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This Dominion encompasses the vitality, endurance, and resilience of invincible warriors and legendary ascetics, immortals among immortals. An Avatar with this Dominion can withstand deadly weapons and overwhelming danger as a mortal might ignore a housefly, and draw on nigh-infinite reserves of vital energy.

Innate Power

You are immune to poison and disease unless they come from a source whose Divinity is equal or greater than yours, and never face complications or risk death from hunger, thirst, or exhaustion.


Having dots in ENDURANCE deadens pain and cancels out a character’s wound penalties. The first dot mitigates one point of wound penalties, the second dot mitigates two points, and the third dot mitigates four points of wound penalties. (See p. 195 for an explanation of wound penalties.) Dots of ENDURANCE add a like amount to a character’s bashing and lethal soak. They even provide a limited aggravated soak. (See pp. 194-195 for an explanation of soak.)

ENDURANCE also increases the amount of time a Avatar can perform fatiguing activities or resist environmental hazards (see pp. 182 and 184). A character can go without food or sleep for one week for one dot of ENDURANCE, two weeks for two dots and four weeks for three dots. The character can go for half that long (rounding up to the nearest week in each case) without drinking water. The character can work at a strenuous activity for a number of consecutive days equal to (Stamina + Athletics).

The amount of time a Avatar can hold his breath (see p. 182) increases dramatically. The first dot the Avatar has in ENDURANCE doubles the listed time limit. The next dot doubles that value again. The third dot doubles that new value yet again.

Finally, a character with ENDURANCE needs never worry about his open wounds becoming infected. (See p. 198 for the rules regarding infection of wounds.)

Gods of Endurance



Dots Effects
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●●●●●●●●●●●● ??

Perigee Powers

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