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ARES -- God of War

Ares Mars Greek God Art 02 by peterprime.jpg

Aliases: Mars

Son of Zeus and Hera, and least beloved of all the sons of the Lord of Olympus, Ares commands the wild and bloody chaos of the thick of war, madness and noise and death alike. He is not a wise general, nor is he a reserved soldier — he is a warrior, brilliant and terrifying in his art. Mortals rarely propitiate him, and if they do, it is to beg him to restrain his gifts, for a soldier who sees red is far less likely to live through the battle.

To the Romans, who called him Mars, Ares embodies the Legions, stern and unyielding, the very engine of war that brought greatness to Rome. He is respected and propitiated more than any other God save Jupiter and is attributed with the ultimate parentage of the Roman people, through Romulus and Remus. In this aspect, he is less the brute and more the cog, or rather the sum of all cogs, finely oiled and precise in his application of force — yet still, Minerva is his superior in the realm of strategy, and it rankles Ares to this day.

Bearing twin Mantles, the God of War acts thus upon the World — when chaos and strife run rampant, Ares is there hacking and slashing; and when war becomes a thing of industry and precision, Mars watches over it all with a cool gaze. Though he still disdains the higher realms of strategy and thought, and holds a particular hatred for armed drones, he is nonetheless the most accomplished warrior among the Theoi, and when the Titanomachy comes to Olympus, he will stand before the enemy with a smile on his face.

Provinces: Warrior, Lover, Guardian