th Century, Saulot was Diablerized by the leader of a fledgling Bloodline of sorcerers. The new Clan started a war to extinguish the once-powerful Clan of Salubri. The Lady of Gangrel was more than troubled by this event, and disappeared.

Her next notable appearance was in the 16th Century, in France. For some unknown reason, she became the personal enemy of Beatrix, then Prince of Paris. She disappeared less than 50 years after that. The Tremere suspected her of hiding some of the last Salubri, and they started an investigation.

Her next return was just after World War Two, apparently changed. She gathered the dying Gangrel Clan, who had not even a Duc to represent them at the Grand Cour. Her alliance with Melodie (of the Silent Striders), as well as her influence helped the Gangrel and Garou to grow in power again (She succeeded to win their respect when she helped destroy a wyrm-minion).

François Villon was surprised to see her back from the past, and was even more charmed by her appearance than in the 16th century, as her animalistic features were somehow softer and more feminine. Her acknowledged alliance with the Lupines gave her the influence to become Duchesse of the Gangrel in 1965. Her first decision when she united the Gangrel was to forbid the Ordalies which were so much overused it weakened the Clan, and the Blood Bonds enforced by the last Gangrel Leader, Niels.

In the last five years, new Kindred claiming to be Gangrel appeared in Paris. None but the Gangrel know they are in reality the remnants of a Bloodline hunted by the Setite and arriving in Paris at the call of the Lady to help the Gangrel and the Lupines.

Diane knows that a strange disease is corrupting Paris. Her Lupine Allies had discovered even the trees were wyrm tainted. But she knows, too, that the Toreador are not the ones behind it: The Wyrm-tainted Followers of Set will pay...

Recent Events: The Lady will finally cut all contacts with the Toreador. While she won't appear anymore to any Soirée or Grand Cour meeting, the Kindred of Paris won't bother until it's too late. What the Gangrel of Paris do next is a mystery.

She will organize the attack against the source of Corruption, and the Gangrel will be more and more insular and territorial, refusing any intrusion in their domains. This to hide the Lupine infiltration. While some will want to destroy any non-Gangrel Kindred presence, most -unless surprised- will accept the Lady's plan.

Rumors about Diane

She diablerized a Tremere in the Dark Ages, and it is the reason of their hate (False: She protected the Salubri, and this is enough for the Tremere to hate her).
She is not of the Gangrel Clan: She is Lupine (False).
Her allies are numbers in Paris, and we know few of them (True: The Lupines, as well as the Felys are her Allies).
(Among Tremere only) She knows about Valeren, and knows where to find a powerful Salubri Elder (False).


Credit to the Author: https://augias.org/pbn/diane.htm